


来源:中国日报网 2024-06-25 14:41
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Visitors view a vehicle at an auto show in Hohhot, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, June 7, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]

Chinese cities with restrictions on vehicle purchases are encouraged to ease these limitations and provide additional quotas for vehicle purchases, according to a circular aiming to create new consumer demand. The circular, made public on Monday, was released by government departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce.

Local governments are encouraged to support vehicle replacement and renewal when conditions allow, according to the circular.

It noted that efforts will be made to steadily promote the commercialization of autonomous driving and new scenarios for advanced smart driving.

Automobile-related products and services will be enriched in diverse scenarios, such as car races, camping, and car modification. The country will also further enhance the safe and convenient trading of used cars, according to the circular.


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