每逢中秋节,富含蛋白质和氨基酸的大闸蟹大概是最受中国人欢迎的美食之一。中秋时节也是蟹子准备产卵的季节,这就意味着这时的蟹子最鲜美。一盘清蒸大闸蟹,配上生姜和香醋,往往成就中秋团圆宴上的点睛之笔。 During Mid-Autumn Festival, hairy crab -- rich in protein and amino acids -- is probably one of most sought-after delicacy among Chinese people. Crabs are ready to lay their eggs around the time of the festival, meaning they are at their tastiest right then. A plate of steamed hairy crabs dressed with ginger and vinegar always forms the highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion dinner. |