China unveiled its "No. 1 central document" for 2022 on Feb. 22, outlining key tasks to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization this year. The document called for efforts to stabilize and increase agricultural production, steadily raise farmers' incomes, and ensure stability in China's rural areas to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and other changes unseen in a century and promote sound economic and social development.
《中共中央 国务院关于做好2022年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见》是新世纪以来中央连续出台的第19个指导“三农”工作的一号文件,充分体现了党中央、国务院驰而不息重农强农的坚强坚定决心,为广大农民群众送来了政策春风和民生礼包。文件包括8个部分35条,主要内容可以概括为“两条底线、三项重点、一个加强”。
Promoting rural vitalization on all fronts will be no easier than the anti-poverty battle, allowing no letup or sluggishness.
Local authorities should promote coordinated development between rural and urban areas, advance rural vitalization on all fronts, consolidate and expand the achievements made in poverty alleviation in coordination with the extensive drive for rural vitalization. They should improve the people's well-being and rural living environment, cultivate social etiquette and civility, and build a new socialist countryside that is beautiful, prosperous and harmonious.
issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
rural vitalization
modernization of agriculture and rural areas