

来源:中国日报网 2024-07-31 22:10
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今年6月首次到访福州的美国华盛顿州塔科马市市长维多利亚·伍达德斯(Victoria Woodards)就受邀观看了茉莉花茶窨制的过程。




“If you think about it, the scenting process symbolizes building a friendship again and again because you can’t just do it once, as it doesn’t last,” Woodards says. “If you continue to do it over and over again, then the bond is stronger, just like the fragrance gets stronger.”


“It's like the cooperation between Fuzhou and Tacoma. We have a very close relationship like the Jasmine flower and the tea leaves,” she said.


The continuous exchanges between Fuzhou and Tacoma stem from their 30-year sister city friendship. It takes over 10 hours by plane to travel between these two cities. Yet time and distance have not stopped the two from establishing sister-city ties, a relationship that has thrived over 30 years. Why?


The person who played a key role in forming those ties was Xi Jinping, who was Party Secretary of Fuzhou 30 years ago.



In the years since then the two cities have engaged closely with each other, with about 100 delegations sent to each other between the two sides. Their collaboration covers many areas, including culture, education, sports and trade.



The sister-city bond gives students and teachers at Lincoln High School in Tacoma the chances to visit China. This has helped them experience the real China and foster a true appreciation for Chinese culture.



On Sept 23, 2015, during his first state visit to the US as China's president, Xi returned to Tacoma. Lincoln High School was selected as the venue, partly because of the sister-city ties and the sister-school relationship between the school and the Affiliated High School of Fuzhou Institute of Education.


At the school, Xi spoke to students, brought a ping-pong table and books on China, and later sent a personal invitation for 100 students to visit China the following year.



"I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for being selected for that trip," said Rigel Adams, now 23, who was a member of the Lincoln High School group that traveled to China in 2016.



"We did so much in those days, meeting other Chinese students, visiting different schools and getting to truly experience Chinese culture. It was the experience of a lifetime. After I visited in 2016, I just fell in love with the people and the culture in China. Everyone here is caring and polite, and it's much more community-focused. It's very different from the US, and I like it."


Since that trip, Adams, who recently graduated from university with a bachelor's degree in science and economics, has been back to China six more times and visited many Chinese cities.


"During those trips, I was able to build some personal as well as professional relationships. My hope is to continue expanding those relationships and maybe to one day (turn that) into a business relationship."


Over the past 30 years Fuzhou and Tacoma have benefited from development opportunities and deeper mutual understanding through their friendly interactions. Today both cities are excited about keeping their friendship strong in every way.



The hope of the China-US relationship lies in the people, its foundation is in our societies, its future depends on the youth, and its vitality comes from exchanges at subnational levels.



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