日本传统中秋节在日本农历八月十五(一般是阳历九月份),在日语里被称为“月見”(即赏月之意)。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is named Tsukimi (月見) or Otsukimi (literally means moon-viewing) in Japan. Celebrations of the festival take place on the 15th day of the eight month of the traditional Japanese Lunisor calendar (usually takes place in September of the solar calendar). 日本的赏月习俗源自中国。1000多年前传到日本后,当地开始出现边赏月边举行宴会的风俗。 The Tsukimi custom or moon-viewing custom originated from the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Custom of viewing the moon and holding festival parties appeared over 1000 years ago when tradition of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival was introduced to Japan. 与中国不同,日本人过中秋并不吃月饼,而是吃一种叫“月见团子”的米糕。赏月活动如今在日本相当盛行。在中秋满月后的几夜,有些人仍会欣赏月景,举办宴会。 Unlike the Chinese, who eat mooncakes to celebrate the festival, the Japanese usually eat eating rice dumplings called Tsukimi dango. The tradition is now so popular in Japan that some people repeat the activities for several evenings following the appearance of the full moon during the eighth lunisolar month. |