


来源:汉语桥官方公众号 2023-01-19 16:32
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此次“汉语桥”书画展“春节”主题收到来自63个国家、793人有效投稿,共计书画作品839份。选手们参赛热情高涨,通过精美的作品表达了对中国春节的理解和感悟,也为大家送上美好的新年祝福。投稿作品经组委会审定后,将上传至“汉语桥”全球外国人汉语大会书画展专题页面( http://bridge.chinese.cn/shz/)、“汉语桥”微信订阅号及中国日报网专题页( https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/5b753f9fa310030f813cf408/5bd80379a3101a87ca900243/shuhua)进行展播。

Happy New Year! The voting and judging for the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners across the Globe-Calligraphy and Painting Challenge, under the theme of Chinese New Year, will begin soon.

The challenge has attracted a total of 839 entries from 793 valid submitters in 63 countries. Participating with great enthusiasm, the contestants have expressed their understanding and perception of Chinese New Year through their beautiful works, and sent good wishes for the New Year to everyone. The final works chosen by a panel of judges will be posted and exhibited on the official event page of the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners across the Globe-Calligraphy and Painting Challenge (http://bridge.chinese.cn/shz/), in the Chinese Bridge WeChat subscription account, and in a special column of China Daily Website (https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/5b753f9fa310030f813cf408/5bd80379a3101a87ca900243/shuhua).








Calligraphy group: 5 Best Skill awards, 5 Best Presentation awards, 5 Most Creative awards, 5 Most Potential awards, 5 Online Popularity awards, and 5 Social Media Popularity awards.

Painting group: 5 Best Skill awards, 5 Best Presentation awards, 5 Most Creative awards, 5 Most Potential awards, 5 Online Popularity awards, and 5 Social Media Popularity awards.

*In order to encourage more lovers of the Chinese language, each entry can only win one award, not multiple awards at the same time.

Mid-autumn theme winners are not eligible for the Chinese New Year awards.




The Organizing Committee for the challenge will invite experts in calligraphy and painting, global Chinese educator, and media industry specialist to judge the shortlisted entries and pick up the winners of the Best Skill awards, Best Presentation awards, Most Creative awards, and Most Potential awards, for both calligraphy and painting groups.

In the judging, calligraphy works are examined for their content, character correctness, stroke arrangement, composition and layout. In case of comparable calligraphy level, works with content relevant to the theme of this exhibition will have priority for inclusion or award. Paintings are reviewed for their coloring, structure, intention, creativity, and novelty of content. The contents of the painting and calligraphy vlogs should be positive and in line with the theme.










Jury Profile

■ Jury Chair:

Ye Peigui (professor, Institute of Chinese Calligraphic Culture, Capital Normal University, doctoral student advisor,vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association,vice chairman of Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles)

■ Jury members:

Zhang Bo (professor, Institute of Chinese Language International Education, Beijing Language and Culture University)

Zhang Bing (professor, School of Culture and Media, Central University of Finance and Economics, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of Beijing Literature and Art Critics' Association)

Wang Xiangbei (director of Rongbaozhai Art Museum, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Second-class artist)

Zheng Qinyan (professor, doctoral supervisor, Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of Children's Art Education Research Center of Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Wu Yanpeng (deputy chief editor of China Daily Website)









The five works with the most likes on the event page of the "Chinese Bridge" Calligraphy and Painting Challenge, in the Chinese Bridge WeChat subscription account, and in the special column of the China Daily Website, will win the Online Popularity awards.

Time for voting: 12 pm, Jan 20- 12pm, Jan 31 (Beijing Time).

You may use the WeChat App to swipe the QR Code or search for the Chinese Bridge WeChat subscription account, then click the "voting for the calligraphy and painting challenge" button on its menu to enter the voting page.

After entering the voting page, you may click the "calligraphy and painting works" button at the bottom of the page to find your favorite participants and their works, and finally click the "vote" button to show your support.

You may also vote on the official event page of the 2022 Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners across the Globe-Calligraphy and Painting Challenge (http://bridge.chinese.cn/shz/).

A single user can vote once only within one minute and can only give no more than three votes on each platform each day during the voting period. The total number of votes will be determined by the votes on the official event pages for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge as well as the votes on the Chinese Bridge WeChat subscription account.








The submitters can post their works in  personal accounts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WeiBo.

The total number of the likes for an entry will be determined by the single posts with the most likes on Facebook, Instagram, and WeiBo.

The five works with the most likes from all three platforms for both calligraphy and painting groups will win the Social Media Popularity awards.

Deadline for sending your likes: until 12 pm, Feb. 1, 2023 (Beijing Time).

Valid submission formats for Social Media Popularity awards:

Facebook: Post your work on your personal account with the hashtag #ChineseBridgeCalligraphyPaintingChallenge. Follow and tag @chinesebridge2002 (The official page of Chinese Bridge) and @chinacultureorg (China Culture).

Instagram: Post your work on your personal account with the hashtag #ChineseBridgeCalligraphyPaintingChallenge. Follow and tag @chinesebridge2002 and @china_culture.

Weibo: Post your work on your personal account with the hashtag #汉语桥书画展#. Follow and tag @汉语桥, @中国日报网.

After posting, you need to send a private message to "Chinese Bridge" Facebook/Instagram/Weibo to register your name, country and title of your entry.

Come on! Send in your likes and give your vote to your favorite work!


All awards for the winners of the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge under the theme of Chinese New Year will be announced in late February 2023.


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