


来源:中国日报网 2023-09-14 16:41
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A visitor checks out Disney consumer products during a show in Shanghai on Tuesday. CHINA DAILY

The Walt Disney Co, the world's largest licensor by retail sales, is rolling out a new cross-border strategy to facilitate brands in China to better land their Disney licensed products abroad, amid its continuous efforts to boost its franchised products to attract more young and family consumers.


According to License Global's Top Global Licensors Report 2023, the value of Disney's licensing business reached $61.7 billion last year, ranking No 1 globally.

License Global公司发布的《2023年全球顶级授权商报告》显示,去年迪士尼授权业务额达到617亿美元,位居全球第一。

Kermid Rahman, general manager and senior vice-president of consumer products for the Walt Disney Co China and South Korea, said at the annual consumer products showcase convention on Tuesday that the company has initiated a cross-board strategy in China, to help Chinese companies get more distribution and retail access overseas. At the same time, they are eyeing more international brands to expand their footprint in China.

迪士尼公司大中华区及韩国消费品部高级副总裁及总经理林家文(Kermid Rahman)在周二的年度消费品大会上表示,该公司已在中国启动跨境战略,以帮助中国企业获得更多海外分销和零售渠道。与此同时,迪士尼也关注到更多国际品牌寻求扩大在中国市场的存在。

The new strategy is being launched as more Chinese firms are gaining experience in product development, quality control and digitalization in recent years, and are becoming increasingly competitive in international markets, said Rahman.


Disney will assess the possibility of cross-border collaboration with its partners in terms of product development, distribution channels, integrated marketing capabilities, brand management, financial capacities and corporate values, said the general manager.


The consumer product unit's revenue in China has seen double-digit growth this fiscal year. Disney's e-commerce marketplace in China, shopDisney, is on the same pace, according to the company.


Some 800 million Frozen licensed products have been sold in China in the past decade. The World of Frozen, inspired by the animated film of the same title, will open to the public in Hong Kong Disneyland in November.


In addition to its cross-border strategy, Disney continues to innovate its products and strengthen connections with Chinese consumers via integrated marketing, to maintain growth momentum.


Disney China's creative teams develop more than 200 new product designs daily on average. Of them, around 80 percent will be realized into products, with idea materialization taking 12 to 18 months, said the company.

迪士尼中国授权消费品的产品研发团队,平均每天要创造出200多个新的产品设计。该公司表示,其中约 80% 能够量产,生产周期平均在12-18个月。

Apparel, toys, cosmetics and foods are the categories that have enjoyed the most rapid development in the past decade. Disney's licensed plush toys have grown 50 percent on average annually in the past three years.


Disney shares with its partners the market insights the company has observed about Generation Z — those born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s — and Gen Alpha — born after the 2010s. For instance, following the pet-loving trend among the Gen Z, Lucifer, the cat of Cinderella's stepmother, has been developed into a popular toy with a cool personality that young people adore.

迪士尼与合作伙伴分享了该公司对Z世代(出生于 1990 年代中期至 2010 年代初)和α世代(出生于 2010 年代后)的市场观察。例如,伴随Z世代喜爱宠物的潮流,灰姑娘继母的猫“路西法”成为年轻人最喜爱的个性酷炫的流行玩具。

"We will continue to grow our core brand and franchises through our combined efforts, and deepen our emotional connection with Chinese consumers by keeping ahead of new trends, tracking changing consumer performances and behaviors, and staying closer to what consumers need," said John Hsu, managing director of the Walt Disney Co China.


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