

中国日报社社长 兼总编辑








"Socialism can only be realized through painstaking efforts, and happiness be gained through hard work." This quote of President Xi Jinping elucidates the logic of how the battle against poverty can be won and a better-off society in all aspects be built. This quote has provided spiritual strength for the country’s development in the new era.

With poverty alleviation concluded in a quality way, the destitution that has existed in the country for thousands of years will be eliminated for good. This is a feat the Chinese people have achieved under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. It is also a miracle of human fight against poverty in the world and has contributed tremendously to the global cause of poverty reduction and an achievement widely acclaimed in the international community.

Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres said that China’s success in poverty reduction was the most beautiful story in today’s world. To tell a good story about China’s fight against poverty and let the world know how this achievement was made, China Daily has published a lot of stories and other news products in its newspapers, on its websites and other digital platforms. It has now launched this program 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation.

China Daily has employed the awareness of its brand "100 Photographers Focus" to record the new progress in the struggle to eliminate poverty and people’s life in various areas as seen through the lenses of photographers. The more than 300 photos for this album were selected from among thousands of contributions. This picture book tells of how hard the struggle has been and is also a gift to celebrate securing victory of the battle.

Winning the battle against poverty and building a better-off society in all aspects marks the start of a new long march to an even better life. We believe, under the resolute leadership of the CPC Central Committee, marching forward along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese people will be able to overcome all hardships and difficulties in their pursuit of a better future. At the same time, the Chinese people will contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and to the creation of a better world for all.


Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Publisher and Editor-in-chief of China Daily




2019年9月21日,重庆市万州区罗 田镇,层层叠叠的梯田与错落有 致的民居相互映衬,美不胜收。

Terraces and houses in picturesque disorder make for incredible scenery in Luotian Town, Wanzhou District, Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, on Sept. 21, 2019.

陈小林 / Chen Xiaolin

2019年9月21日,重庆市万州区罗 田镇,层层叠叠的梯田与错落有 致的民居相互映衬,美不胜收。

Terraces and houses in picturesque disorder make for incredible scenery in Luotian Town, Wanzhou District, Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, on Sept. 21, 2019.

陈小林 / Chen Xiaolin

2018年9月4日,航拍位于鄂渝湘边界上的湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州来凤县旧司镇新 峡水库大坝贫困农户集中安置点。这是该县 集中安置点中最大的一个,共安置旧司镇15 个村171户的606人。该县还加强公共用房、猪圈、菜地等配套建设,确保搬迁群众“搬得 出、稳得住、有事做、能致富”。

An aerial view of a newly-built village for 171 families relocated from poverty-stricken areas in Laifeng County, Hubei Province, on Sept. 4, 2018. It accommodates 606 people from 15 villages.

文 林 / Wen Lin

2019年9月22日,湖南衡阳常宁市罗桥镇下冲村,实现了全村脱贫摘帽的村民用农产品 “作画”,摆出各种各样的丰收图案,庆祝常宁市2019年农民丰收节。

Xiachong villagers, who have risen out of poverty, use colorful agricultural products to create various patterns in celebration of a bumper harvest in Changning, Hunan Province, on Sept. 22, 2019.

曹正平 / Cao Zhengping

2020年4月8日,安徽省滁州市凤阳县小溪河镇小岗村,油菜花和小麦长势喜人,丰收在 望。近年来,小岗村以现代农业为基础,以农副产品加工、集散、物流为核心,以旅游培训 教育等为支撑,致力于打造景区、社区、园区融合,创新、创意、创业融合的农创小镇。

A view of cole flowers and wheat in Xiaogang Village in Chuzhou, Anhui Province, on Apr. 8, 2020. Xiaogang has integrated modern agriculture with tourism to boost economic development.

汪 强 / Wang Qiang

2019年2月5日,山东省济南市平阴县玫 瑰镇外山村全体村民在黄河边拍摄“全村福”。在山东省黄河滩区脱贫迁建项 目中,外山村要整村搬迁至10千米外的 安置新区,2019年是全村人在村里过的 最后一个春节,村民纷纷赶回来团聚。

Waishan villagers in Jinan, Shandong Province, pose for a group photo by the Yellow River on Feb. 5, 2019 during the Chinese Lunar New Year. The entire village was to be relocated to another site 10 kilometers away as part of a poverty alleviation program.

吕廷川 / Lyu Tingchuan

2019年10月15日,陕西省商洛市洛南县灵口敬老院,张金水夫妇(左)、杨红山夫妇 (右)在婚姻登记后合影留念。当日,洛南县民政局为灵口敬老院两对行动不便的老人上 门办理婚姻登记。这两对老人与院里其他57名老人一样,都是各乡村的五保户。洛南县在 脱贫攻坚工作中,对全县愿意到敬老院的369名五保户,实行“特困集中供养”政策。

Two elderly couples pose for a photo after registering their marriages at a nursing home in Luonan County, Shaanxi Province, on Oct. 15, 2019. Luonan has resettled 369 childless and poor elderly people from villages in nursing homes to offer them better care.

陶 明 / Tao Ming

2016年11月3日,福建省福州市工人文化宫,“新福州人”举行集体婚礼。每年11月3日, 该市均会为外省贫困山区来榕务工人员举行集体婚礼,并邀请部分特困家庭的父母参加, 一同感受福州的爱与温暖。

The masters of ceremonies tease a blushing couple at a mass wedding ceremony in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Nov. 3, 2016. The city hosts the ceremony every year for migrant workers from poor mountainous areas of other provinces and treats them as “new Fuzhou residents”. Parents of the workers are also invited to witness the event.

李贤松 / Li Xiansong

2018年10月18日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克县提孜那甫乡曲什曼村, 新郎请来朋友搬嫁妆。当地生活水平越来越高,从新人的嫁妆中就可见一斑。

Friends help settle the bride’s dowry in a village in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Oct. 18, 2018. Locals are giving bigger dowries as their lives become better.

赵永清 / Zhao Yongqing


The most prestigious elder lifts up the veil for the bride Chakra Alif at her wedding ceremony in a village in Tashikurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Oct 29, 2016. The county, which has risen out of poverty, has increased investment to boost its economy

薛 为 / Xue Wei

2020年6月21日,四川省凉山彝族自治州布拖县,村民吉吉么瓦尔(右二)在易地扶贫搬 迁房屋分配入住仪式上抽签。集中安置点(依撒社区)位于布拖县城特木里镇特木里村, 共有114栋住房,将安置来自全县26个乡镇、100个行政村的2890户14230人。

Jijimwal (second from right) draws a number from a box to decide where she will live in a new resettlement community in Temuli Village in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 21, 2020. The community with 114 buildings will accommodate 14,230 people of 2,890 families from 100 villages.

陈 懿 / Chen Yi

2019年10月15日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗巴彦呼舒镇乌逊嘎查,牧民乔迁新 居。作为大兴安岭南麓集中连片特困地区,科右中旗确定了“吃生态饭、做牛文章、念文 旅经”的发展理念。全旗大力推动刺绣、畜牧业发展,带动农牧民经济增收,于2019年4 月摘掉了“贫困帽”。

Herdsmen move into new houses in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Oct. 15, 2019. The banner, once an extreme poverty-hit area, got out of poverty in 2019 by focusing on handicrafts and animal husbandry.

毛建军 / Mao Jianjun

2017年8月20日,海南省琼海市嘉积镇龙寿洋万亩田园,农民驾驶收割机在田间作业。机 械化收割机等农用设备使水稻的收割变得简单快捷,提高了农业生产效率,这也是脱贫攻 坚的一项成果。

A farmer drives a reaper to harvest rice in Qionghai City, Hainan Province, on Aug. 20, 2017. Mechanization has made agricultural production more efficient and increased people’s income.

黄一鸣 / Huang Yiming

2019年10月27日,江苏省泰州市姜堰区沈高镇冯庄村一农场,收割机作业人员整装待发。 姜堰区推进农业机械化,一批农机手也从中获得较好的劳动收入,加快了致富奔小康的步伐。

Reaping machines harvest rice in Fengzhuang Village in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Oct. 27, 2019. Promotion of agricultural mechanization has helped machinery operators increase their income.

薛春凤 / Xue Chunfeng

2019年9月18日,西藏自治区那曲市色尼区那曲镇拉托村,高原捡拾车研发者王光辉教授 (右二)指导一名牧民使用该车。据悉,西藏农牧民日常生活80%的能源都依赖于牛粪。 2017-2019年,北京建藏援藏工作者协会组织志愿者在西藏高原的班戈、申扎、尼玛、聂 荣、双湖等县(区)免费发放了2100台高原捡拾车。这种捡拾车可在不同地况条件下捡 拾、运送和翻卸牛粪。

Professor Wang Guanghui (second from right) instructs a herdsman on how to use a vehicle he designed for cattle manure collection and transport in a village in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Sept. 18, 2019. The Builders and Backers Association of Beijing for Tibet Development distributed 2,100 such vehicles to Tibetan herdsmen, who rely on cattle manure for cooking and heating, from 2017 to 2019.

唐召明 / Tang Zhaoming

2018年7月16日,河南省驻马店市正阳县熊赛镇王大塘村,镇农业局聘请的植保队为107户 贫困户的1200亩花生免费提供植保服务。

Agricultural technicians offer 107 poverty-stricken families plant protection services for 80 hectares of peanuts in Xiongsai Town, Henan Province, on Jul. 16, 2018. The agricultural department paid for the service.

高万宝 / Gao Wanbao

2020年4月1日,江西省南昌市,无人驾驶插秧机在稻田里进行演示作业。该活动旨在推广 水田保护性耕作、水稻机械化种植、高效植保等绿色先进的农机化技术,不断促进水稻生 产全程机械化,助力脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。

A remote-controlled rice transplanter demonstrates its work in a paddy field in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, on Apr. 1, 2020. The event aimed to promote advanced green agricultural technologies and mechanization of rice production.

刘占昆 / Liu Zhankun

2016年8月12日,陕西省渭南市临渭区吝店镇金坡村,病虫害防治专业队队员遥控植保无人机进行夏玉米中后期病虫害防控航化药物喷洒作业。这是该省首次进行智能化植保无 人机P20“蜂群式”防治作业。目前,支付宝网页已开通了植保无人机打药的即时呼叫业 务,利用互联网进一步提升了农业现代化水平。

Agricultural technicians use drones to spray pesticides on corn in Jinpo Village in Weinan, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2016. It was the first attempt of its kind in Shaanxi, but farmers can now easily book the service online.

崔正博 / Cui Zhengbo


Farmers pick marigold in Qiubei County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Jul. 31, 2016. The local government has boosted agricultural industrialization to increase farmers’ income.

王金城 / Wang Jincheng


Farmers plant trees in Jiucai village in Zhongwei, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on May 2, 2019. Afforestation makes the village more attractive and helps locals rise out of poverty.

左雪兰 / Zuo Xuelan


Landscaping workers carry a camphor tree to the planting site at Jiangsu Sci-tech Garden of Chinese Medicine in Dasi Town in Taizhou in Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 3, 2014.

董 杰 / Dong Jie

2019年3月21日,江苏省连云港市灌云县伊山镇刘庄村,村民准备栽下薄壳山核桃树苗。 当日,省委驻灌云帮扶工作队全体队员和来自后方单位的150余人响应国家“生态扶贫” 号召,同当地村民一起栽下了9100余株薄壳山核桃树苗。如今大塔河河畔一片绿意,当初 的树苗已经开花结果。

Farmers plant saplings of pecan in a village in Guanyun County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 21, 2019. Guanyun’s poverty alleviation officials and farmers planted over 9,100 pecan saplings that day.

谢 凯 / Xie Ka

2019年5月4日,甘肃省张掖市高台县黑泉镇西沙窝防沙治沙林带。在脱贫攻坚政策的扶持 下,当地大力开展防沙治沙工程,昔日的黄沙被绿网牢牢锁住,实现“绿富同兴”。

Grass shelters are planted to stop sand erosion in Heiquan Town, Zhangye, Gansu Province, on May 4, 2019. The local government has made great efforts to control desertification and make the land green.

郑耀德 / Zheng Yaode


Three generations of the Six Old Men carry out afforestation in Babusha Forestry Farm in Gulang County, Northwest China’s Gansu Province, on Jun. 27, 2019. The Six Old Men refers to six villagers who started fighting desertification in the early 1980s.

丁 伟 / Ding Wei

2018年11月10日,甘肃省武威市民勤县境内的腾格里沙漠,妇女们用麦草方格压沙。几十 年来,民勤县坚持不懈地治理沙漠、改善生态。广大妇女是治沙第一线的主力军,为改善 生态、保卫家园、脱贫致富做出了突出贡献。

Women lay out wheat straw in a pattern across the Tengger Desert in Minqin County, Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Nov. 10, 2018. Women have played a key role in Minqin’s persistent efforts in controlling desertification and improving the ecology for decades.

李建忠 / Li Jianzhong

2015年10月15日,甘肃省武威市民勤县南湖乡,村民在秋季治沙现场。多年来,当地通过 因地制宜、持之以恒的治沙实践,将曾经一度流沙肆虐、寸草难生的不毛之地变成了绿意 盎然的“希望之所”。

Villagers work to prevent desertification in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Oct. 15, 2015. They have made the barren land, affected by sandstorms and soil erosion, green through long-term efforts.

李 军 / Li Jun

2019年6月21日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什 地区莎车县人民医院小儿脑瘫康复中心, 上海援疆专家、该院副院长董沛晶(右 二)和同事们在查房。该康复中心由上海 援建,为各类功能障碍、言语障碍、智力 障碍患儿提供康复治疗服务。

Dong Peijing (second from right), a Shanghai doctor who is in aid as vice-president of Yarkant People’s Hospital, makes a ward round with his colleagues in the rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy in Yarkant County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2019. Shanghai provided support for building the center to help children with various dysfunctions, speech disorders, and mental retardation, to recover.

谢 龙 / Xie Long

2019年7月22日,广西壮族自治区柳州市三江侗族自治县良口乡白毛村,一名侗族老人领 到免费的常用药品,喜上眉梢。为推进“健康中国行动”,做好定点扶贫地区的医疗帮扶 工作,7月16日至26日,山东省出入境边防检查总站组成联合医疗服务队,先后对三江县16 个贫困村的近4000名群众进行诊疗服务,免费发放价值30000多元的常用药品。

An elderly person of the Dong ethnic group smiles after receiving free medicine in Baimao Village in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jul. 22, 2019. A medical team from Shandong Province provided free diagnosis and treatment for nearly 4,000 poverty-stricken villagers in Sanjiang and distributed 30,000 yuan ($4,272) worth of commonly-used drugs from July 16 to 26.

钱 程 / Qian Cheng

2020年5月13日,广东省江门市大鳌镇东风村,镇卫生院医护人员上门为一名贫困老人做 定期的“家庭病床”检查服务。

Medical workers from the Da’ao Township Health Center provide health checks to an elderly woman in a village in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, on May 13, 2020.

许雅君 / Xu Yajun

2019年4月22日,天津市武清区中医院,陈宝贵(右四)为患者看诊。陈宝贵是天津中医药 大学教授、博士生导师,天津市武清区中医院名誉院长,古稀之年仍坚持每日坐诊、定期义 诊。为助力东西部扶贫开发战略,河北、甘肃、云南等地均建起陈宝贵全国名中医传承工作 室。陈宝贵经常通过视频会议、远程授课等形式,为扶贫医院或偏远学生答疑解惑。

Chen Baogui (fourth from right) sees a patient in the Wuqing District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin on Apr. 22, 2019. Chen, a professor at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the honorary director of the hospital, provides consultation for poverty alleviation hospitals through ways such as video conference and distance teaching.

董 鑫 / Dong Xin

2019年3月4日,广西壮族自治区北海市,市妇女联合会携手当地的医疗卫生机构对贫困家 庭白内障患者提供免费检查和手术治疗。

Supported by the Beihai Women’s Federation, medical workers from local medical and health institutions provide free check-ups and treatment to poor cataract patients in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Mar. 4, 2019.

陈 林 / Chen Lin

2018年12月23日,四川省凉山彝族自治州布拖县木尔乡呷乌村,防疫站医务人员为彝族村民防疫 问诊。布拖县是一个彝族聚居的高寒山区半农半牧县,也是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,乌蒙山连 片特困地区的核心区,四川省大小凉山综合扶贫开发重点地区。该县易地扶贫搬迁工作进展顺 利,截至2020年6月30日,全县共有26个乡镇的14230名村民搬进县城集中安置点。

Disease control and prevention workers offer free check-ups to a villager of the Yi ethnic group in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 23, 2018. Butuo, an extreme poverty-hit area, had relocated 14,230 residents from 26 villages into resettlement communities by Jun. 30, 2020.

张 风 / Zhang Feng

2018年7月24日,贵州省毕节市威宁彝族回族苗族自治县石门乡年丰村卫生室,医务人员 王丽娟为乡亲们看诊。这个卫生室是威宁同济医院驻石门乡年丰村的帮扶点。年丰村曾经 是石门乡的“极贫村”之一,经过扶贫攻坚,该村于2020年脱贫。

Wang Lijuan, a medical worker at the Nianfeng Village Clinic, sees patients in Weining Yi, Hui, and Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, on Jul. 24, 2018. The village, which used to be extremely poor, was lifted out of poverty in 2020.

于文国 / Yu Wenguo

2018年7月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县大草乡麦架坪村,村医疗室的医护人员为 幼儿接种疫苗。开展扶贫工作以来,当地医疗条件逐步改善,极大地提高了村民防病治病 意识和健康水平。

Parents take children for vaccination at a village clinic in Yanyuan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 14, 2018. The village’s poverty alleviation measures helped improve local medical facilities and increased villagers' health awareness.

刘秀军 / Liu Xiujun

2016年4月18日,四川省宜宾市兴文县周家镇石屏村,村民参加当地开展的 “千人走基层,同心助脱贫”科技、文化、卫生、法律“四下乡”活动。

Poverty alleviation officials provide knowledge and services to farmers in sectors including science and technology, culture, health and law in Shiping Village, Yibin, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 18, 2016.

周 爽 / Zhou Shuang

2020年2月26日,广西壮族自治区柳州市融水苗族自治县四荣乡东田村,医务人员走过铁 索吊桥前往苗寨。融水县统筹抓好疫情防控和脱贫攻坚工作,组织医务人员深入苗家侗寨 开展贫困户家庭医生续签手续,进行家庭健康巡视以及科学应对新冠肺炎等健康宣教工 作,助力脱贫攻坚。

Medical workers cross a suspension bridge to visit a village in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Feb. 26, 2020. Rongshui sends medical workers to provide poor families with health checks and promote knowledge such as prevention of COVID-19.

龙 涛 / Long Tao

2019年7月7日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县达布达尔乡热斯喀木 村,村医发尔亚特·塔西白克(右三)与医务人员来到当地易地扶贫搬迁安置点出诊。随 着医疗扶贫的推进,新疆牧区的医疗条件和水平大幅提升,牧民享受到越来越多、越来越 便利的医疗惠民服务。

Doctor Firyat Taxbik (third from right) and other medical staff are on their way to visit patients at a village in Tashikurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jul. 7, 2019. Local herdsmen now have easier access to better medical services in Xinjiang.

胡虎虎 / Hu Huhu

2018年8月29日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区皮山县职业学校,当地居民排队等待安徽关 爱眼健康援疆医疗队看诊。皮山县医疗资源匮乏,很多人一生从未做过眼健康检查。援疆 医疗队为该县1631名居民进行了眼健康义诊,为172名近视患者免费验配眼镜,还为7名贫 困眼疾患者提供了免费手术治疗。

People wait for free eye check-ups provided by a medical team from Anhui Province in Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Aug. 29, 2018. The team offered free clinic services to 1,631 residents, glasses to 172 myopia patients, and surgical treatment for seven povertystricken people with eye diseases.

刘玉才 / Liu Yucai

2017年7月23日,河南省洛阳市栾川县庙子镇黄柏村,村民排队正在等待体检。栾川县实 施精准扶贫,购置体检车,专门为全县农村行动不便的老人上门免费体检,并建立健康档 案。该县还为建档立卡贫困户购买了健康保险,除享受全省医疗保险,大病治疗还可享受 额外的医疗报销,有效避免群众因病致贫或因病返贫。

Villagers line up for physical examination in Huangbai Village, Luanchuan County, Central China’s Henan province, on Jul. 23, 2017. The government provides free medical examination for the elderly and buys health insurance for the poor.

陈更生 / Chen Gengsheng

2017年3月25日,西藏自治区拉萨市达孜区人民医院,藏族同胞拿到义诊挂号单 开心地笑了。当日,来自全国各地的医务工作者在此开展义诊活动,为当地农 牧民及群众送去形式多样的健康关爱,并开展了一系列帮扶活动。

Tibetans are given registration forms for free clinic service at the People’s Hospital of Dagze District in Lhasa, Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, on Mar. 25, 2017. That day, medical workers from all over China provided free clinic services for the locals.

贾 宁 / Jia Ning

2016年6月16日,西藏自治区那曲市索县人民医院,当地居民排队等待北京来的专家进行 义诊。6月中下旬,原国家卫生和计划生育委员会等单位主办了西藏和四省藏区母婴健康 行动,两支医疗服务队的19名资深专家深入藏区贫困县实施健康扶贫,开展爱心义诊、医 疗科普、临床带教等志愿活动。

Tibetans wait for free diagnosis provided by medical experts from Beijing at the People’s Hospital of Sog County in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Jun. 16, 2016. Nineteen experts in two medical teams offered free clinic services and consultations in poverty-stricken counties in Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu.

潘松刚 / Pan Songgang

2015年12月4日晨,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县山江镇一家银行门 前,苗族同胞等待领取养老金。如今,农村实行农民养老政策,为失去劳 动能力的老人定期发放养老金,让他们过上了后顾无忧的幸福生活。

People of the Miao ethnic group wait to draw pension in front of a bank in the ancient town of Fenghuang in Central China’s Hunan Province on Dec. 4, 2015. The elderly in rural areas who cannot work are eligible for government pension.

徐崇德 / Xu Chongde

2018年10月26日,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州花垣县双龙镇十八洞村,施俊在湘西长行 村镇银行十八洞社区银行工作。施俊高中毕业后外出打工,2017年返乡,通过就业帮扶考 上了湘西长行村镇银行。该银行第一家开在村里的支行落户十八洞村,选址就在施俊家。 他成了该村唯一的驻点银行员工,通过提供金融服务,为当地的脱贫攻坚做贡献。

Shi Jun works in the Shibadong branch of Xiangxi Changhang Village Bank in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 26, 2018. Shi works at home where the branch is located to offer financial services to fellow villagers. He is the only employee of the village branch.

张 洁 / Zhang Jie


Villagers buy goods from the e-commerce platform Taobao with the help of a worker at a service center in Sandefan Village in Jinan, Shandong Province, on May 24, 2016.

王剑 / Wang Jian

2016年9月23日,吉林省白城市镇赉县,每个村的淘宝“店小二”欢聚 一堂,庆祝农村淘宝成立一周年。在吉林西部,电商走进村屯给农民的 生活带来了极大方便,大到汽车、化肥,小到香皂、牙签,足不出户就 可以买到,农产品销售也通过网络打开了新局面。

Villagers running stores on e-commerce platform Taobao celebrate the first anniversary of the opening in Zhenlai County of Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Sept. 23, 2016. With e-commerce services, rural people buy consumer goods and sell agricultural products without leaving home.

潘晟昱 / Pan Shengyu

2020年5月21日,浙江省杭州市临安区清凉峰镇颊口村,“新农人”陈萍梅在蔬菜基地直 播销售。陈萍梅,2010年毕业于浙江工业大学,2015年返乡,2018年开始创业,在本地租 下近百亩土地种植蔬菜,并通过网络进行销售,年销售额达百万。

Chen Pingmei livesteams to sell vegetables from a greenhouse in Jiakou Village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on May 21, 2020. Chen, a graduate of Zhejiang University of Technology, leased about 7 hectares of land to plant vegetables and sell them online, which brings her about 1 million yuan ($142,500) a year.

吴宗其 / Wu Zongqi

2020年4月22日,安徽省合肥市庐江县白云春毫茶叶扶贫基地,茶艺师金萍直播茶艺表演 并推介茶叶。该基地开设的扶贫车间为31户贫困户解决家门口就业,采取土地流转和分红 的方式带动66户贫困户脱贫增收。

Tea art specialist Jin Ping performs a tea ceremony and promotes local tea via a livestreaming platform at a tea farm in Hefei, Anhui Province, on Apr. 22, 2020. The farm offers jobs to 31 povertystricken families and has helped 66 families rise out of poverty by offering dividends for using their land.

张大岗 / Zhang Dagang

2020年4月11日,安徽省六安市金寨县吴家店镇吴家店村一家电商扶贫驿站,省建行、电 力、国元、水利、盐业等单位积极采购山区扶贫产品。建行合肥分行与该县结对消费扶 贫,利用商务平台助推农产品销售,助力大别山革命老区群众早日致富奔小康。

Employees from Anhui provincial departments purchase products from remote mountainous areas in Jinzhai County, Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Apr. 11, 2020. China Construction Bank Hefei Branch helps Jinzhai people sell agricultural products online to help lift them out of poverty.

刘玉才 / Liu Yucai


People attend a job fair that offers Tibetans opportunities in Kangding, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 11, 2017.

唐保安 / Tang Bao'an

2014年7月1日,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州野三河大桥,重庆北开往厦门北的动车穿行 而过。恩施是全国首个开通动车的自治州,动车的开通为深度贫困地区脱贫奠定了基础。

A bullet train passes through a bridge in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hubei Province on Jul. 1, 2014. Enshi is the first autonomous prefecture in China that had access to the high-speed railway, which helped lift the region out of poverty.

滕 俊 / Teng Jun

2020年5月3日,广东江门台山市汶村镇小头村,广州发展台山渔业光伏产业园,“上可发 电,下可养鱼”。据悉,该产业园是江门市目前规模最大的渔光扶贫项目,项目工程占地1700 亩,年发电量超1亿千瓦时,并网发电产生效益后以分红的形式长期发放精准扶贫帮扶资金。

Farmers raise fish in a fishery-photovoltaic farm in Xiaotou Village, South China’s Guangdong Province, on May 3, 2020. Built by the Guangzhou Development Group, the project covers 113 hectares and generates over 100 million kwh of power per year.

陈立武 / Chen Liwu

2019年12月7日,福建省漳平市永福镇宝山村的高山风力发电项目。近年来,宝山村风力发 电助力脱贫攻坚成效显著,并加大建设步伐。该项目是福建省重点建设项目,总投资约7.8 亿元,建设40台2.2兆瓦风电机组,全面投产后,年上网电量约1.8亿千瓦时。

Wind turbines generate electricity in the mountains of Baoshan Village, Zhangping City, East China’s Fujian Province, on Dec. 7, 2019. A key project in the province, Baoshan’s wind turbines attracted an investment of about 780 million yuan ($110.31 million) to facilitate poverty alleviation.

陈秀容 / Chen Xiurong

2019年12月7日,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州利川市谋道镇齐岳山,为配合脱贫攻坚,电 力工人准备对电力设施和入户线表进行全面的维护检修。

Electricity workers carry out comprehensive maintenance of power facilities and home electrical wiring and ammeters in the Qiyue mountain region, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Central China’s Hubei Province, on Dec. 7, 2019.

陈小林 / Chen Xiaolin

2020年4月28日,湖北省恩施 土家族苗族自治州利川市箭竹 溪乡,电力工人加紧施工,以完成农网改造升级,解决该乡的用电问题。

Electricity workers upgrade the power grid to ensure adequate supply in a village in Lichuan, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei Province, on Apr. 28, 2020.

冉建秀 / Ran Jianxiu

2019年7月10日,西藏自治区山南市洛扎县拉郊乡,电力工人在海拔4000多米的高原上, 为边境线上的村庄架设电缆。

Workers set up electric cables for a border village at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters in Lhodrag County, Lhokha, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Jul. 10, 2019.

季春红 / Ji Chunhong

2019年7月12日,青海省海东市互助土族自治县境内达坂山黄崖豁公 路上的十二盘坡。这里不仅风景优美,也是互助北山国家森林公园 连接西宁的交通要道,在发展旅游、推动经济、助推脱贫等方面发 挥着重要作用。

A view of a winding road on Daban Mountain in Haidong, Qinghai Province, on Jul. 12, 2019. The road provides villagers access to the outside world and drives tourism and economic development in the region.

黄万芬 / Huang Wanfen


Villagers build a road in Chongba Village, Shigatse, Tibet Autonomous Region, on May 28, 2020. Chongba has risen out of poverty by developing agriculture and animal husbandry and improving access to the outside world.

温佐沛 / Wen Zuopei

2016年11月25日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县大草乡麦架坪村,扶贫第一书记邹森 (右二)带领村民修建村水泥路。邹森向上级申请专用资金为村里修建了30千米的水泥 路,从而改写了该村无水泥路的历史。

Zou Sen (second from right) , first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, leads villagers to build a cement road in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Nov. 25, 2016. Zou applied for poverty alleviation funds to build the first paved road of 30 kilometers in the village.

刘秀军 / Liu Xiujun

2018年11月30日,航拍云南省昆明市宜良县 “68道拐”。“68道拐”是宜良县城通往靖安 哨村的盘山公路。公路依山梁而修建,蜿蜒曲 折,6.3千米的路程共有68道弯。

An aerial view of a 6.3-kilometer winding road on a mountain with 68 hairpin bends in Yiliang County, Yunnan Province, on Oct. 30, 2018. The road connects Yiliang with remote villages.

雷 声 / Lei Sheng

2020年5月26日,四川省凉山彝族自治州金阳县,建设者在金阳河特大桥工 地紧张施工。金阳县新旧城直线距离仅1.5千米,但因一河之隔车程需1个多小 时。投资3.39亿元的金阳河特大桥预计于2021年年底建成,车程将缩短至10分 钟,并助推彝族百姓脱贫致富。

Pillars of the Jinyang River Bridge are erected in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 26, 2020. Costing 339 million yuan ($48.41 million), the bridge will link Jingyang’s old and new towns that are 1,500 meters apart, and reduce the drive from one hour to 10 minutes. Scheduled to be operational in 2021, it will help people of the Yi ethnic group rise out of poverty.

边绍伟 / Bian Shaowei

2019年9月25日,广西壮族自治区南宁市邕宁区,工人们在六律邕江特大 桥工地加紧施工。这座大桥的建设者大多来自都安县。都安县是深度贫困 县,地少人多,就业困难。为了解决这一难题,该县组织农民工到各建筑 公司务工,广西路桥集团就是其中之一。

Workers, mostly from Du’an County that is in deep poverty, build a bridge in Yongning District of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Sept. 25, 2019. Du’an helps migrant workers get jobs in construction companies, including the Guangxi Road and Bridge Engineering Group, the constructor of the bridge.

蒙 森 / Meng Sen

2017年9月5日,新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市高昌区,一家民族服装制作公司的总经理古丽 尼沙·艾力(左四)为新入职的员工讲授缝纫技术。2011年,古丽尼沙参加了亚行赠款项 目的创业培训,在该区妇联的支持下,获得了价值1.3万元的5台电动缝纫机,成立了服装公 司并扩建了民族服饰生产车间。现在,该公司生产的服装通过电商平台远销哈萨克斯坦。

Gulnisar Ali (fourth from left), general manager of a clothing company, teaches employees sewing skills in Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Sept. 5, 2017. The company, founded with five donated electric sewing machines in 2011, sells folk costumes to places as far as Kazakhstan.

邓 佳 / Deng Jia

2020年5月29日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘县中木拉乡采洼村,扶贫驻村干部罗启军 (右六)观看藏族老乡下棋。

Luo Qijun (sixth from right), a poverty alleviation official, watches Tibetan villagers play Chinese chess in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 29, 2020.

朱 丹 / Zhu Dan

2019年8月12日,云南省楚雄彝族自治州大姚县三台乡吾普吾么村,扶贫干部开展遍访工 作,核查贫困户情况。大姚县是云南省88个贫困县之一。全县共有4个贫困乡镇、77个贫 困行政村、10065户38303名建档立卡贫困人口。全县选派驻村扶贫工作队87支共333名队 员,整合各级挂包干部3767名,做到贫困村驻村扶贫工作队、贫困户帮扶责任人全覆盖。

An official visits a poor family to learn about their specific situation in a village in Dayao County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on Aug. 12, 2019. More than 300 officials in 87 poverty alleviation teams have been sent to help villagers improve their life in Dayao, one of the 88 poverty-stricken counties in Yunnan with a total of 38,303 people living under the poverty line.

陈维寿 / Chen Weishou

2019年6月2日,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县千工坪镇胜花村,苗族妇女切磋刺 绣技艺。该村是一个移民村、苗族聚集村,也是深度贫困村。县政府开办了苗绣技艺培训 班,让苗族妇女利用空闲时间进行刺绣,帮助群众脱贫摘帽。

Miao ethnic women share ideas about embroidery skills in Shenghua Village in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Jun. 2, 2019. The local government provides embroidery training to villagers to help lift them out of poverty.

蒋丽田 / Jiang Litian

2020年4月16日,湖北省襄阳市谷城县五山镇黄峪铺村,驻村扶贫工作队队员王长鑫(右 四)在扶贫车间了解情况。

Poverty alleviation official Wang Changxin (fourth from right) visits a workshop in Huangyupu Village in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, on Apr. 16, 2020.

王虎 / Wang Hu

2018年6月17日,内蒙古自治区赤峰市克什克腾旗,来自北京的越野车车队利用端午假期,自 发开展民间交流扶贫活动。车队奔行500千米,为克什克腾旗贫困老人送去端午佳节的温暖。

Members of an SUV car club from Beijing drive over 500 kilometers to offer donations to povertystricken elderly in Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jun. 17, 2018.

卢龙刚 / Lu Longgang

2016年1月20日,吉林省白城市洮北区东胜乡光明村,区农机局局长程永航(中)带领技 术人员为帮扶点村民讲解保护性耕作技术并推广应用。通过实施保护性耕作,村民取得了 良好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。一公顷土地增收900千克左右的玉米。

Cheng Yonghang (center), director of the Taobei Agricultural Machinery Department, promotes conservation tillage to farmers in a village of Taobei District in the city of Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Jan. 20, 2016. The method has helped villagers harvest an extra 900 kilograms of corn per hectare of land.

王野村 / Wang Yecun

2018年6月23日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田市吉亚乡苏亚兰干村,北京援疆干部马维利 (右二)与他的结亲家庭——阿巴拜克尔一家人欢聚一堂。自2016年新疆开展“民族团结 一家亲”结对认亲活动以来,北京援疆干部也都参与其中,与维吾尔族同胞结对子,帮助 他们解决实际问题,脱贫致富。

Beijing poverty alleviation official Ma Weili (second from right) visits Ababekri’s family in a village in Hotan City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 23, 2018. Since 2016, Beijing officials have offered one-to-one assistance to Uygur families to help them rise out of poverty.

邓 伟 / Deng Wei

2020年4月23日,四川省雅安市天全县乐英乡幸福村,扶贫驻村工作队队员在徐中明(右二) 家中了解情况并征求意见,以做好贫困户脱贫的后续巩固工作。徐中明于2015年脱贫。

Poverty alleviation officials visit Xu Zhongming (second from right) to inquire about his family’s situation in Xingfu Village in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 23, 2020. Xu’s family rose out of poverty in 2015.

刘祯祥 / Liu Zhenxiang

2019年2月17日,甘肃省陇南市武都区鱼龙镇上尹村,来自中国文联的 “第一书记”曹俊(左三)在贫困 户家中唠家常。尹海得(右一)与 妹妹尹娇艳(左一)的父母于2016年 因病相继去世,之后跟随奶奶生活。 曹俊在走访中了解到情况后,通过众 筹等方式帮助二人继续学业。2019年7月,尹海得大学毕业后在浙江宁波 从事船舶工程机械设计工作。

Cao Jun (third from left), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation from the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, visits Yin Haide (right) and his family in Shangyin Village in Longnan, Gansu Province, on Feb. 17, 2019. Cao supports Yin and his sister to continue education through crowdfunding.

徐 讯 / Xu Xun

2016年6月15日,福建省福州市长乐区海边,养蛏专业户为来自贫困山区的 农民工发放工资。每年3-10月,当地的养蛏专业户都会向贫困山区招聘农 民工种蛏、挖蛏,既解决了农民的就业问题,又带动了当地脱贫致富。

A razor clam raiser pays migrant workers from poor mountainous areas in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Jun. 15, 2016. Local raisers hire migrants to plant and dig razor clams every year from March to October and help raise their earnings.

陈高彬 / Chen Gaobin

2018年10月27日,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州丹寨县龙泉镇高要村扶贫款发放点,一名茶 农领到了自己的劳动所得,喜上眉梢。为使当地村民尽早脱贫,一些有识之士来到高要村承 包荒山办起扶贫茶园,聘请当地茶农育茶、采茶、制茶,并为他们打开销路。2019年4月,全 国有名的贫困县——丹寨县实现了脱贫。

A tea farmer smiles after getting his pay at a village in Danzhai County, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Oct. 27, 2018. Local farmers have increased their income by working at tea plantations, which helped lift Danzhai out of poverty in 2019.

卢北峰 / Lu Beifeng

2018年6月5日,河南省周口市扶沟县柴岗乡丁庄村的蔬菜大棚,驻村第一 书记董铁成(右二)听取群众反映问题并现场解决。2018年,董铁成荣获 省委组织部授予的“优秀驻村第一书记”荣誉称号。

Dong Tiecheng (second from right), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, learns about farmers’ difficulties in a greenhouse in Zhoukou, Henan Province, on Jun. 5, 2018.

李 伟 / Li Wei


Female college graduates serving as village officials take a break in a field in Sihong County, Suqian, Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 24, 2013.

李 舸 / Li Ge

2019年7月27日,江苏省宿迁市泗洪县龙集镇尚咀居委会高咀组举行由53名村民代表参加 的低保评议会。村民代表以无记名方式投票决定,规避了“人情保”“关系保”“错保” “漏保”等问题。

Villagers vote by secret ballot to decide who qualify for getting the minimum living allowance from the government during a meeting held by the Shangju neighborhood committee in Longji Town, Suqian, Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 27, 2019.

季春红 / Ji Chunhong

2018年5月10日,重庆市黔江区,“背篓检察官”潘珂(右)和同事郑宜龙一起走访群众。几年 来,潘珂带领着一群检察干警背着背篓,走遍了黔江区219个村社,被老百姓亲切地称作“背篓检察 官”。潘珂也获得了“重庆市十大法治人物”和“首届最美黔江人”等荣誉称号。

Prosecutors Pan Ke (right) and Zheng Yilong visit villagers in Qianjiang District of Chongqing on May 10, 2018. Pan and his colleagues, carrying baskets on their backs, have visited 219 villages and communities of Qianjiang District to provide legal services.

石 涛 / Shi Tao

2019年12月30日,四川成都都江堰市蒲阳镇团结村,刚刚种植的 杨梅幼苗好似颗颗珍珠镶嵌在田野间。杨梅种植是该村的农业扶 贫项目,为村里带来致富的希望。

A view of the newly-planted red bayberry seedlings in a fi eld in Tuanjie Village in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 30, 2019. The village grows red bayberry to help residents rise out of poverty.

周新联 / Zhou Xinlian

2018年10月15日,鸟瞰广西壮 族自治区北海市合浦县曲樟 乡。作为北海市唯一一个所 辖行政村都是“十三五”贫 困村的乡镇,曲樟乡利用生态 环境优势,在保护绿水青山的 同时,发展无公害高端农业, 大力推动种植养殖立体化循环 经济,从而脱贫致富。

An aerial view of Quzhang Town, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Oct.15, 2018. Quzhang, with its residents mired in poverty, has developed organic agriculture and aquaculture to establish a holistic circular economy that helps lift locals out of poverty.

王缉东 / Wang Jidong

2020年1月5日,航拍广西壮族自治区北海市合浦县石湾镇大田村的“大田花谷”。大田村山多地少、土壤贫 瘠,“空心村”现象严重。作为该村的结对帮扶单位,北海市纪委监委因地制宜发展三角梅及百香果种植产 业。2019年6月1日,“大田花谷”乡村旅游景区正式开业,昔日荒芜的山坡变成了群众致富的“花果山”。

An aerial view of Datian Village in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jan. 5, 2020. Helped by the local government, the village grows bougainvillea and passion fruit, and has developed tourism to help residents get more income.

王颐进 / Wang Yijin

2019年9月5日,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县加榜乡下尧村,第一书 记黄海安(左)帮助农户晾晒稻谷。

Huang Hai’an (left), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation in Xiayao Village in Southwest China's Guizhou Province, helps a farmer dry rice under the sun on Sept. 5, 2019.

蔡兴文 / Cai Xingwen

2018年3月24日,福建省龙岩市永定区下洋镇下坪村新村建设工 地,工人们在紧锣密鼓地施工。在脱贫攻坚战中,当地政府首先围 绕“两不愁三保障”中的住房安全目标,解决村民的住房问题。

Construction workers build houses in Xiaping Village in Longyan, Fujian Province, on Mar. 24, 2018. Ensuring housing for poor villagers is an essential part of the local government’s poverty alleviation effort.

张 炜 / Zhang Wei

2019年1月4日,湖北省宜昌市五峰县。通往五峰国际滑雪场的道路在云端之 上似隐似现,恍若仙境一般。作为国家武陵山集中连片扶贫攻坚重点县的五峰 县,近年来加快推进“旅游富县”战略。2018年年底,五峰国际滑雪场建成并 投入运营,其造雪总面积、赛道数量和总长度均为目前华中地区滑雪场之最, 有力促进了当地冬季旅游发展,助力农产品就地营销,从而推动精准扶贫。

An aerial view of a road extending to the Wufeng International Ski Park in Wufeng County, Hubei Province, on Jan. 4, 2019. The park, the largest of its kind when it opened in 2018, has helped boost winter tourism and sales of local produce.

史家民 / Shi Jiamin


Villagers grow flowers in Shanchong Village, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 25, 2019. The village pools land from different families and has formed a cooperative to develop horticulture and tourism, which create jobs for villagers and help them rise out of poverty.

张 炜 / Zhang Wei


Villagers grow flowers in Shanchong Village, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 25, 2019. The village pools land from different families and has formed a cooperative to develop horticulture and tourism, which create jobs for villagers and help them rise out of poverty.

张 炜 / Zhang Wei


Workers man production lines at a silk reeling workshop in a company in Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 28, 2020. The company has offered jobs to rural residents who cannot travel to other places to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

高东风 / Gao Dongfeng


Bailikezi Abulimiti works at a toy factory in a village in Aksu, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 26, 2020. She earns at least 1,500 yuan ($212) a month and hopes to rise out of poverty soon.

李学仁 / Li Xueren


Villagers work at a textile factory in an industrial park in Yutian County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 11, 2019. The park employs over 3,200 rural laborers and offers them free child-care services and lunch.

刘 新 / Liu Xin


Migrants at work in a workshop at a resettlement community in Tianzhen County, Datong, Shanxi Province, on May 18, 2020. The community has accommodated nearly 10,000 people relocating from poverty-stricken areas and built factories to create jobs for them.

武俊杰 / Wu Junjie


Xiong Yanzhen works at a socks factory in the Qinglongquan Community in Shiyan, Hubei Province, on Feb. 18, 2019. The community is a resettlement for poverty-stricken families in remote areas, and the local government introduced investors to make Qinglongquan a major socks producer in China to provide jobs.

周家山 / Zhou Jiashan


Workers sew bedsheets and covers at a workshop in the Dieshiqiao home textile park in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 24, 2019. Dieshiqiao’s home textile industry has created more than 200,000 jobs and has a total annual production value of about 50 billion yuan ($7.12 billion).

王 苗 / Wang Miao

2017年10月15日,山西省怀仁市一家陶瓷厂,女工托起刚加工出来的碗坯。为促进脱贫致 富,当地发展多元产业经济,如利用高岭土资源建立陶瓷厂等。

A worker holds semi-finished bowls that have just been processed at a pottery and porcelain factory in Huairen, Shanxi Province, on Oct. 15, 2017. Huairen has made use of kaolin, a variety of clay used to make top-tier porcelain, to develop the ceramic industry and increase locals’ income.

朱建辉 / Zhu Jianhui


Chen Zeshen (right) fries tea leaves at a workshop in Dawan Village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Apr. 11, 2018. The village has pooled farmers’ tea holdings to form a large company and pays them wages and dividends.

高 斌 / Gao Bin


China Mobile employees lay optical cables in a village to provide better information services for herdsmen in Ulaanqab, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 4, 2019.

张松延 / Zhang Songyan


Workers take a break during the construction of a high-speed railway linking Datong, Shanxi Province, and Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, on Sept. 18, 2013. China’s high-speed rail network has spurred economic development and provided employment to migrant workers.

原瑞伦 / Yuan Ruilun


A worker opens the lid to take out fired pottery from a stove in Maoyi township in Lengshuijiang, Hunan Province, on Oct. 10, 2016. The traditional handicraft has provided jobs to locals and helped them rise out of poverty.

李全华 / Li Quanhua


Li Xiaokang (right) livestreams an auction of bonsai in Gaojiayan village in Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 19, 2020. He sold 58 bonsais in six hours, earning 32,166 yuan ($4,552). The village has risen out of poverty through the bonsai industry.

李亚隆 / Li Yalong

2012年12月13日,广西壮族自治区河池市环江毛南族自治县驯乐乡的环江铜鼓铸造厂,工人们制作铜鼓。 河池市是革命老区,少数民族地区,国家重点扶持的贫困地区,西部大开发的重点地区。环江铜鼓铸造技术历史悠久,有很高的科研和文化价值,也助力当地脱贫致富。

Workers make a bronze drum at a factory in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in poverty-stricken Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Dec. 13, 2012. Huangjiang has a long history of casting bronze drums, and the revival of the technique has helped locals alleviate poverty.

刘占崑 / Liu Zhankun


Farmers make noodles in Shangyang Village in Longyan, Fujian Province, on Nov. 20, 2018. The village wants to build a brand for its hand-made noodles craft, which dates back more than 200 years, and to industrialize noodle-making to help lift locals out of poverty.

张 炜 / Zhang Wei

2017年7月9日,浙江温州乐清市石帆街道朴湖社区,村民黄者法制作当地有名的特产朴湖粉干。近年来,当地坚持推进新农村建设,积极发展农副业、工 业、商业,为社区居民创造更加美好的未来。

Huang Zhefa makes local rice noodles in the Puhu Community in Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, on Jul. 9, 2017. The community promotes agriculture, industry and commerce to improve locals’ income.

赵顺云 / Zhao Shunyun

2017年9月22日,广东茂名信宜市东镇镇英地坡村,村民编织竹编制品。当地利用竹乡优势, 为外贸出口企业提供竹编产品,老弱妇孺都可在家完成,是增加家庭经济收入的好项目。

People weave bamboo products for export in a village that produces bamboo in Maoming, Guangdong Province. Weaving helps locals increase income as they can do it at the convenience of their home.

骆伟玲 / Luo Weiling


People of the Miao ethnic group trade at a fair in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 8, 2016. Miao people sell their produce and buy goods on market day, which helps them increase their income.

刘彩霞 / Liu Caixia

2018年11月10日,陕西省渭南市临渭区桥南镇,巧娘草编专业合作社举办培训班,义务为当地 贫困户、留守妇女和残疾人传授草编技艺。桥南镇是临渭区的贫困乡镇之一。2016年,市级 非遗传承人陈春苗等人成立了巧娘草编专业合作社,定期免费举办扶贫培训班,不仅解决了 农村妇女的留守问题,也使草编技艺成为居民增收致富的新路子。

A farmer cooperative offers free straw weaving training to villagers, mostly women and people with physical disabilities, in Qiaonan Town, Weinan, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 10, 2018. The cooperative, founded by straw weaving master Chen Chunmiao, offers regular training to help locals increase income.

张子弘 / Zhang Zihong

2018年3月21日,吉林省白山市江源区石人镇老岭村的八里坡文化园,区服务局聘请编织 技师李金枝(后排右二)为该村妇女培训手工编织技能,帮助村民拓宽就业渠道。

Knitting technician Li Jinzhi (second from right, back row) trains women weaving skills in Laoling Village in Baishan, Jilin Province, on Mar. 21, 2018.

王丽莺 / Wang Liying

2020年5月3日,浙江省杭州市淳安县,居民参加全国 “放鱼日” 浙皖联合渔业资源增殖放流活动。淳安县 是全省26个欠发达县之一,当地始终把保护千岛湖秀水作为政府责任,每年投入大量资金,通过增殖放流 促进千岛湖水质提升和渔民增加收入,走出一条生态富民之路。

Residents release hatchery-raised fingerling fish into Qiandao Lake in Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province, on May 3, 2020. Chun’an is a less developed county in the province, and the government has invested to improve water quality in the lake and increase fishermen’s income.

方长建 / Fang Changjian

2019年11月23日,广东省湛江市徐闻县外罗渔港,渔民挑灯夜战,将捕获的鱼从网上取下 来。徐闻县驻村干部实施精准扶贫,帮助港尾村、三高石村、长石村等沿港村庄做好“靠 海吃海”传统渔业文章,扶持维修渔船,改进更新渔具,提高劳动效率,帮助贫困户增收 脱贫。

Fishermen work late in a port in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 23, 2019. Poverty alleviation officials help them maintain fishing vessels and improve fishing gear to increase efficiency and rise out of poverty.

翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing

2017年7月11日,福建省福州市长 乐区,渔民赶海归来。当地为了 做到精准扶贫,振兴渔业养殖, 鼓励渔民利用当地的地理优势, 尝试各种可行的海鲜养殖方法。

Fishermen return after picking up sea produce in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Jul. 11, 2017. The local government promotes aquaculture to lift people out of poverty.

郭江涛 / Guo Jiangtao

2020年6月24日,广东省珠海市情侣路海边,工人在礁石上挖生蚝。他们来自五湖四海, 是一群从“要我脱贫”到“我要脱贫”的致富者。

Workers collect oysters from beach rocks in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, on Jun. 24, 2020. They came from other parts of the country to seek jobs in the city to make money.

王 红 / Wang Hong

2019年11月20日,江苏省南通如皋市长江镇,农民在水稻田里养殖螃蟹。水稻生态种植不 打农药,螃蟹吃害虫耕耘肥土,一亩田地两份收获。

A farmer raises crabs in a paddy field in Changjiang Town, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Nov. 20, 2019. The village’s eco-agricultural model avoids pesticides and harvests rice and crabs on the same land.

陈 进 / Chen Jin

2019年12月4日,江苏省盐城市射 阳县黄沙港镇,渔民编织渔网。黄 沙港是江苏沿海最多渔船集散港、 最大水产品集散地。为打赢脱贫攻 坚战,该镇坚持“四个精准”,对 全镇建档立卡低收入农户开展“四 查四保”,进一步建立脱贫攻坚长 效机制,确保实现小康目标。

A farmer weaves fishing nets in Huangshagang Town in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, on Dec. 4, 2019. The town is Jiangsu’s largest aquatic products trading center and has made great efforts to lift locals out of poverty.

吉东育 / Ji Dongyu

2017年9月15日,福建省福州市长乐区,渔民挖蛏归来。当地政府以精准扶贫振兴海产品养 殖业,提升渔民的生活水平,鼓励渔民利用当地独特的滩涂养殖海蛏。

Fishermen return after digging for razor clams in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Sept. 15, 2017. Locals raise razor clams in the coastal intertidal mudflats to increase income.

郭亚宽 / Guo Yakuan

2014年3月26日,福建省泉州市惠安县净峰镇惠女湾,惠安女们从渔船上卸载一担担海 产品。

Women carry loads of seafood newly unloaded from fishing boats in Hui’an County, Quanzhou, East China’s Fujian Province, on Mar. 26, 2014.

邓文祥 / Deng Wenxiang

2018年12月26日,江西省上饶市婺源县珍珠山乡山溪林场水库,贫困户在捕鱼。珍珠山乡 利用当地资源,积极发展水产特色养殖,并请贫困户实行经济责任制养殖,从而带动他们 脱贫致富。

Villagers catch fish in a reservoir in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, on Dec. 26, 2018. The village has developed the aquaculture industry to help locals rise out of poverty.

汪立浪 / Wang Lilang

2017年8月19日,广东湛江雷州市附城镇土角村的滩涂,渔民码放收获的贝螺,准备运往酒 家。该村养殖专业户承包滩涂生态养殖贝螺,带动了沿海村民脱贫致富。

Fishermen sort freshly harvested shellfish to be sent to restaurants on a beach in Tujiao village, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Aug. 19, 2017. Breeding professionals in the village lease coastal intertidal mudflats for shellfish breeding to lift locals out of poverty.

洪国春 / Hong Guochun

2014年12月21日,海南省三亚市,疍 家人的“水上渔村”。疍家是指世代 以打鱼为生,以船为家的渔民。曾 经,他们在海上漂泊,居无定所。近 年来,疍家人不仅脱贫致富,还成功 转型,建立了集捕捞、养殖、餐饮、 旅游等多功能的大型“水上渔村”

A view of a floating village of the Dan people, who make a living by fishing and live in boats, in Sanya, Hainan Province, on Dec. 21, 2014. The Dan people have risen out of poverty and built a big floating village that has developed aquaculture and offers fishing, catering, and tourism services to consumers.

王卫光 / Wang Weiguang

2019年7月1日,乌英苗寨妇女合力 抬运用于建设新木楼的木头。乌英 苗寨位于黔桂交界的大苗山深处, 分属于广西壮族自治区柳州市融水 苗族自治县杆洞乡党鸠村和贵州省 黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县翠里 瑶族壮族乡南岑村。由于大部分青 壮年在外务工,留守妇女成为重要 劳动力。她们修河堤,建芦笙坪, 参与产业发展,撑起大苗山脱贫攻 坚战场的“半边天”。

Villagers carry a log to build a house in Wuying Miao Village in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. As men leave the village to work in cities, women have taken over farming jobs to lift the village out of poverty.

黄孝邦 / Huang Xiaobang

2018年4月14日,海南省海口市秀英区石山镇施茶村,村民在石斛园中劳作。施茶村因地 制宜发展石斛产业。石斛园在给当地百姓带来巨大收益的同时,也成了当地村民家门口的 美丽花园。

A farmer works in a dendrobium orchid garden in Shicha Village in Haikou, Hainan Province, on Apr. 14, 2018. The village has developed the dendrobium industry to bring economic benefits and create a beautiful landscape on their doorstep

黄一冰 / Huang Yibing

2017年7月30日,江苏省兴化市林湖 乡,农民织渔网,准备出口柬埔寨。

Farmers make fishing nets to be exported to Cambodia in Linhu Town, Xinghua, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 30, 2017.

丁 进 / Ding Jin

2020年3月20日,江苏省南通市,来自河南偏远地区的蜂农与当地蜂农交流养蜂经验,共 同致富。

Farmers from remote areas of Central China’s Henan Province share their bee-keeping experience with local farmers in Nantong, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 20, 2020, to raise output and earn more money.

陈春艳 / Chen Chunyan

2017年9月6日,黑龙江省绥化市明水县崇德镇庆丰村,贫困户张文杰给白鹅喂食。张文杰 依靠白鹅养殖和肉牛托养,摘掉了贫困帽。

Zhang Wenjie, a villager in Suihua, Heilongjiang Province, feeds geese on Sept. 6, 2017. Zhang has risen out of poverty by raising the birds and cattle.

刘心杨 / Liu Xinyang

2018年11月3日,广东省清远市清城区龙塘镇合来村,村民梁汉辉在自家的养殖场放养乌鬃 鹅。梁汉辉家存鹅5000多只,年收入近百万元。清远乌鬃鹅被列为广东省四大名优鹅种之 一,当地大多数家庭都依靠养鹅致富。

Liang Hanhui raises over 5,000 geese at his farm in a village in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 3, 2018, which earns him about 1 million yuan ($141,500) a year. Many households in Qingyuan have got rich by raising geese.

张敬恒 / Zhang Jingheng

2017年3月17日,四川省南充市顺庆区梵殿乡董干沟村种鹅养殖基地,工作人员放鹅。当地 政府响应国家精准扶贫政策,建立该种鹅养殖基地,帮助乡村农民脱贫致富。

A worker tends geese in Donggangou Village in Nanchong, Sichuan Province, on Mar. 17, 2017. The local government encourages geese breeding to help farmers alleviate poverty.

唐志勇 / Tang Zhiyong

2018年10月19日,福建省龙岩市长汀 县童坊镇红明村岖岭山上,刘仙长和 妻子放养山鸡。该夫妻曾一度在外打 工,微薄的收入难以维持生计。在当 地政府资金、技术、销售一条龙帮扶 指导下,夫妻俩盖起了6间简易养鸡 棚,养殖规模达2000多只,成为全村 困难家庭脱贫致富的领头人。

Liu Xianchang and his wife raise chickens in Hongming Village, Changting County, Fujian Province, on Oct. 19, 2018. With the government’s help in capital, techniques and sales, the couple became the first in the village to rise out of poverty by raising over 2,000 chickens in the mountain.

郑秋生 / Zheng Qiusheng

2019年6月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县牛牛坝乡牲畜交易市场,一名男子买到了两 头心仪的老牛还附赠了一头小牛,乐得合不拢嘴。

A man smiles after buying two cattle and getting a calf for free at a livestock trading market in a village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 16, 2019.

王 晶 / Wang Jing

2016年7月25日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县合姑洛乡马红村,彝族妇女赶着黑山羊去 山上放牧。马红村地处四川大凉山高海拔腹地,缺水少地。各级政府加大扶贫力度,资助 一部分彝族同胞养起了黑山羊。

Black goats belonging to a woman of the Yi ethnic group graze in the mountains of Mahong Village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 25, 2016. The local government offers financing to help the Yi people raise black goats and rise out of poverty.

周本意 / Zhou Benyi

2019年4月9日凌晨,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县的边城牛市,来自周边多个省市 的客商购买“扶贫牛”。凤凰县苗族素有养牛的传统。近年来,该县大力发展“扶贫牛” 养殖,帮助贫困户脱贫致富。

Buyers select cattle at a market in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Apr. 9, 2019. The Miao people has a cattle-raising culture, which is supported by the county government to help people rise out of poverty.

李新风 / Li Xinfeng

2019年10月2日,福建省福州市永泰县贫困山区,养殖户利用土地开发前的空档期养牛, 既满足了市场“菜篮子”的需求,也增加了家庭收入,从而脱贫致富奔小康。

A farmer raises cattle in a piece of land set for development in Yongtai County, Fujian Province, on Oct. 2, 2019.

李 硕 / Li Shuo

2019年4月12日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗,白小龙为赛马冲水降温。作为大兴安岭南麓集 中连片特困地区,该旗引进了兼有养马、育马、赛马等业务的自治区级重点龙头企业——莱德马业, 与9个苏木镇47个嘎查签订了扶贫协议,带动1165户3100名贫困人口脱贫,白小龙就是其中的一员。

Bai Xiaolong sprays water to cool a racehorse in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 12, 2019. The banner set up a racehorse breeding company, which has helped 3,100 people in 1,165 families rise out of poverty.

韩海丹 / Han Haidan

2014年9月24日,内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟多伦县,青年牧民乌仁吉日嘎拉照料自己的马 群。他依靠畜牧养殖业实现脱贫致富。

A young herdsman takes care of his horses in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Sept. 24, 2014. He has risen out of poverty through animal husbandry.

王东升 / Wang Dongsheng

2019年5月2日,宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区三营镇三营活畜交易市场,商贩售卖牲口。 这里是西北较大的牲畜交易市场,村民以牛羊市场为依托,形成了养殖、加工、购销一条 龙的产业体系,促进了当地经济的快速发展。

People trade at the Sanying livestock trading market in Guyuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on May 2, 2019. The largest livestock marketplace in Northwest China has helped local villagers develop animal husbandry, mainly sheep and cattle, to boost economic development.

左雪兰 / Zuo Xuelan

2019年7月13日,甘肃省张掖市肃南裕固族自治县康乐镇赛鼎村,牧民为小朋友认领的草原 羊系上智能追溯项圈。当日,北京、上海、江苏、福建等地的200多名游客来到该村,现 场察看草原并认领草原羊,启动了“共享牧场”脱贫致富新模式。该模式让都市人可以成 为“牧羊人”;牧民也从传统农牧业养殖升级发展为定点饲养,拓宽了脱贫致富的途径。

A herdsman ties a smart collar-tracking device to a sheep bought by a child to monitor its growth in Saiding Village, Zhangye, Gansu Province, on Jul. 13, 2019. Over 200 tourists bought sheep in Saiding that day and entrusted local herdsmen to raise them, which allows tourists to experience raising a sheep and increases herdsmen’s income.

王 将 / Wang Jiang

2019年4月11日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县麦架坪村,村民剪羊毛。在精准扶贫工作 中,该村结合当地实际,大力发展养殖业,促进群众增加收入。

Villagers shear sheep in Maijiaping Village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 11, 2019. The village has developed animal husbandry to help locals increase income.

邹 森 / Zou Sen

2020年5月27日,山西省大同市浑源县蔡村镇文家庄村,省文联驻村工作队队员走访养羊 专业户毛兴伟(左)。据悉,毛兴伟年养羊600多头,年收入40多万元,带动了全村12家 贫困户发展养殖,稳定脱贫。

A poverty alleviation official talks with shepherd Mao Xingwei (left) at a village in Datong, Shanxi Province, on May 27, 2020. Mao raises more than 600 sheep, which brings him an income of 400,000 yuan ($56,500) a year, and has also helped 12 other families to raise sheep.

武 勇 / Wu Yong

2020年5月25日,内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县哈乐镇大沙岱村,贫困户徐四虎在村集 体肉羊养殖场工作。该村贫困户可享受多项优惠政策:每年从肉羊养殖场分红,村里为其 代缴医疗养老保险,手工作坊教授剪纸、刺绣等技能,发放房屋改造政府补贴等。

Xu Sihu feeds sheep in a collective farm in Dashadai Village in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on May 25, 2020. Villagers living in poverty are given dividends from the farm, free training in paper cutting and embroidery skills, and subsidies for housing renovation.

刘文华 / Liu Wenhua

2019年6月25日,新疆维吾尔自治区独(山子)库(车)公路旁的大草原上,当地牧民剪 羊毛。剪下的羊毛可以制作成毛毯和毛毡,是当地人独特的脱贫致富途径。

Herdsmen shear sheep on the grasslands in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Jun. 25, 2019. The wool is made into blankets and felt to generate income for herdsmen.

潘 俊 / Pan Jun


A herdsman herds cattle and sheep on the grasslands in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jul. 6, 2016.

邹宝良 / Zou Baoliang

2020年3月21日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自 治州金川县马奈镇八角塘村,大学生志愿 者指导贫困户养山羊。

An undergraduate volunteer gives advice on goat raising to a farmer in a village in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province on Mar. 21, 2020.

徐兴贵 / Xu Xinggui

2019年9月18日,黑龙江省七台河市勃利县的万寿菊种植园区,工人采收花朵。万寿菊具有 药用和保健作用,也可作为食品添加成分。近年来,勃利县广泛种植万寿菊,已经形成了 种植、采集、加工的产业链,成为农民脱贫致富的新途径。

Workers pick marigold at a farm in Boli County, Qitaihe, Heilongjiang Province, on Sept. 18, 2019. Boli has formed an industrial chain of planting, picking, and processing of marigold, which can be ingredients in medicines and food additives, to help locals increase income.

张跃君 / Zhang Yuejun

2019年5月9日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县横水镇东白村的惜颜玫瑰园里,村民采摘玫瑰花。 2017年,东白村引进惜颜玫瑰园项目,建设集观赏、采摘、休闲为一体的玫瑰园。目前, 园区已建成40亩有机玫瑰采摘区,并吸纳20多名贫困村民务工,帮助他们致富增收。

Farmers pick roses at a plantation in Dongbai Village in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, on May 9, 2019. The village has grown organic roses on 2.7 hectares for picking and sightseeing, which creates jobs for more than 20 poverty-stricken farmers.

赵 晨 / Zhao Chen

2019年7月25日,贵州省遵义市湄潭县七彩部落湄潭翠芽基地,茶农采摘茶青。近年来,七彩部 落走出了一条“茶旅一体”的新路,有效助力精准扶贫。该地区农户种植的湄潭翠芽一亩地的 季收入达到7000元至8000元,相较于以前种植辣椒、番茄等农作物收入增加了3倍。

Farmers pick tea leaves in Jinhua Village, Meitan County in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Jul. 25, 2019. Tea plantation, in addition to tourism, has helped villagers earn three times more than growing pepper, tomato and other crops.

曾 嘉 / Zeng Jia

2020年5月2日,福建省泉州市安溪县龙涓乡一家铁观音茶园,茶农忙着采摘茶叶。安溪曾 是全省最大的国家级贫困县。该县依托铁观音发源地的资源优势,践行“以茶脱贫”的产 业扶贫路。2019年底,安溪由贫困县跃升为全国百强县。

Farmers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Anxi County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, on May 2, 2020. Anxi has risen out of poverty to become one of the most prosperous counties in China by developing the tea industry, especially Tieguanyin oolong tea.

李雅真 / Li Yazhen

2020年3月14日,贵州省福泉市陆坪镇福兴村牛滚凼自然寨,村民在茶园里采摘春茶。近 年来,当地通过持续发展茶产业,形成生产、加工、销售为一体的产业链,为当地群众提 供了有效的脱贫之路。

Villagers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Fuquan, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 14, 2020. The village developed the green tea industry to lift locals out of poverty.

肖 伟 / Xiao Wei

2020年1月15日,江苏泰州兴化市李中镇,农民收获莲 藕。李中镇充分挖掘水资源优势,大力发展水产种养 殖,成为当地农民脱贫奔小康的重要支柱项目。

Farmers harvest lotus roots in Lizhong Town of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Jan. 15, 2020. Aquaculture plays a key role in lifting local farmers out of poverty.

许大才 / Xu Dacai

2018年7月14日,江西省抚州市广昌县驿前镇姚西村,莲农们准备采收莲蓬。“中国莲花 第一村”的姚西村凭借白莲产业走向富裕之路。

Farmers harvest lotus seedpods in Yaoxi Village in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, on Jul. 14, 2018. The village is known for lotus and has become prosperous by developing the white lotus variety.

万贻平 / Wan Yiping


A farmer picks gorgon fruits at an ecological park in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on Aug. 6, 2019.

阙明芬 / Que Mingfen

2015年10月2日凌晨,江苏省徐州市丰县大沙河 果品交易市场,果农们进行水果交易。大沙河 果园是江苏省最大的水果生产基地,也是中国 十大苹果基地之一。

Farmers trade at the Dashahe fruit market, Fengxian County, East China’s Jiangsu Province, in the early morning of Oct. 2, 2015. Dashahe orchards are the largest fruit production base in the province and one of the top 10 apple producers in China.

范玉磊 / Fan Yulei

2019年4月17日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州泸定县冷碛镇团结村,村民等待收购商前来收羊肚 菌。近年来,该村大力发展羊肚菌种植产业,逐步摆脱贫困走上了富裕路,并成为该县第 一个全国生态文明示范村。全村种植面积达500亩,羊肚菌不仅卖到了国内的各大城市, 甚至通过经销商售卖到了欧洲。

Villagers sell morel mushrooms in Luding County in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Apr. 17, 2019. The village’s mushrooms are sold to other parts of the country and Europe, and have helped villagers get out of poverty.

曹博远 / Cao Boyuan

2019年10月12日,四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市洛古波乡葡萄种植基地,农户采收葡萄, 销往全国各地。

Farmers harvest grapes in Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, on Oct. 12, 2019. The grapes are sold across the country.

吉木木且 / Jimumuqie

2019年8月8日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县南指挥镇白家凹村,果农采摘矮化苹果。苹果产业是 凤翔县的特色优势产业,也是当地群众脱贫致富的重要产业。2019年,全县共栽植苹果22 万亩,产量约27万吨,产值超过14亿元。

Farmers pick apples in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 8, 2019. Fengxiang produced 270,000 tons of apples in 14,667 hectares of land in 2019, which generated over 1.4 billion yuan ($198 million) and helped locals rise out of poverty.

赵 晨 / Zhao Chen

2018年7月1日,福建省宁德市古田县凤都镇际面村,成熟的桃子挂满枝头,等待游客前来 采摘品尝。际面村以“桃”文化为引导,与康养产业相结合,着力打造乡村旅游全产业 链,帮助村民脱贫致富。

Peaches are ripe in Jimian Village of Ningde, Fujian Province, on Jul. 1, 2018. The village has developed rural tourism based on local resources to help villagers escape poverty.

颜家蔚 / Yan Jiawei

2019年11月4日,湖南怀化洪江市黔城镇茶溪村,农户采摘冰糖橙。近年来,怀化市引进 了优质柑橘品种并推广种植技术,不断拓宽农民增收渠道。当地生产的山下红、大甫、诺 瓦、冰糖橙等柑橘品种连获丰收,助力实现该市全域脱贫摘帽。

Farmers pick oranges in Chaxi Village, Huaihua, Hunan Province, on Nov. 4, 2019. Huaihua has promoted the planting of quality citrus fruits and had bump harvests, which increases farmers’ earnings and helps them rise out of poverty.

刘新武 / Liu Xinwu

2016年12月11日,湖北省宜昌市秭归县水田坝乡青蒿峪村,当地电力公司工人帮助村民将 脐橙放到索道车上。曾经,一道峡谷将该地与外界隔绝,8户人家的300亩900吨脐橙只 能依靠肩挑背扛往外运。2014年12月6日,第一批脐橙通过索道运出大山。与人工搬运相 比,索道的运送速度快了3倍,运输成本则是原来的十分之一。

Electricity workers help villagers carry navel oranges onto the cableway in Qinghaoyu Village, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Dec. 11, 2016. Blocked by a 300-meter-wide canyon, villagers had to carry 900 tons of navel oranges on their backs to the outside every year, but cableway transportation is three times faster and 90 percent cheaper than manual transportation

刘曙松 / Liu Shusong

2016年2月7日,广西壮族自治区梧州 市藤县角嘴码头,农民用船只运送新 鲜蔬菜来此售卖。近年来,该县积极 发挥产业技术指导作用,引导农民 建起蔬菜种植基地,并持续扩大合作 社、种养基地的辐射引领作用。农民 种植的新鲜蔬菜大量采摘上市,人均 收入不断提高,实现了脱贫致富。

Farmers ship freshly-picked vegetables to the Jiaozui Dock for trading in Tengxian County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 7, 2016. The county has provided technology to encourage farmers to build vegetable plantations and increase their income.

韦文荣 / Wei Wenrong

2018年7月28日,甘肃省武威市民勤县收成镇,村民在第二届民勤蜜瓜节上展示蜜瓜。民 勤县种植蜜瓜有近70年的历史,已形成5大品系、100多个品种,种植面积达到10万亩,产 量达20万吨以上,蜜瓜产业成为该县农民脱贫致富的主导产业。

Farmers display honeydew melons at a festival in Minqin County in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jul. 28, 2018. The county grows about more than 100 varieties of melons in 6,700 hectares with an annual output of more than 200,000 tons, helping local farmers rise out of poverty.

李 军 / Li Jun

2019年11月16日,浙江省杭州市淳安县界首乡,果农筛选界橘,准备装车销往加拿大。界 首乡虽地处浙西,但千岛湖一流的生态环境酿就了界橘的甘甜,1.6万亩橘园吸引众多游客 前来采摘游玩。

Farmers pack tangerines for export to Canada in Jieshou township of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Nov. 16, 2019. Jieshou’s 1,067 hectares of tangerines also attract many visitors.

杨 波 / Yang Bo

2019年12月26日,吉林省白山市抚松县仙人桥镇黄家崴子村,农户进行蔬菜棚间管理。该 村温室大棚种植蔬菜占了全县本地蔬菜供应量的30%以上,既保障了“菜篮子”稳产保 供,也给农户带来了丰厚的经济收入。

Farmers work in a greenhouse in Waizi Village in Fusong County, Jilin Province, on Dec. 26, 2019. The village supplies over 30 percent of vegetables in Fusong’s market, generating a good income for farmers.

连承灏 / Lian Chenghao

2019年12月17日,河北省张家口市阳原县蔬菜产业试验示范基地的温室暖棚,村民们为火 龙果进行人工除草。温室暖棚使昔日每亩产值不足500元的“瘠地”,成为年盈利60000 元的“金田”,直接带动102户贫困户、1500多名贫困人口脱贫致富。

Villagers weed by hand in a greenhouse that grows dragon fruit in an ecological agricultural park in Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, on Dec. 17, 2019. The greenhouse has increased the annual income of each mu (0.07 hectares) of farmland from less than 500 yuan ($70.71) to 60,000 yuan, helping over 1,500 people rise out of poverty.

和冠欣 / He Guanxin

2019年8月4日,西藏自治区林芝市波密县松宗镇纳玉村,联合收割机在麦田里作业。自脱贫攻坚战打响以来,林芝市坚持农业农村优先发展,共安 排本级农牧业产业化扶持资金约4.78亿元,发放农机购置补贴资金1853.82 万元,农业机械化程度大幅度提高,农牧民生产生活条件得到全面改善。

Combine harvesters at work in a village in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Aug. 4, 2019. The city has invested 478 million yuan ($68.14 million) to support agricultural industrialization and provided finance of 18.54 million yuan to farmers to buy agricultural machinery.

扎西洛布 / Tashi Lobu

2019年6月28日,甘肃省武威市天祝藏族自治县抓喜秀龙镇永丰村,牧民机播笋子并覆地 膜。20多年前,这里只能种植青稞和饲草料。党的十八大以来,天祝县小范围试种高原绿 色有机蔬菜成功并开始大面积推广。目前,亩均产值7000元左右,成为当地农牧民脱贫致 富的主导产业。

Herdsmen drive a tractor to sow vegetable seeds and cover them with plastic film in Yongfeng Village, Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, on Jun. 28, 2019. Tianzhu, which was only able to cultivate highland barley and forage, has promoted organic vegetable cultivation that generates an average output value of about 7,000 yuan ($997) for each mu (0.07 hectare) to improve locals’ income.

王守辉 / Wang Shouhui

2018年11月29日,吉林省榆树市刘家镇永生村,精准扶贫工作队为贫困户杨占华回收玉米 秸秆。杨占华与妻子都患有脑血栓,没有劳动能力,家里7.5亩多地的玉米秸秆无法处理, 影响下一年春耕。镇精准扶贫项目帮助其将玉米秸秆回收并卖给新能源公司,既增加了一 家人的收入,又为能源发电提供了燃料,使他们的生活有了奔头。

Poverty alleviation officials help Yang Zhanhua recycle corn straw at a village in Yushu, Jilin Province, on Nov. 29, 2018. Since Yang and his wife cannot work due to illness, the officials help them sell corn straw to a new-energy company to increase their income.

赵桂华 / Zhao Guihua

2013年10月20日,吉林白城洮南市呼和车力蒙古族乡车力村,贫困户张武一家抓住晴好天 气打场收粮。目前,这户农家依靠科学种田和辛勤劳动已脱贫摘帽。

A poverty-stricken household thresh grains on a sunny day in a village in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Oct. 20, 2013. The hard-working family has risen out of poverty by adopting scientific farming.

杨瑷璐 / Yang Ailu

2013年9月14日,西藏自治区拉萨市曲水县达嘎乡达嘎村,藏族同胞秋收扬场。在国家脱 贫政策的帮助下,当地取得了农业丰收。

Tibetans winnow barley in a village in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Sept. 14, 2013. The farmers have been given poverty alleviation aid to reap a good harvest.

范黎芳 / Fan Lifang

2019年9月2日,甘肃省武威市民勤县蔡旗镇蔡旗村,村民收获地膜洋 芋。民勤县位于腾格里沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠之间,是国家级插花贫困 县。近几年,蔡旗村种植地膜洋芋1800多亩,亩产量8000多斤,亩产 值5000元,依靠特色种植产业实现脱贫致富。

Villagers harvest potatoes in Caiqi Village of Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Sept. 2, 2019. Minqin, which is located between two major deserts, has managed to increase locals’ income by growing around 120 hectares of potatoes that on average generates about 5,000 yuan ($713) for each mu (0.07 hectares).

厍运涛 / She Yuntao

2018年5月8日,贵州省铜仁市玉屏侗族自治县朱家场镇混寨村,驻村干部深入田间地头, 帮助贫困户收割油菜籽。

Officials help a poverty-stricken family harvest rapeseed in a village of Yuping Dong Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, on May 8, 2018.

欧秀灯 / Ou Xiudeng

2016年4月24日,山西省大同市新荣区堡子湾乡得胜堡村,一名村民驾驶着农耕拖拉机准备投入作业。该村民利用积蓄买了这台拖拉机,在自耕的同时,还能帮着耕别人家的地, 也有不错的收入。

A farmer is on his way to plough farmland with a tractor in Deshengpu Village, Datong City, Shanxi Province, on Apr. 24, 2016. The machine has helped the farmer earn a modest earning by cultivating farmland.

常 江 / Chang Jiang

2020年4月16日,甘肃省武威市民勤县青土湖肉苁蓉种植基地,村民展示刚刚采挖出来的肉苁蓉。2013年,当地成立了肉苁蓉农民专业合作社,探索发展梭梭林人工接种肉苁蓉, 并吸纳当地贫困户务工增收。目前,该合作社已接种肉苁蓉5000多亩,年收入300多万 元,带动周边地区发展肉苁蓉嫁接达60000亩,预计产值1.2亿元,既增加了农民收入,又 改善了生态环境。

A farmer shows freshly-picked desert broomrape from the Qingtu Lake planting base in Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Apr. 16, 2020. The plantation grows more than 330 hectares of the crop and earns more than 3 million yuan ( $427,700) a year.

周进学 / Zhou Jinxue

2017年12年11日,西藏自治区山南市乃东区颇章乡雪村苗圃基地,贫困户次仁仓吉(左)为 雪松除草。当地将生态文明建设与扶贫岗位相结合,在雪村建设占地1000多亩的农业苗 圃,为当地贫困户及五保户等特殊群体免费开展岗位技能培训,提供就业岗位200余个, 辐射带动颇章乡建档立卡贫困户30户72人。

Tsering Tsamgyi (left) weeds for cedars at a nursery, part of a poverty alleviation project in Xuecun Village, Lhokha City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 11, 2017. The government has built the nursery covering an area of about 67 hectares in the village to provide more than 200 jobs for poverty-stricken locals and others in need.

陈泽冰 / Chen Zebing

2019年3月19日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市姑咱镇章古村,村民补种白棘并清除杂草。 位于康定市的章古山现代农业产业园,“农旅融合”助推乡村振兴,流转章古山土地423 亩,建成5大产业基地,集特色食用菌产业、特色农林果木产业、高原特色汉藏药材产 业、农产品加工及休闲观光于一体。

Villagers reseed white spines and remove weeds in Zhanggu Village, Kangding City in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on Mar. 19, 2019. The village attracts tourists and has become a major producer of mushrooms, fruits, medicinal herbs and other agricultural products.

蔡仕霞 / Cai Shixia

2016年5月23日,辽宁铁岭开原市松山镇上土口子村,村民为前来旅游观光的摄影爱好者 再现传统的农业播种场景。该村梨园有着近百年的历史,“梨花经济”已经成为当地提升 知名度、脱贫致富的新引擎。

Farmers demonstrate traditional agricultural planting for photographers visiting Tukouzi Village in Tieling, Liaoning Province, on May 23, 2016. The village has 100-year-old pear orchards which have become popular tourist destinations.

崔维民 / Cui Weimin

2017年12月2日,福建省福清市镜洋镇磨石村,村民收割完秋季水稻后,在田里种上蔬 菜。当地村民不误农时、精耕细作,过上了小康生活。

Farmers plant vegetables after harvesting rice in the autumn in Moshi Village, East China’s Fujian Province, on Dec. 2, 2017. Local villagers cultivate intensively and meticulously to live a better life.

陈科云 / Chen Keyun

2013年11月10日,甘肃省兰州市榆中县龙泉乡水泉湾村,贫困户蔺明一家在田里铺设地 膜,种植小麦。在帮扶工作队的帮助下,蔺明采用地膜种植小麦、玉米和土豆,初步改善 了山区干旱种植育苗死亡率高、产量低的问题,收入逐年明显提高。夫妻俩依靠务农,先 后供两个孩子考入大学并获得了心仪的工作。2019年,家里还建起了3间新房,安装上了 自来水,过上了与城里人一样的生活。

Lin Ming and his family cover the wheat they have grown with plastic film in Shuiquanwan Village, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, on Nov. 10, 2013. With the poverty alleviation task force’s help, Lin has improved crop cultivation and increased his income, which enabled him to provide college education for two children and build a new house.

窦泽中 / Dou Zezhong

2020年3月29日,广东省湛江市遂溪县草潭镇,村民收获紫 心红薯。草潭镇精准扶贫,大力发展传统品牌——紫心红 薯,并通过南薯北运,增加村民收入,助力脱贫攻坚。

Farmers harvest purple sweet potatoes in Caotan Town, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Mar. 29, 2020. Caotan has developed the purple sweet potato industry to help villagers rise out of poverty.

翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing

2019年6月9日,江苏省泰州市红旗良种场育秧基地,工人们运送秧苗。当年,红旗良种场水稻种植面 积约10000多亩,丰收带动当地群众就业增收。

Workers send rice seedlings to paddy fields at a planting base in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Jun. 9, 2019. The farm grows over 600 hectares of rice, providing jobs to locals and helping them increase their income.

殷 凯 / Yin Kai

2016年7月16日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州阿坝县龙藏乡龙藏村,村 民在田间耕作。在援藏驻村扶贫干部的帮助和指导下,当地大力改进农 作物栽培技术,连年增产增收。

Villagers work in the fields in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province on Jul. 16, 2016. They have increased output by improving crop cultivation techniques with the help of poverty alleviation officials.

赵远平 / Zhao Yuanping


Colorful crops, such as corn and red chili, are dried in bamboo baskets in a village in Sanming, Fujian Province, on Oct. 1, 2017.

李乾浩 / Li Qianhao


Colorful crops, such as corn and red chili, are dried in bamboo baskets in a village in Sanming, Fujian Province, on Oct. 1, 2017.

李乾浩 / Li Qianhao


Photographers take group pictures of She ethnic group people relocated from remote mountains to a newly-built village in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Feb. 18, 2013, during the Chinese Lunar New Year. A total of 215 people from three She villages moved into new houses built by the local government.

杨婀娜 / Yang E’nuo


Twenty-one poor families get keys to their new houses at a village in Shangluo, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 31, 2018. They moved into the homes provided free by the local government.

李 杰 / Li Jie


An eldely man leads a donkey on an ancient bridge in Youyu County, Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2018. Youyu promotes tourism based on its good ecological environment and rich historical resources to lift locals out of poverty.

刘英毅 / Liu Yingyi


Three dwellers in an old house dance in the old town of Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province, on Jul. 8, 2014. Lichuan has renovated an ancient street of Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) and restored shops and buildings to their original glory to boost cultural tourism and help locals increase their income.

于志新 / Yu Zhixin


A man and his son spend time at a homestay in Jindalai village in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province on May 6, 2020. Growing toursim after Jindalai developed Korean folk culture, sightseeing and local cuisine has helped lift the whole village out of poverty.

许 畅 / Xu Chang

2018年4月7日,西藏自治区林芝市巴宜区林芝镇嘎拉村,村民和游客在第十六届林芝桃花节上观赏盛开的桃花。这里的桃花有0.13公顷14万株,平均树龄145年,最长的有600年。 当地利用桃花发展旅游产业,带动村民脱贫致富。

Villagers and tourists enjoy peach blossoms during the annual peach blossom festival in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Apr. 7, 2018. The village has developed tourism by making use of its 140,000 peach trees with an average age of 145 years to lift locals out of poverty.

原瑞伦 / Yuan Ruilun


A bustling market that sells agricultural and livestock products and daily necessities at a village in Bijie, Guizhou Province, on Feb. 20, 2019.

席建南 / Xi Jiannan


Food stalls at a village fair in Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Sept. 6, 2019.

束黎明 / Shu Liming


A tourist experiences making sticky rice cakes in Xiajiang Village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Nov. 2, 2017. Xiajiang has improved its ecology, economy, and living environment for villagers.

黄曙林 / Huang Shulin


Two children play in a market in poverty-stricken Fanxian County, Henan Province, on Sept. 3, 2019. The local government's poverty alleviation policies have raised the incomes of rural residents.

朱宪民 / Zhu Xianmin


Two women of the Yi ethnic group put on makeup at a beauty parlor for the torch festival in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 21, 2019. After shaking off poverty, Yi women now pay more attention to beauty and fashion.

孙祺然 / Sun Qiran


Rural women do needlework while selling their creations at market stalls in Tianshui, Gansu Province, on Mar. 9, 2019. They have increased income through hard work.

刘 雷 / Liu Lei


Women select sheets from a van in a village of the Dong ethnic group in Huaihua, Hunan Province, on Oct. 30, 2013. The van brings daily necessities and fashion items to villagers every week.

郭建设 / Guo Jianshe


Tourists buy silver jewelry at a market in the ancient town of Fenghuang in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 30, 2013. Fenghuang County promotes tourism and the production of souvenirs and handicrafts to increase locals’ income.

刘 阳 / Liu Yang


Children of the Yi ethnic group wash clothes after school at a village in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 23, 2018. Butuo, which has long suffered from poverty, has relocated 14,230 people from 26 remote villages to new communities as of Jun. 30, 2020.

张 风 / Zhang Feng


Workers help a rural family install a modern toilet in a village in Donghai County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, on Aug. 14, 2019. Donghai is promoting a “toilet revolution” to improve sanitation in rural areas.

蔡 迅 / Cai Xun


Abla Sawut (second from left) entertains neighbors with tea boiled with tap water in a village in Jiashi County in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 17, 2020. Jiashi has spent about 1.75 billion yuan ($249.9 million) to get 15,300 poverty-stricken people in the county access to safe drinking water.

谢 龙 / Xie Long


Ren Zhanyin, a villager in Qingyang of Gansu Province, takes a glass of drinking water from the tap. With the local government’s poverty alleviation measures, people in the village now drink filtered water.

任世琛 / Ren Shichen


Two workers of a power supply station check on photovoltaic power usage at an oil mill in Xingshan county, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Aug. 8, 2019.

张 彬 / Zhang Bin


Workers install photovoltaic facilities on the roof of a farmer’s house in Gaoqiao Town, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, on May 23, 2017. The government installed the facilities for poverty-stricken families to meet power demand and sell the surplus to the State Grid.

贾 骏 / Jia Jun


Tibetans chat in a newly built pavilion in Anguo Village in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, on Jun. 19, 2020. Tianjin, which has financed the renovation, has pledged additional spending to help the village become a popular tourist destination.

曹 彤 / Cao Tong


Residents relocated from poverty-stricken areas walk in a newly-built village in Ganluo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, on Feb. 14, 2019.

杨成龙 / Yang Chenglong


Jikeweiqie, who used to live in the cliff-top Atuleer village, moved into his new apartment in Zhaojue County on May 14, 2020. The children attend one of seven new schools in the community.

陈 杰 / Chen Jie

2020年4月27日,西藏自治区林芝市波密县倾多镇扎西村,村民在新家里忙碌着招待客人。 2003年从昌都市贡觉县搬迁到此的藏民,通过2018年的扶贫易地搬迁项目住进了新家。

Tibetans who relocated from Gonjo County entertain guests at their new home in Bomi County in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Apr. 27, 2020.

阿旺仁青 / Ngawang Rinchen


Villagers who have risen out of poverty move into houses built with the local government’s support in Lingshui Li Autonomous County in Hainan Province, on Apr. 28, 2018. With a photovoltaic system on the roof, they have sufficient power and sell the surplus to the State Grid.

黄一鸣 / Huang Yiming


Li Fucheng grows vegetables in front of his new house in Guangrong Village, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, on Oct. 26, 2017. The village rose out of poverty and villagers have built new homes by developing animal husbandry, aquaculture and growing vegetables.

郑玉德 / Zheng Yude


Migrant workers sleep in a temporary shed during a work break in their project to restore an ancient village in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 25, 2014. The development of rural tourism creates jobs for local people and increases their income.

李 舸 / Li Ge


Youths play basketball at a newly-built resettlement village in Ninglang County, Yunnan Province, on Jun. 26, 2020. The 10-hectare village was built at a cost of 23 million yuan ($3.3 million), and has 60 houses for people relocating from poverty-stricken areas.

何志高郎 / He Zhigaolang


A worker renovates a house in Shibadong Village in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Aug. 14, 2018. A tourism company invested on the renovation of old houses in the village to protect folk culture and develop tourism.

居 杨 / Ju Yang


Villagers help a poverty-stricken family repair their house in Shencha Village, Guyuan City, Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on Jul. 16, 2018.

陈团结 / Chen Tuanjie

2017年11月23日,陕西省安康市宁陕县梅子镇, 工人们装饰刚建好的移民脱贫搬迁安置房。偏远山区的贫困户住进了镇里的新社区,并将在这里安居乐业。

Workers decorate a resettlement house built for poverty-stricken migrants in Meizi Town, Ankang, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 23, 2017. Poor families in mountainous areas have moved into new communities in the town.

贾吉平 / Jia Jiping


Tibetans build a new house in a village in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Oct. 13, 2013.

李隆德 / Li Longde

2018年12月2日,福建省三明市三元区莘口镇竹洲村一间豆腐皮作坊,村民制作腐竹。 “竹洲”腐竹是当地知名品牌、特色风味美食。当地政府专门拨出专项扶贫资金拓宽销售渠道,为发展生态旅游,建设农产品特色小镇带来新机遇。

A farmer makes beancurd sticks at a workshop in Zhuzhou Village, Sanming, Fujian Province, on Dec. 2, 2018. The local government allocated poverty alleviation funds to develop rural ecotourism and local cuisine.

李 芳 / Li Fang


Villagers distill baijiu, or Chinese white liquor, using traditional methods in Gangoukou Village in Shangluo, Shaanxi Province, on Jan. 17, 2020. They sell the liquor locally and to neighboring areas.

周丽莉 / Zhou Lili


Villagers in Lvliang, Shanxi Province, leave for Beijing to work on Nov. 16, 2017. Rural women are given training in nursing to help them find jobs in cities.

王伟伟 / Wang Weiwei


A couple from Guizhou Province pick up garbage in the Minjiang River estuary wetland in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Feb. 19, 2017. They took the job eight years ago, which helped them rise out of poverty and protect the wetland’s environment.

陈增玉 / Chen Zengyu


Villagers construct a cement road in the mountainous Zuluo Village in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, on Dec. 17, 2017. The road offers the village and its produce access to the outside world.

练宝平 / Lian Baoping

2020年4月15日,5630次列车上,乘客观看网络热播视频——《慢火车重现往日繁忙》。 5629/30次列车是中国铁路成都局集团公司为方便老川黔线沿线村民和小站职工通勤而开通的慢火车。从20世纪70年代开始运行,沿线附近及周边都是贫困地区。慢火车对深山里的村民来说,是一条“生命线”,更是一趟脱贫致富的列车。

Passengers on the No. 5630 train watch a hit online video on Apr. 15, 2020. The slow train service, operated by Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd. in the 1970s to help villagers in poor regions commute, has become a lifeline for their economic development and helped lift people there out of poverty.

包 亮 / Bao Liang

2020年4月16日,贵州省遵义市桐梓县的桐梓火车站,列车员帮助到站菜农下车。往返于贵州省遵义市与重庆市的5629/30次普速列车,全程312千米,行驶10多个小时,最高票价 23.5元,区间内最低票价2元。这趟穿行于山区的“绿皮火车”,沿线25个站连通很多村寨,目前仍是沿线民众赶集买卖、走亲访友、上学的重要交通工具。

Conductors help a vegetable grower get off the train at Tongzi Station in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, on Apr. 16, 2020. The No. 5630 slow train, which connects Zunyi with Southwest China’s Chongqing and passes through many villages, provides transportation for people living along the line.

瞿宏伦 / Qu Honglun


A villager carrying ducks gets off the No. 5633 train in Puxiong Town, in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 1, 2019. The slow train, running through Puxiong and Panzhihua in Sichuan helps villagers in poor regions commute and allows them to carry livestock with them to trade in the market.

沈 丹 / Shen Dan

2020年5月26日,河南省洛阳市栾川县新南村,一列 “火车”停靠在水岸旁。据悉,“铁路小镇”是国铁集团对口帮扶栾川的重点扶贫项目。车厢内有配套休闲设施,车站外是整齐划一的农家宾馆,为游客提供便利的住宿、餐饮服务,成为新晋网红打卡地。

A train replica by the riverbank in Xinnan Village, Luanchuan county, Central China’s Henan Province, offers leisure facilities to visitors. The village has become a popular tourist destination after China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. helped build a “railway town” under its poverty alleviation program.

高均海 / Gao Junhai


A villager cleans his chicken farm in Xiaode Town, Mianzhu, Sichuan Province, on Jan. 19, 2020.

朱兴鑫 / Zhu Xingxin

2019年7月2日夜,安徽省六安市舒城县五显镇梅山村,睡在鹅棚里的纪道明用手机查阅养鹅技术资料。纪道明在自己脱贫致富的同时,不忘父老乡亲。2019年,他带领30户贫困户, 养殖黄牛50头,皖西大白鹅1000只,还在水塘里养鱼养虾。在纪道明的影响下,梅山村有劳动能力的130余户贫困户全部走上产业脱贫之路。同年9月,纪道明荣获全国脱贫攻坚奖奋进奖。

Ji Daoming looks for information on raising geese before going to bed in Meishan Village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Jul. 2, 2019. Ji has led 30 poverty-stricken families to raise 50 cattle, 1,000 geese, and fish and shrimp, which benefited at least 130 families. He was given a national award for poverty alleviation that year.

陈 力 / Chen Li


A couple sends ducks to customers in Zhuhai Town, Changning County in Yibin, Sichuan Province, on Feb. 2, 2018. Farmers in the county have set up poultry farms to diversify its agricultural economy and alleviate poverty.

王大刚 / Wang Dagang


Huang Qing, a villager from South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, smiles after he receives chicks for free from the village’s poverty alleviation task force. Huang’s family fell into poverty due to illness, but the task force used targeted measures to help the family pull out of poverty in 2019.

敖帅昌 / Ao Shuaichang

2019年7月13日,吉林白城洮南市呼和车力蒙古族乡草原,老艺人朱连生用自己亲手制作的马头琴演奏 《万马奔腾》。

Mongolian artist Zhu Liansheng plays a self-made morin khuur, or the horsehead fiddle, on the grasslands in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Jul. 13, 2019.

邱会宁 / Qiu Huining


Tursungul Remaz milks a camel in Huangtuchang village in Hami, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 24, 2020. Villagers have risen out of poverty by developing animal husbandry.

张全忠 / Zhang Quanzhong

2012年12月7日,新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰市阿拉哈克乡,牧民与羊群冬季转场途中, 在-30℃的雪地里过夜。

Herdsmen spend the night in the snow at -30℃ while moving their sheep to winter pastures in Altay Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Dec. 7, 2012.

钱 捍 / Qian Han

2017年7月28日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县农作乡, 牧民在放牧间隙吃午饭。精准扶贫政策实施后,美姑县彝族牧民自发进行互助牧羊,采取轮流放牧,空余时间可以节约出来做农活及家务,有效地节省了人力成本。

Herdsmen have lunch outside a village in Meigu County, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 28, 2017. Farmers of the Yi ethnic group in the county take turns to help one another with grazing so that they have more time for farming and housework.

田明章 / Tian Mingzhang

2019年6月3日晨,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县加榜乡加车村,一对苗族夫妻挑着秧苗走在梯田坎上。加车村山高路险,苗族百姓一直处于传统的农居生活状态。近年来, 当地修好了扶贫硬化路,让苗家的优质糯米销售出去,也请各地游客走进来。

A couple of the Miao ethnic group carry rice seedlings on a terrace in Jiache Village in Guizhou Province, on Jun. 3, 2019.The local government has paved roads to improve farming conditions, help transport locally produced glutinous rice and bring more tourists to the village.

贾国荣 / Jia Guorong


A fruit grower delivers cherries to a buyer in a village in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, on May 17, 2020.

李姝蒙 / Li Shumeng

2019年3月24日,家住贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州台江县施洞镇平兆村巴拉河苗寨的苗族妇女张记保、张布平、张银妹、张两翁(从前至后) 从田地所在的江对岸撑船渡过清水江后挑菜上岸。2017年,她们通过承包村里的80余亩荒田发展生态蔬菜种植,实现了“家门口”的增收梦。

Women of the Miao ethnic group carry loads of vegetables picked from a plantation near Pingzhao Village in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 24, 2019. Their incomes rose after they leased more than 5 hectares of wasteland to plant vegetables in 2017.

陈晔华 / Chen Yehua

2017年9月23日,甘肃省武威市民勤县号顺新村,村民晾晒辣椒。2015 年,号顺新村按照“支部+公司+基地+农户”模式,通过精准扶贫专项贷款和农户入股,成立了民勤县青土湖生态农业发展有限公司,收入单一的农民变成了产业工人,每人每月至少有3000元的收入。2017年, 富裕后的号顺新村建起小康住宅110套,全部分给村民居住。

Villagers dry peppers at Haoshun new village, Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Sept. 23, 2017. They have become shareholders and workers in an agricultural development company and earn 3,000 yuan ($424) each month. In 2017, the village allocated 110 houses to the villagers.

黑建军 / Hei Jianjun

2017年7月11日,吉林省通化市辉南县双安屯人参养殖基地,农民驾驶着三轮车准备回家。 近年来,通化市紧抓吉林省实施“人参产业振兴工程”的有利发展时机,目前已形成了集科研、生产、加工、商贸、旅游和文化“六位一体”的人参产业发展格局,被国家命名为 “中国人参之乡”和“中国人参产业基地”。

Farmers ride a tricycle to go home after finishing work at a ginseng breeding base in Huinan County, Tonghua, Northeast China’s Jilin Province, on Jul. 11, 2017. Tonghua, known as “the hometown of ginseng”, has integrated the ginseng industry with research, production and processing.

刁立生 / Diao Lisheng


A farmer displays freshly harvested sweet potatoes at a village in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 18, 2018.

鲁 鹏 / Lu Peng

2018年10月23日,陕西省榆林市靖边县中山界镇贺家岇村,贫困户党玉福夫妇抢收高粱。 自2017年扶贫工作队进驻该村以来,充分利用当地的自然条件,从山东引进高产高粱品种 “红樱子”,种植1000多亩,亩产达到1400多斤,使全村24户贫困户进入了一年脱贫、两年致富的快车道。

Dang Yufu and his wife harvest hongyingzi sorghum, a high-yield variety from Shandong Province, in Hejia’ang Village in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, on Oct. 23, 2018. Twenty-four families in the village have got rid of poverty by growing about 70 hectares of hongyingzi sorghum.

袁 东 / Yuan Dong

2019年11月30日,云南省昆明市石林彝族自治县鹿阜镇清水塘村,农户晾晒收获的玉米。 玉米是这里的主要农作物之一,当年又获得了丰收。

A farmer dries corn in a village while a girl plays with her dog in Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, on Nov. 30, 2019. She had another bumper harvest of corn, a key local crop.

兰红光 / Lan Hongguang


A PetroChina employee (in red) gives fertilizers to farmers and teaches them how to use them in a village of Moyu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Mar. 29, 2016. The company provides logistics and services to ensure fertilizer supply for spring plowing in the region.

吕殿杰 / Lyu Dianjie


Villagers chat under a photovoltaic lamp in Shaguo Village in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province on Dec. 11, 2013. The China Environmental Protection Foundation spent over 500,000 yuan ($70,758) to install photovoltaic pump and power generation systems to meet the demand of 356 villagers.

邓 佳 / Deng Jia

2019年6月27日,甘肃省武威市古浪县黄花 滩绿洲完全小学,学生们在操场上欢迎来自 各地的客人参观。该校是一所公办小学,各 种功能室和场馆设计超前,设备一流,确保 了绿洲生态移民小城镇的学生就近入学。学 校现有学生千余人,由16个民族组成。

Students welcome visitors to a primary school in Lyuzhou, Gulang County, Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jun. 27, 2019. The school has modern facilities and enrolls more than 1,000 students from 16 ethnic groups, with many of them being migrants from poor areas.

解海龙 / Xie Hailong

2019年6月27日,甘肃省武威市古浪县黄花 滩绿洲完全小学,学生们在操场上欢迎来自 各地的客人参观。该校是一所公办小学,各 种功能室和场馆设计超前,设备一流,确保 了绿洲生态移民小城镇的学生就近入学。学 校现有学生千余人,由16个民族组成。

Students welcome visitors to a primary school in Lyuzhou, Gulang County, Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jun. 27, 2019. The school has modern facilities and enrolls more than 1,000 students from 16 ethnic groups, with many of them being migrants from poor areas.

解海龙 / Xie Hailong

2018年9月3日,广东省河源市的深圳 中学河源实验学校,学生参加新校开 学典礼。该校是由深圳市政府出资1亿 元援助河源的公办初中,建筑面积3.6 万平方米,办学规模为60个班,新增 3000个优质学位。

Students attend the opening ceremony of Heyuan Experimental School, a branch of Shenzhen Middle School, in Heyuan, Guangdong Province, on Sept. 3, 2018. The Shenzhen government spent 100 million yuan ($14.13 million) to build the school, which covers a built-up area of 36,000 square meters and accommodates 3,000 students in 60 classes.

吴 峻 / Wu Jun

2019年6月25日,甘肃省武威市 天祝藏族自治县民族中学,学生 们上体育课。该校是全国民族中 学示范校。全校师生由藏族、汉 族、回族、土族、蒙古族五个民 族构成,是全县唯一一所藏汉双 语教学的寄宿制完全中学。

Students attend a physical education class in Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County Middle School in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jun. 25, 2019. The school enrolls teachers and students from five ethnic groups — Tibetan, Han, Hui, Tu, and Mongolian — and is the only boarding school in the county that offers teaching in Han and Tibetan languages.

陆中秋 / Lu Zhongqiu

2020年1月16日,云南省曲靖市会泽县东陆高级中学大礼堂,北京大学考古文博学院学生 李青为学弟学妹们做宣讲。会泽是全国深度贫困县,当地把教育作为阻断贫困代际传递的 有力抓手。2010年以来,全县有128名学生被北大、清华录取;10000余名学生被全国重点 大学录取;30000余名学生被本科院校录取。

Peking University student Li Qing lectures to high school students in Huize County of Qujing, Yunnan Province, on Jan. 16, 2020. Poverty-stricken Huize attaches great importance to education and has sent more than 10,000 students to national key universities since 2010.

高兴贵 / Gao Xinggui

2020年1月3日,海南省海口市美兰区的海南省机电工程学校,职业初中班学生在老师的指 导下学习遥控无人机。2019年9月,海南省在全国率先试点在部分中等职业学校设立职业 初中班,让建档立卡家庭、农村低保家庭和农村特困救助供养学生中学业困难、反复辍学 的九年级学生完成义务教育,并接受部分职业技能培训。

Junior high school students learn how to remotely control unmanned drones at Hainan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School in Haikou, Hainan Province, on Jan. 3, 2020. The island province offers vocational training to junior high school students from poverty-stricken families with poor academic performance.

袁 琛 / Yuan Chen

2019年7月15日,青海省西宁市几何书店,读者阅读书籍。青海几何书店占地面积达10000 平方米,图书品种多达15万种,45万册。目前,几何书店是中国最大的独立书店之一,也 是青藏高原最大的独立书店,为当地群众提供了必不可少的精神食粮。

People read books at Jihe Bookstore in Xining, Northwest China’s Qinghai Province, on Jul. 15, 2019. The 10,000-square-meter store has around 450,000 books in more than 150,000 categories and enriches local people’s cultural life.

赵 隽 / Zhao Jun

2017年10月2日,福建省宁德市古田县杉洋镇蓝田书院,老师对学生们开展礼仪教育。该 县在文化扶贫过程中,不仅注重农村的普及教育,还注重孩子的礼仪修养。

Students learn etiquette at a school in Gutian County, Ningde, Fujian Province, on Oct. 2, 2017. The county attaches great importance to both education and etiquette of rural students.

杨 琳 / Yang Lin

2018年10月12日,西藏自治区山南市洛扎县中学,一名藏族教师教学生用计算机绘画。在 这所地理位置十分偏远的中学里,使用计算机教学已成为常态。

A Tibetan teacher trains students computer-aided design in a middle school in Lhokha City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Oct. 12, 2018. Computerized education has become the norm in the remote school.

康泰森 / Kang Taisen

2018年10月29日,内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗第二小学,学生们在图书馆里自习。这是 北京众合公益基金会的“众合图书角”公益扶困助学项目,资助国家级贫困地区的小学建 立校图书馆(室),增加蒙文、汉语图书数量。

Students study in the library of a primary school in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Oct. 29, 2018. The library was financed by a Beijing foundation, which provides primary schools in State-level poverty-stricken counties with libraries.

凌福平 / Ling Fuping

2020年6月11日,四川省雅安市上里镇的首创小学音乐教室,学生与首创置地的青年党员 一起合唱。2013年雅安地震后,首创小学的前身——上里镇共和希望小学校舍受到严重破 坏。首都国企首创置地出资重建该校,此后又通过提供免费早餐,设立奖(助)学金,开 办夏令营,对接学习资源等多种方式持续帮助该校。

Beijing Capital Land employees and students sing together at a primary school in Shangli Town in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 11, 2020. The Beijing firm rebuilt the school, which was severely damaged in an earthquake in 2013, and provides students free breakfast and scholarships, and organizes summer camps.

武亦彬 / Wu Yibin

2014年5月12日,湖北省武汉市的武汉爱乐音乐学校,校长康丽指挥来自四川大凉山贫困 山区的孩子们练习大合唱。该校有95名学生,其中93人来自四川大凉山彝族。他们中有67 名彝族孩子吃、穿、住、学,学校分文不收。他们大都是孤儿或单亲贫困家庭的孩子,年 龄最小的只有6岁。

Children from Daliangshan Mountains in Sichuan province practice a chorus under the guidance of Kang Li, head of a music school in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on May 12, 2014. Ninety-three of the school’s 95 students are of the Yi ethnic group, and 67 of them are provided free tuition and living expenses as they are orphans or from single-parent families.

石 一 / Shi Yi

2018年11月16日,安徽省六安市金寨县梅山镇小南京村“山娃娃古筝班”,俞晓冬教留守 儿童学习古筝。2014年,俞晓冬自筹资金20多万元购置40多架古筝,无偿对山村留守儿童 进行古筝培训和音乐教育,被孩子们称为“古筝妈妈”。在她的指导下,一批批山里孩子 在小学毕业前通过全国器乐水平十级考试,还多次参加国内公益演出。

Yu Xiaodong teaches children to play the guzheng, or the Chinese zither, in a village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Nov. 16, 2018. Yu spent over 200,000 yuan buying more than 40 guzheng to provide music education to local children.

赵树宴 / Zhao Shuyan

2014年9月9日,吉林省白城市洮北区平安镇中心校乡村少年宫,孩子们演奏古筝。近年 来,洮北区得到中央专项彩票公益金支持,在各乡村学校少年宫相继成立了舞蹈、器乐、 书法、乒乓球等活动小组,为广大学生搭建起施展才艺的舞台。

Children play the guzheng, or the Chinese zither, at a village of Taobei District in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Sept. 9, 2014. Supported by the central government’s public welfare lottery fund, the district has set up after-school groups to teach rural students dancing, music instruments, calligraphy and table tennis.

王绍利 / Wang Shaoli

2018年8月9日,广西壮族自治区南宁市一杂技团练习室内,李惠贤(左二)与队友练习杂 技《圆桌溜冰》。时年22岁的李惠贤来自国家级贫困县——南宁市马山县,曾随该杂技团 到多国演出。通过杂技演出,李惠贤取得了一定的收入,扭转了家里的经济状况。据悉, 该杂技团共有60余人来自马山县。

Li Huixian (second from left) practices with teammates in an acrobatic troupe in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Aug. 9, 2018. Li and 60 others from the troupe are from povertystricken Mashan County, and performances have increased their income.

陈冠言 / Chen Guanyan


A volunteer from Beijing interacts with pupils in a poverty-stricken area of Hezhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2019.

陶 冉 / Tao Ran

2019年11月15日,广西壮族自治区南宁市马山县马山电白小学,学生们在运动场上开展体 育活动。该小学是粤桂扶贫协作重点项目,短短10个月就完成了从建设到招生的过程。目 前,该校拥有27个班级,1336名学生,其中贫困学生906名,有效地保障了易地搬迁户子 女及进城务工人员子女接受义务教育的需求。

Students attend a physical education class in the newly-built Dianbai Primary School in Mashan County, Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Nov. 15, 2019. The school, which has 906 poor students out of a total of 1,336, ensures children relocating from other places are entitled to compulsory education.

卢伊琳 / Lu Yilin

2013年4月24日,海南省琼中黎族苗族自治县,该县女子足球队在训练。琼中女足,这支 诞生于国家级贫困县的业余女子足球队,曾三度夺得有小世界杯之称的“哥德堡杯”世界 青少年足球锦标赛冠军。2019年4月27日,琼中县宣布退出贫困县序列。

The women’s football team in Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County, Hainan Province, train on Apr. 24, 2013. The amateur team won three championships in the World Youth Gothia Cup. The county got rid of poverty in 2019.

王文扬 / Wang Wenyang

2020年5月19日,甘肃省临夏回族自 治州东乡族自治县龙泉乡拱北湾中 心学校,学生们下课后跑向食堂。 省民族企业联合商会扶贫助教委员 会向该校捐赠了校服、书包、文 具、体育用品等,使学生们的校园 生活变得更加丰富多彩。

Students run to the canteen after class at a school in Dongxiang, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu province, on May 19, 2020. A provincial business federation has donated school uniforms, schoolbags, stationery and sporting equipment to improve campus life.

吕 楠 / Lyu Nan

2020年5月28日,四川省成都市新都区西街小学,老师课间休息时与来自甘孜藏族自治州 理塘县的藏族小学生做游戏。

A teacher plays games with Tibetan pupils from Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture at a primary school in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on May 28, 2020.

朱 丹 / Zhu Dan

2016年10月19日,河南省商丘市民权县双塔镇大山子小学,学生领到央企爱心人士捐赠的 书包。当日,国电保险经纪(北京)有限公司团支部爱心志愿者来到该小学,捐赠书包、 文具和书籍,与孩子们谈心、做游戏,并与该校建立长期帮扶关系,每年邀请一名优秀学 生到北京过暑假。

Students of a rural primary school in Shangqiu, Henan Province, receive donated items, such as schoolbags and stationery, on Oct. 19, 2016. A company in Beijing offers long-term assistance to the school and invites one top student to spend the summer vacation in Beijing each year.

马 玉 / Ma Yu


Students and a policeman from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, fly paper planes inscribed with blessings and dreams in Baxie Primary School in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Aug. 25, 2019. The policeman donated 300 sets of gifts, including schoolbags, sports equipment and clothes, to the school.

章善玉 / Zhang Shanyu


Drolma Choitso, a Buddhist nun in Bangpu Temple, teaches Tibetan children Chinese in a house next to the temple in Daocheng, Sichuan Province, on Aug. 30, 2014. She has offered free tutoring to 13 Tibetan children for eight years in the poverty-stricken county.

周国强 / Zhou Guoqiang


He Jun, a teacher from Xindu District of Chengdu, gives a mathematics lesson to Tibetan students in Litang County, Sichuan Province, on May 28, 2020. To improve education in the poverty-stricken region, Xindu sends 40 teachers a year to primary and secondary schools in Litang and offers training to over 50 Litang teachers.

刘献清 / Liu Xianqing


Kindergarten children play in a resettlement village in Fuping County, Baoding, Hebei Province, on Dec. 25, 2019. Fuping has improved facilities and introduced high-quality educational resources in 41 schools and offered financial aid to 19,297 poverty-stricken students.

赵 晶 / Zhao Jing


A teacher uses a projector to help with teaching at a primary school in Luoxi Town, Ji’an, Jiangxi Province, on Jun. 7, 2014. Supported by the China Women’s Development Foundation, the school has improved its facilities, the campus environment and dormitories, and attracted excellent teachers.

吴 强 / Wu Qiang


College student Zhou Meifen leads children to play games at a kindergarten in Hebian Village in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on May 18, 2020. Zhou, one of only four to go to college after the village got rid of poverty, volunteers as a kindergarten teacher during vacation.

张 彤 / Zhang Tong


Children are amazed by the visual effects of a 3D animated film at a primary school in Hebi, Henan Province, on Feb. 2, 2018. Liu Houzhong, a retired worker of Henan Hebi Mining Group, and volunteers regularly show films for children and the elderly in the poor mountainous areas.

张兆增 / Zhang Zhaozeng


Children ride tricycles at a kindergarten in Erduodi Village at an altitude of 1,710 meters in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Jun. 23, 2019. More villagers are sending their children for free preschool education in the kindergarten, which has two volunteer teachers and 20 students from ages 3 to 6.

赵 亢 / Zhao Kang


Children have free lunch at a village kindergarten in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 21, 2018.

李铁强 / Li Tieqiang


Children play at a kindergarten in Dongmafang Community in Yingcheng, Hubei Province, on Sept. 12, 2018. Three kindergartens in Dongmafang offer education to children from 23 villages and communities.

晏美华 / Yan Meihua


Children play games at a kindergarten in Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 24, 2017. Many children in the kindergarten are from poor families and receive a good education thanks to the government’s preferential policies for the poor.

王 静 / Wang Jing


Liu Faying briefs children about the outside world while ferrying them across the river in Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 11, 2020. As of Jun. 13, 2020, Liu, a National People’s Congress deputy, and her team had raised about 23 million yuan ($3.24 million) for 3,584 poverty-stricken students.

李亚隆 / Li Yalong


Deng Xiaolan teaches a music lesson for children of Malan Primary School in Baoding, Hebei Province, on Sept. 28, 2012. Deng, born in Malan Village, helped a local band perform in cities including Beijing and Shanghai.

胡金喜 / Hu Jinxi

2017年11月21日,新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区青河县,穿上定制羽绒服的孩子们放飞代表梦想的纸飞机。当日,海澜之家“多一克温暖”走进该县的七个学校,将定制的加厚羽绒服送到北疆老师和孩子们的手中。从2014年至今,海澜之家“多一克温暖”团队走遍了23 个省的200 余个地区,帮扶上千所学校,为偏远地区的师生们送去数十万件定制加厚羽绒服。

Children wearing custom-made down jackets fly paper planes in Qinghe County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Nov. 21, 2017. Chinese clothing maker Hailan Home has donated custommade thick jackets to about 1,000 schools across 23 provinces since 2014.

黄 悦 / Huang Yue


Children wearing gloves and scarves attend class at Sanjianfang Village Primary School in Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, on Dec. 31, 2013. The Women’s Federation of Baofeng donated the items to 195 children living in the poor mountainous areas.

何五昌 / He Wuchang


Students listen attentively at Rongguanxiu Primary School in Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, on Jun. 21, 2012. Instead of commuting daily on mountainous roads, the students now live in a newly-built dormitory under a poverty alleviation project launched in 2011 to benefits tens of thousands of children in 45 towns of six counties.

翟羽佳 / Zhai Yujia


Two girls pose for a picture in a village in Xishui County, Zunyi, Guizhou Province, on Sept. 11, 2016. Xishui and 13 other counties and districts in the province rose out of poverty in 2018.

邓 维 / Deng Wei


Children dance with joy the moment a light is turned on in Yushu City, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, on Jul. 14, 2013. Xiaoshan’s power supply authorities in Zhejiang Province have assisted Yushu since 2012 to make sure that every school there has access to electricity.

丁 力 / Ding Li

2016年5月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州昭觉县支尔 莫乡阿土列尔村,在3名家长的保护下,15名孩子顺 着垂直高度超过800多米的悬崖攀爬17条藤梯放学回 家。此后,当地政府出资修建了一条安全的钢梯,替 代了这条危险的“天梯路”。“悬崖村”勒尔社也 接上了光缆,拥有了4G(第四代移动通信技术)网 络,并上了国家电网,改善了教育条件,成为国内著 名的网红打卡地。

Protected by their parents, children climb 17 rattan ladders to reach their cliff-top homes after school in Atuleer Village, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on May 14, 2016. Their daily ordeal consists of climbing more than 800 meters. Local government has built a safe steel ladder to the village and improved its internet facilities and education conditions.

陈 杰 / Chen Jie

2018年7月21日,黑龙江佳木斯抚远市黑瞎子岛,选手们参加“2018徒步中国·全国徒步 大会黑瞎子岛站”活动。当地在保持原始自然生态的同时,发展生态旅游,带动脱贫致 富。当年8月,抚远市脱贫摘帽。

Participants in a hiking event in Heixiazi Isle in the city of Fuyuan, Heilongjiang Province, on Jul. 21, 2018. Fuyuan shook off poverty by protecting the local ecology and developing ecotourism.

刘 平 / Liu Ping

2019年9月16日,江西吉安井冈山市茅坪乡坝上村,村民带领游客参观。坝上村是 “十三五”省定贫困村,也是一个知名的红军村。当地挖掘红色历史资源,大力发展红色 旅游,助推精准脱贫。

A farmer shows tourists dressed in the Red Army uniform around Bashang Village in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, on Sept. 16, 2019. Bashang has made use of its revolutionary cultural heritage to develop tourism and lift the village out of poverty.

王 敬 / Wang Jing

2019年7月27日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗莱德马场,选手们参加“全国速度 赛马经典大赛”。作为大兴安岭南麓集中连片特困地区,该旗引进了兼有养马、育马、赛 马等业务的自治区级重点龙头企业——莱德马业,创造就业岗位,培养专业人才,已带动 1165户3100名贫困人口脱贫。

Contestants take part in a national racing competition in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Jul. 27, 2019. The banner has set up a racehorse breeding company, which has lifted 3,100 people of 1,165 families out of poverty.

毛建军 / Mao Jianjun

2015年6月13日,湖北省宜昌市兴山县朝天吼漂流景区,游客乐享夏日清凉。近年来,该 县将旅游发展与扶贫攻坚深度融合,昔日的绿水青山成为百姓脱贫的金山银山。

Tourists enjoy a scenic spot in Xingshan County, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 13, 2015. Xingshan has protected the local ecology to promote tourism and improve people’s life.

李景录 / Li Jinglu

2014年9月5日,河南省商丘市民权县北关镇王公庄村一间画室里,学员们练习画虎。“中 国画虎第一村”——王公庄村1300多人中,有900多人从事画虎及相关产业,成了远近闻 名的 “小康村”,并辐射带动周边数千名农民从事或经销农民画。

People draw tigers in a studio in Wanggongzhuang Village in Shangqiu, Henan Province, on Sept. 5, 2014. More than 900 of the 1,300 villagers in the village are engaged in tiger painting and related business, attracting thousands of others nearby to make paintings or buy them.

张 涛 / Zhang Tao

2017年11月4日,河北省张家口市尚义县套里庄乡槽碾坡村,村民农歇时在3D(三维)彩绘 前畅想未来。槽碾坡村是国家级贫困村,当地努力打造“艺术小镇”。2017年夏,美院师 生用涂鸦等艺术形式,为12间农舍换新貌,吸引了许多游客前来观光。

Residents chat in front of a 3D painting in Caonianpo Village in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, on Nov. 4, 2017. Art school teachers and students painted the walls of 12 houses in the poverty-stricken village in 2017, which has attracted many tourists.

赵占南 / Zhao Zhannan

2019年11月11日,甘肃省天水市麦积区新阳镇赵家庄村,国家一级演员高保利为村民高歌 一曲《吉祥安康》,助力脱贫攻坚。当日,中国杂技家协会文艺志愿服务团“送欢乐下基 层”在当地举办文艺慰问演出。

Gao Baoli, a top national performance artist, sings in Zhaojiazhuang Village in Tianshui, Gansu Province, on Nov. 11, 2019. The China Acrobats Association artists gave a free performance to improve rural residents’ cultural life.

裴 斐 / Pei Fei

2017年2月12日,甘肃省陇南市武都区鱼龙镇王家沟村,村民观看高山戏。高山戏主要流传 于武都山区,约有700年历史,当地也是中国文联的定点扶贫地区。多年来,中国文联结 合自身特点,发挥文艺资源优势,在高山戏的抢救、传承、创造等方面不断努力,让这个 戏曲界的“活化石”重新焕发了光彩。

Villagers watch the performance of local gaoshan opera, which originated 700 years ago, in Wudu District of Longnan, Gansu Province, on Feb. 12, 2017. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to revive the opera and boost its inheritance.

刘 宇 / Liu Yu

2016年9月13日,辽宁省铁岭市铁岭县白旗 寨满族乡夹河厂村,县文化馆送戏下乡, 为村民表演皮影戏。县文化馆通过送戏下乡,文化惠民,助力脱贫攻坚。

Artists of Tieling county’s cultural administration perform shadow plays to improve people’s cultural life at a village in Tieling County, Liaoning Province, on Sept 13, 2016.

方海鹰 / Fang Haiying

2019年8月27日,贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州兴义市万峰林街道下纳灰村,由返乡青年组成的布依族“八音坐唱”队排练节目。“八音坐唱”是布依族民间曲艺说唱形式,列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录。近年来,一批批走出大山的年轻人返乡创业,传承“八音坐 唱”。他们富有民族特色的表演,成了当地展示旅游形象的“金名片”,也为脱贫攻坚注入 了亮丽色彩。

Bouyei ethnic performers rehearse eight-tone sitting-singing, a form of local folk music listed as national intangible cultural heritage, in a village in Xingyi, Guizhou Province, on Aug. 27, 2019. An increasing number of Bouyei youth have inherited the art and their performances attract tourists and raise income in the village.

徐渭明 / Xu Weiming


A villager dressed in traditional opera costume livestreams local tourism attractions in Fugu County, Shaanxi Province, on Apr. 27, 2018.

李昀铮 / Li Yunzheng


People of the Yao ethnic group rehearse a folk performance in a resettlement village in Heli Town, Laibin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2020. They are living happily after being relocated to the new community.

李冠才/ Li Guancai

2014年12月24日,西藏自治区林芝市巴宜区,工布藏民围在火炉旁吃结达(一种类似奶酪的食物),欢庆工布新年。吃结达是工布新年团圆饭中一个不可或缺的环节。以前生活条 件不好的时候,过年时每人只能舔尝一点儿结达;现在生活富裕了,大家可以尽情享用, 感受生活的甜蜜。

Tibetans eat Jieda baking dough to celebrate the Gongbo New Year, a traditional festival in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 24, 2014. As life gets better, they can buy as much Jieda as they want.

刘海英 / Liu Haiying


Villagers practice yoga during a work break in Yugouliang Village, Zhangbei County in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, on Sept. 12, 2018.

赵占南 / Zhao Zhannan


Lu Xifen (fourth from left), deputy head of Sichuan University’s Student Affairs Department, leads volunteers on a visit to a poverty-stricken student’s family in Nilka County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Aug. 1, 2019. They visited 39 families during the summer vacation to learn about their situation and provide financial assistance.

陈元明 / Chen Yuanming


Undergraduate volunteers help villagers draw up a blueprint for poverty alleviation in an ancient village in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hubei Province, on Sept. 9, 2018.

董广民 / Dong Guangmin


Ye Jun (fourth from left) leads workers in using a bamboo mat to take a layer of paper from a pulp pool at a xuan paper factory in Jingxian County, Xuancheng, Anhui Province, on Aug. 5, 2019. Ye’s factory provides jobs to more than 20 migrants, who earn at least 60,000 yuan ($8,554) a year.

邬 静 / Wu Jing

2020年5月26日,北京市密云区,朱会萍(左一)向农家姐妹传授缝制技艺。朱会萍是区级非物质文化遗产玲珑枕制作技艺传承人,她创办手工艺品专业合作社10余年,通过免费 教学和提供工作机会等方式,带领该区部分农村家庭摘掉低收入帽子,走上致富道路。 2019年,经过3年坚持不懈的精准帮扶,密云区11674户低收入家庭全部越过低收入线,31个低收入村全部“摘帽”,提前完成“脱低”任务。

Zhu Huiping (left), a pillow making master, teaches sewing skills to fellow villagers in Miyun District of Beijing on May 26, 2020. Zhu set up a cooperative 10 years ago to give free training and jobs to help villagers rise out of poverty. In 2019, Miyun’s 11,674 low-income families bid farewell to low incomes.

王海欣 / Wang Haixin


Trainees learn to cook Cantonese cuisine at a vocational school in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, on May 27, 2020. The school has trained 3,257 chefs since 2018, with more than 60 percent of them from poverty-stricken families in rural areas.

周华东 / Zhou Huadong

2019年10月14日,海南省海口市美兰区的海南省总工会职工培训中心,来自全省各地的学员参加高级母婴护理(产康)技能培训班。海南省总工会把职业技能培训作为推动精准扶 贫工作的有力抓手,通过培训进一步提高下岗职工、农民工、贫困户、低保户以及城市 困难群体的就业技能水平。截至2019年10月14日,免费母婴护理技能培训班已成功举办89期,培训6000多人。

People learn maternal and infant nursing skills at a provincial vocational training center in Hainan Province on Oct. 14, 2019. The Hainan Trade Union has offered free skills training to over 6,000 laidoff workers, rural laborers and poor families to help improve their life.

袁 琛 / Yuan Chen


Maternity matrons are offered training at a vocational school in Hanbin District of Ankang, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2015. The district provides skill training in 25 industries, including household management, cooking and auto repair to help surplus rural laborers get jobs locally.

汪金波 / Wang Jinbo


Contestants take part in a Nadam Camel Festival in Alshaa Right Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jan. 8, 2018. The banner has introduced a series of policies to encourage camel breeding and related business to boost the rural economy.

安菲菲 / An Feifei

2019年10月14日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区疏附县吾库沙克乡吐万克吾库沙克村,村民阿布都克热穆·吐尔逊在家中制作民族乐器。吐万克吾库沙克村被誉为“中国新疆民族乐 器村”,已有150多年手工制作民族乐器的历史,所制作的传统乐器除在当地销售,还远销中亚、欧洲等国家。目前该村已有273户500余名村民依靠制作乐器走上致富路。

A villager makes folk music instruments in Tuwankewukushake Village in Shufu County, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, on Oct. 14, 2019. Over 500 villagers of 273 families have become prosperous by making musical instruments that are sold in Xinjiang as well as Central Asia and Europe.

刘 新 / Liu Xin

2020年5月10日,四川省凉山彝族自治州越西县普雄镇呷拖村的彝族漆器髹饰技艺工坊, 工人们髹饰绘制彝族漆器产品。近年来,当地积极探索“非遗+扶贫”模式,推进彝族漆器髹饰技艺的传承和产业振兴,带动贫困户实现家门口就业。

Workers paint on lacquerware of the Yi ethnic group at a workshop in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 10, 2020. The Yi lacquerware industry has helped lift many locals out of poverty.

孙建生 / Sun Jiansheng


Wang Yihua, a designer from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, shows his new releases at the China Fashion Week in Beijing on Oct. 31, 2019. Xinjiang’s clothing sector has improved its design and production techniques with the support of China’s textile and garment industry.

崔小曼 / Cui Xiaoman

2018年11月3日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州壤塘县中壤塘镇唐卡传习所,藏族青年学习唐 卡制作。该传习所通过文化扶贫,既解决了当地青少年的读书问题,又让他们通过所学技 能实现家庭脱贫。

Tibetan youths learn painting Thangka, a style of Tibetan art that involves painting on embroidery, at a Thangka institute in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Nov. 3, 2018. The institute offers skills training to help the youth rise out of poverty.

李光健 / Li Guangjian


Women participate in an embroidery skill competition in Sisters' Meal Festival, a local matchmaking event, in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, on Apr. 29, 2018.

滕 科 / Teng Ke


Women of the Miao ethnic group talk about embroidery skills at a village in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 18, 2015. An increasing number of young people in the county have been attracted to the traditional craft and their incomes have also increased.

周世杰 / Zhou Shijie


Women of the Qiang ethnic group embroider in a workshop in Ningqiang County in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, on Jul.29, 2019. Designated national intangible cultural heritage, Qiang embroidery has become an important industry in the county and employs more than 1,200 local women.

许丛军 / Xu Congjun


Li Yongtao, first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, sings a song he wrote for locals working at a handicraft factory in Baojiahe Village, Longxian County, Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 14, 2017.

丁幼华 / Ding Youhua


Bai Jingying (left) offers embroidery training to local women in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Apr. 14, 2019. The banner, once an extreme poor area, ended poverty in 2019 by developing the embroidery industry and animal husbandry.

崔 楠 / Cui Nan


Women of the Yi ethnic group learn embroidery skills in poverty-stricken Fawu Village, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Mar. 17, 2017. The local government offers training to help them rise out of poverty.

李秋明 / Li Qiuming


People wear festive costumes to celebrate a village getting out of poverty in Nagchu City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 31, 2018. The village, at an altitude of more than 4,700 meters, consists of 1,490 people and has shaken off poverty through animal husbandry.

姚海全 / Yao Haiquan

2018年2月13日,浙江省杭州市淳安县枫树岭镇下姜村, 县文联组织当地书法爱好者开展“送福送春联”下乡活 动,喜迎新春。2017年,下姜村人均可支配收入超过浙江 省平均水平,实现了从贫困村到“绿富美”村的转变, 成为该省农村生态文明建设的一大亮点。

Calligraphy enthusiasts write spring couplets to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year in Xiajiang village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Feb. 13, 2018. Xiajiang became prosperous after being a poverty-stricken village in 2017, with per capita disposable income above the province’s average.

程海波 / Cheng Haibo


首都图书馆 党委书记、代馆长









2020 is the year when the battle against poverty must be won to realize the first centenary goal of building a better-off society in all aspects. 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation is therefore of historical significance. With vivid photos, the album records valuable moments on the front line in the nation’s fight against poverty, which has epitomized what the country has achieved in poverty alleviation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in late 2012.

Poverty alleviation in terms of culture is an important component part of the targeted campaign against poverty. As an important cultural facility and public welfare cultural service institution, Capital Library has been making the best use of its cultural resources in blazing a trail for cultural poverty alleviation. Targeting its cultural poverty alleviation efforts according to the actual situation in poverty-stricken areas, we make sure what we do will enrich rural villagers’ aspirations and update their thinking so they can lift themselves out of poverty. Beijing Cultural Exchange Center for Poverty Alleviation Cooperation and Coordination was established in Capital Library in 2018. The center has given full play to the role of Beijing as the country’s cultural center to carry out a series of cultural activities for the benefit of poverty-stricken villagers.

The “100 Photographers Focus” series is a renowned brand of China’s photograph circle created by China Daily. Capital Library has cooperated with the program for several years, hosting photo exhibitions, and it has also become a brand associated with the library. We will continue this cooperation to hold an exhibition on 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation, which will contributes to telling the story about China’s persistent efforts to lift people out of poverty.


Secretary of the Communist Party of China Committee of Capital Library of China, Acting Curator of Capital Library of China








2020 is of great historical importance as the goal of building a better-off society in all aspects will be realized, the battle against poverty will be won and 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) concluded. The Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist of Party Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping at the core, are making painstaking efforts for the final triumph of poverty alleviation. 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation captures many precious moments of this historic fight in vivid photos.

As a national brand, HLA, answering the call of the Party and State, has been doing what it can for poverty alleviation. Starting from 2014, our group, along with the China Social Welfare Foundation’s program “Warm Current” and NetEase, launched the charity action “Add More Warmth”, which has donated hundreds of thousands of down coats to students in more than 1,000 schools in 23 provinces and autonomous regions. Also with this program, we have provided free lectures on sports, music, painting and photography, and organized winter camps for participating students to learn more about the society. We have also organized various types of activities for children in remote mountainous areas.

We are more than happy to participate in the program of 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation, recording and presenting the moving stories of this historic achievement. As we did before, we will continue to fulfill our social responsibility and regard what we can do for the society and the people as our duty so that we may make more contributions to the development of the country and well-being of the Chinese people.

President of HLA






周树春 全国政协常委、中国日报社社长兼总编辑

于九涛 中国画报出版社社长兼总编辑
王 苗 世界华人摄影联盟主席
王 浩 中国日报社副总编辑
王文澜 中国摄影家协会顾问
邓 维 中国摄影家协会顾问
毛建军 中国新闻社摄影部主任、中国新闻摄影学会副秘书长
朱宪民 中国艺术摄影学会执行主席
李 舸 中国摄影家协会主席、人民日报社总编室部务委员
陆中秋 中国日报社聚焦项目总监、中国新闻摄影学会常务副秘书长
张 风 北京晚报高级记者
徐祖根 中国新闻摄影学会会长
谢松信 中国日报社摄影部主任
解海龙 中国文艺志愿者协会顾问

总策划 王文澜
主编 王 浩
执行主编 谢松信
副主编 陆中秋
特约责任编辑 傅瑊瑊 朱 渊
编辑组成员 刘 慧 耿菲菲 邢 宇
英文编审 约翰•迪金森 拉 维 陈颖群
设计监理 刘乃文
法律顾问 邢俊霞



100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation

Director of the Editorial Committee

Zhou Shuchun, Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of China Daily


Members of the Editorial Committee:

Yu Jiutao, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of China Pictorial Press

Wang Miao, Chairman of the World Federation of Chinese Photographers

Wang Hao, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily

Wang Wenlan, Consultant of the China Photographers Association

Deng Wei, Consultant of the China Photographers Association

Mao Jianjun, Director of the Photography Department of China News Agency and Deputy Secretary-General of China Photo Journalists Society

Zhu Xianmin, Executive President of the China Artistic Photography Society

Li Ge, Chairman of the China Photographers Association

Lu Zhongqiu, Chief Executive Officer of China Daily’s Focus Program and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Photo Journalists Society

Zhang Feng, Senior Reporter of Beijing Evening News

Xu Zugen, President of China Photo Journalists Society

XieSongxin, Director of the Photography Department of China Daily

XieHailong, Consultant to China Society of Literary and Art Volunteers


Chief Planner: Wang Wenlan

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Hao

Executive Chief Editor: XieSongxin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Lu Zhongqiu

Contributing Editors: Fu Jianjian, Zhu Yuan

Editors: Liu Hui, GengFeifei, Xing Yu

English Language Consultants: John Dickinson, Ravi Shankar, Chen Yingqun

Design Supervisor: Liu Naiwen

Legal Counsel: Xing Junxia




中国日报社社长 兼总编辑








"Socialism can only be realized through painstaking efforts, and happiness be gained through hard work." This quote of President Xi Jinping elucidates the logic of how the battle against poverty can be won and a better-off society in all aspects be built. This quote has provided spiritual strength for the country’s development in the new era.

With poverty alleviation concluded in a quality way, the destitution that has existed in the country for thousands of years will be eliminated for good. This is a feat the Chinese people have achieved under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. It is also a miracle of human fight against poverty in the world and has contributed tremendously to the global cause of poverty reduction and an achievement widely acclaimed in the international community.

Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres said that China’s success in poverty reduction was the most beautiful story in today’s world. To tell a good story about China’s fight against poverty and let the world know how this achievement was made, China Daily has published a lot of stories and other news products in its newspapers, on its websites and other digital platforms. It has now launched this program 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation.

China Daily has employed the awareness of its brand "100 Photographers Focus" to record the new progress in the struggle to eliminate poverty and people’s life in various areas as seen through the lenses of photographers. The more than 300 photos for this album were selected from among thousands of contributions. This picture book tells of how hard the struggle has been and is also a gift to celebrate securing victory of the battle.

Winning the battle against poverty and building a better-off society in all aspects marks the start of a new long march to an even better life. We believe, under the resolute leadership of the CPC Central Committee, marching forward along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese people will be able to overcome all hardships and difficulties in their pursuit of a better future. At the same time, the Chinese people will contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and to the creation of a better world for all.


Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Publisher and Editor-in-chief of China Daily




2019年9月21日,重庆市万州区罗 田镇,层层叠叠的梯田与错落有 致的民居相互映衬,美不胜收。
Terraces and houses in picturesque disorder make for incredible scenery in Luotian Town, Wanzhou District, Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, on Sept. 21, 2019.
陈小林 / Chen Xiaolin
2018年9月4日,航拍位于鄂渝湘边界上的湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州来凤县旧司镇新 峡水库大坝贫困农户集中安置点。这是该县 集中安置点中最大的一个,共安置旧司镇15 个村171户的606人。该县还加强公共用房、猪圈、菜地等配套建设,确保搬迁群众“搬得 出、稳得住、有事做、能致富”。
An aerial view of a newly-built village for 171 families relocated from poverty-stricken areas in Laifeng County, Hubei Province, on Sept. 4, 2018. It accommodates 606 people from 15 villages.
文 林 / Wen Lin
2019年9月22日,湖南衡阳常宁市罗桥镇下冲村,实现了全村脱贫摘帽的村民用农产品 “作画”,摆出各种各样的丰收图案,庆祝常宁市2019年农民丰收节。
Xiachong villagers, who have risen out of poverty, use colorful agricultural products to create various patterns in celebration of a bumper harvest in Changning, Hunan Province, on Sept. 22, 2019.
曹正平 / Cao Zhengping
2020年4月8日,安徽省滁州市凤阳县小溪河镇小岗村,油菜花和小麦长势喜人,丰收在 望。近年来,小岗村以现代农业为基础,以农副产品加工、集散、物流为核心,以旅游培训 教育等为支撑,致力于打造景区、社区、园区融合,创新、创意、创业融合的农创小镇。
A view of cole flowers and wheat in Xiaogang Village in Chuzhou, Anhui Province, on Apr. 8, 2020. Xiaogang has integrated modern agriculture with tourism to boost economic development.
汪 强 / Wang Qiang
2019年2月5日,山东省济南市平阴县玫 瑰镇外山村全体村民在黄河边拍摄“全村福”。在山东省黄河滩区脱贫迁建项 目中,外山村要整村搬迁至10千米外的 安置新区,2019年是全村人在村里过的 最后一个春节,村民纷纷赶回来团聚。
Waishan villagers in Jinan, Shandong Province, pose for a group photo by the Yellow River on Feb. 5, 2019 during the Chinese Lunar New Year. The entire village was to be relocated to another site 10 kilometers away as part of a poverty alleviation program.
吕廷川 / Lyu Tingchuan
2019年10月15日,陕西省商洛市洛南县灵口敬老院,张金水夫妇(左)、杨红山夫妇 (右)在婚姻登记后合影留念。当日,洛南县民政局为灵口敬老院两对行动不便的老人上 门办理婚姻登记。这两对老人与院里其他57名老人一样,都是各乡村的五保户。洛南县在 脱贫攻坚工作中,对全县愿意到敬老院的369名五保户,实行“特困集中供养”政策。
Two elderly couples pose for a photo after registering their marriages at a nursing home in Luonan County, Shaanxi Province, on Oct. 15, 2019. Luonan has resettled 369 childless and poor elderly people from villages in nursing homes to offer them better care.
陶 明 / Tao Ming
2016年11月3日,福建省福州市工人文化宫,“新福州人”举行集体婚礼。每年11月3日, 该市均会为外省贫困山区来榕务工人员举行集体婚礼,并邀请部分特困家庭的父母参加, 一同感受福州的爱与温暖。
The masters of ceremonies tease a blushing couple at a mass wedding ceremony in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Nov. 3, 2016. The city hosts the ceremony every year for migrant workers from poor mountainous areas of other provinces and treats them as “new Fuzhou residents”. Parents of the workers are also invited to witness the event.
李贤松 / Li Xiansong
2018年10月18日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克县提孜那甫乡曲什曼村, 新郎请来朋友搬嫁妆。当地生活水平越来越高,从新人的嫁妆中就可见一斑。
Friends help settle the bride’s dowry in a village in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Oct. 18, 2018. Locals are giving bigger dowries as their lives become better.
赵永清 / Zhao Yongqing
The most prestigious elder lifts up the veil for the bride Chakra Alif at her wedding ceremony in a village in Tashikurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Oct 29, 2016. The county, which has risen out of poverty, has increased investment to boost its economy
薛 为 / Xue Wei
2020年6月21日,四川省凉山彝族自治州布拖县,村民吉吉么瓦尔(右二)在易地扶贫搬 迁房屋分配入住仪式上抽签。集中安置点(依撒社区)位于布拖县城特木里镇特木里村, 共有114栋住房,将安置来自全县26个乡镇、100个行政村的2890户14230人。
Jijimwal (second from right) draws a number from a box to decide where she will live in a new resettlement community in Temuli Village in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 21, 2020. The community with 114 buildings will accommodate 14,230 people of 2,890 families from 100 villages.
陈 懿 / Chen Yi
2019年10月15日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗巴彦呼舒镇乌逊嘎查,牧民乔迁新 居。作为大兴安岭南麓集中连片特困地区,科右中旗确定了“吃生态饭、做牛文章、念文 旅经”的发展理念。全旗大力推动刺绣、畜牧业发展,带动农牧民经济增收,于2019年4 月摘掉了“贫困帽”。
Herdsmen move into new houses in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Oct. 15, 2019. The banner, once an extreme poverty-hit area, got out of poverty in 2019 by focusing on handicrafts and animal husbandry.
毛建军 / Mao Jianjun
2017年8月20日,海南省琼海市嘉积镇龙寿洋万亩田园,农民驾驶收割机在田间作业。机 械化收割机等农用设备使水稻的收割变得简单快捷,提高了农业生产效率,这也是脱贫攻 坚的一项成果。
A farmer drives a reaper to harvest rice in Qionghai City, Hainan Province, on Aug. 20, 2017. Mechanization has made agricultural production more efficient and increased people’s income.
黄一鸣 / Huang Yiming
2019年10月27日,江苏省泰州市姜堰区沈高镇冯庄村一农场,收割机作业人员整装待发。 姜堰区推进农业机械化,一批农机手也从中获得较好的劳动收入,加快了致富奔小康的步伐。
Reaping machines harvest rice in Fengzhuang Village in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Oct. 27, 2019. Promotion of agricultural mechanization has helped machinery operators increase their income.
薛春凤 / Xue Chunfeng
2019年9月18日,西藏自治区那曲市色尼区那曲镇拉托村,高原捡拾车研发者王光辉教授 (右二)指导一名牧民使用该车。据悉,西藏农牧民日常生活80%的能源都依赖于牛粪。 2017-2019年,北京建藏援藏工作者协会组织志愿者在西藏高原的班戈、申扎、尼玛、聂 荣、双湖等县(区)免费发放了2100台高原捡拾车。这种捡拾车可在不同地况条件下捡 拾、运送和翻卸牛粪。
Professor Wang Guanghui (second from right) instructs a herdsman on how to use a vehicle he designed for cattle manure collection and transport in a village in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Sept. 18, 2019. The Builders and Backers Association of Beijing for Tibet Development distributed 2,100 such vehicles to Tibetan herdsmen, who rely on cattle manure for cooking and heating, from 2017 to 2019.
唐召明 / Tang Zhaoming
2018年7月16日,河南省驻马店市正阳县熊赛镇王大塘村,镇农业局聘请的植保队为107户 贫困户的1200亩花生免费提供植保服务。
Agricultural technicians offer 107 poverty-stricken families plant protection services for 80 hectares of peanuts in Xiongsai Town, Henan Province, on Jul. 16, 2018. The agricultural department paid for the service.
高万宝 / Gao Wanbao
2020年4月1日,江西省南昌市,无人驾驶插秧机在稻田里进行演示作业。该活动旨在推广 水田保护性耕作、水稻机械化种植、高效植保等绿色先进的农机化技术,不断促进水稻生 产全程机械化,助力脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。
A remote-controlled rice transplanter demonstrates its work in a paddy field in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, on Apr. 1, 2020. The event aimed to promote advanced green agricultural technologies and mechanization of rice production.
刘占昆 / Liu Zhankun
2016年8月12日,陕西省渭南市临渭区吝店镇金坡村,病虫害防治专业队队员遥控植保无人机进行夏玉米中后期病虫害防控航化药物喷洒作业。这是该省首次进行智能化植保无 人机P20“蜂群式”防治作业。目前,支付宝网页已开通了植保无人机打药的即时呼叫业 务,利用互联网进一步提升了农业现代化水平。
Agricultural technicians use drones to spray pesticides on corn in Jinpo Village in Weinan, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2016. It was the first attempt of its kind in Shaanxi, but farmers can now easily book the service online.
崔正博 / Cui Zhengbo
Farmers pick marigold in Qiubei County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Jul. 31, 2016. The local government has boosted agricultural industrialization to increase farmers’ income.
王金城 / Wang Jincheng
Farmers plant trees in Jiucai village in Zhongwei, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on May 2, 2019. Afforestation makes the village more attractive and helps locals rise out of poverty.
左雪兰 / Zuo Xuelan
Landscaping workers carry a camphor tree to the planting site at Jiangsu Sci-tech Garden of Chinese Medicine in Dasi Town in Taizhou in Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 3, 2014.
董 杰 / Dong Jie
2019年3月21日,江苏省连云港市灌云县伊山镇刘庄村,村民准备栽下薄壳山核桃树苗。 当日,省委驻灌云帮扶工作队全体队员和来自后方单位的150余人响应国家“生态扶贫” 号召,同当地村民一起栽下了9100余株薄壳山核桃树苗。如今大塔河河畔一片绿意,当初 的树苗已经开花结果。
Farmers plant saplings of pecan in a village in Guanyun County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 21, 2019. Guanyun’s poverty alleviation officials and farmers planted over 9,100 pecan saplings that day.
谢 凯 / Xie Ka
2019年5月4日,甘肃省张掖市高台县黑泉镇西沙窝防沙治沙林带。在脱贫攻坚政策的扶持 下,当地大力开展防沙治沙工程,昔日的黄沙被绿网牢牢锁住,实现“绿富同兴”。
Grass shelters are planted to stop sand erosion in Heiquan Town, Zhangye, Gansu Province, on May 4, 2019. The local government has made great efforts to control desertification and make the land green.
郑耀德 / Zheng Yaode
Three generations of the Six Old Men carry out afforestation in Babusha Forestry Farm in Gulang County, Northwest China’s Gansu Province, on Jun. 27, 2019. The Six Old Men refers to six villagers who started fighting desertification in the early 1980s.
丁 伟 / Ding Wei
2018年11月10日,甘肃省武威市民勤县境内的腾格里沙漠,妇女们用麦草方格压沙。几十 年来,民勤县坚持不懈地治理沙漠、改善生态。广大妇女是治沙第一线的主力军,为改善 生态、保卫家园、脱贫致富做出了突出贡献。
Women lay out wheat straw in a pattern across the Tengger Desert in Minqin County, Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Nov. 10, 2018. Women have played a key role in Minqin’s persistent efforts in controlling desertification and improving the ecology for decades.
李建忠 / Li Jianzhong
2015年10月15日,甘肃省武威市民勤县南湖乡,村民在秋季治沙现场。多年来,当地通过 因地制宜、持之以恒的治沙实践,将曾经一度流沙肆虐、寸草难生的不毛之地变成了绿意 盎然的“希望之所”。
Villagers work to prevent desertification in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Oct. 15, 2015. They have made the barren land, affected by sandstorms and soil erosion, green through long-term efforts.
李 军 / Li Jun
2019年6月21日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什 地区莎车县人民医院小儿脑瘫康复中心, 上海援疆专家、该院副院长董沛晶(右 二)和同事们在查房。该康复中心由上海 援建,为各类功能障碍、言语障碍、智力 障碍患儿提供康复治疗服务。
Dong Peijing (second from right), a Shanghai doctor who is in aid as vice-president of Yarkant People’s Hospital, makes a ward round with his colleagues in the rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy in Yarkant County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2019. Shanghai provided support for building the center to help children with various dysfunctions, speech disorders, and mental retardation, to recover.
谢 龙 / Xie Long
2019年7月22日,广西壮族自治区柳州市三江侗族自治县良口乡白毛村,一名侗族老人领 到免费的常用药品,喜上眉梢。为推进“健康中国行动”,做好定点扶贫地区的医疗帮扶 工作,7月16日至26日,山东省出入境边防检查总站组成联合医疗服务队,先后对三江县16 个贫困村的近4000名群众进行诊疗服务,免费发放价值30000多元的常用药品。
An elderly person of the Dong ethnic group smiles after receiving free medicine in Baimao Village in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jul. 22, 2019. A medical team from Shandong Province provided free diagnosis and treatment for nearly 4,000 poverty-stricken villagers in Sanjiang and distributed 30,000 yuan ($4,272) worth of commonly-used drugs from July 16 to 26.
钱 程 / Qian Cheng
2020年5月13日,广东省江门市大鳌镇东风村,镇卫生院医护人员上门为一名贫困老人做 定期的“家庭病床”检查服务。
Medical workers from the Da’ao Township Health Center provide health checks to an elderly woman in a village in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, on May 13, 2020.
许雅君 / Xu Yajun
2019年4月22日,天津市武清区中医院,陈宝贵(右四)为患者看诊。陈宝贵是天津中医药 大学教授、博士生导师,天津市武清区中医院名誉院长,古稀之年仍坚持每日坐诊、定期义 诊。为助力东西部扶贫开发战略,河北、甘肃、云南等地均建起陈宝贵全国名中医传承工作 室。陈宝贵经常通过视频会议、远程授课等形式,为扶贫医院或偏远学生答疑解惑。
Chen Baogui (fourth from right) sees a patient in the Wuqing District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin on Apr. 22, 2019. Chen, a professor at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the honorary director of the hospital, provides consultation for poverty alleviation hospitals through ways such as video conference and distance teaching.
董 鑫 / Dong Xin
2019年3月4日,广西壮族自治区北海市,市妇女联合会携手当地的医疗卫生机构对贫困家 庭白内障患者提供免费检查和手术治疗。
Supported by the Beihai Women’s Federation, medical workers from local medical and health institutions provide free check-ups and treatment to poor cataract patients in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Mar. 4, 2019.
陈 林 / Chen Lin
2018年12月23日,四川省凉山彝族自治州布拖县木尔乡呷乌村,防疫站医务人员为彝族村民防疫 问诊。布拖县是一个彝族聚居的高寒山区半农半牧县,也是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,乌蒙山连 片特困地区的核心区,四川省大小凉山综合扶贫开发重点地区。该县易地扶贫搬迁工作进展顺 利,截至2020年6月30日,全县共有26个乡镇的14230名村民搬进县城集中安置点。
Disease control and prevention workers offer free check-ups to a villager of the Yi ethnic group in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 23, 2018. Butuo, an extreme poverty-hit area, had relocated 14,230 residents from 26 villages into resettlement communities by Jun. 30, 2020.
张 风 / Zhang Feng
2018年7月24日,贵州省毕节市威宁彝族回族苗族自治县石门乡年丰村卫生室,医务人员 王丽娟为乡亲们看诊。这个卫生室是威宁同济医院驻石门乡年丰村的帮扶点。年丰村曾经 是石门乡的“极贫村”之一,经过扶贫攻坚,该村于2020年脱贫。
Wang Lijuan, a medical worker at the Nianfeng Village Clinic, sees patients in Weining Yi, Hui, and Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, on Jul. 24, 2018. The village, which used to be extremely poor, was lifted out of poverty in 2020.
于文国 / Yu Wenguo
2018年7月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县大草乡麦架坪村,村医疗室的医护人员为 幼儿接种疫苗。开展扶贫工作以来,当地医疗条件逐步改善,极大地提高了村民防病治病 意识和健康水平。
Parents take children for vaccination at a village clinic in Yanyuan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 14, 2018. The village’s poverty alleviation measures helped improve local medical facilities and increased villagers' health awareness.
刘秀军 / Liu Xiujun
2016年4月18日,四川省宜宾市兴文县周家镇石屏村,村民参加当地开展的 “千人走基层,同心助脱贫”科技、文化、卫生、法律“四下乡”活动。
Poverty alleviation officials provide knowledge and services to farmers in sectors including science and technology, culture, health and law in Shiping Village, Yibin, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 18, 2016.
周 爽 / Zhou Shuang
2020年2月26日,广西壮族自治区柳州市融水苗族自治县四荣乡东田村,医务人员走过铁 索吊桥前往苗寨。融水县统筹抓好疫情防控和脱贫攻坚工作,组织医务人员深入苗家侗寨 开展贫困户家庭医生续签手续,进行家庭健康巡视以及科学应对新冠肺炎等健康宣教工 作,助力脱贫攻坚。
Medical workers cross a suspension bridge to visit a village in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Feb. 26, 2020. Rongshui sends medical workers to provide poor families with health checks and promote knowledge such as prevention of COVID-19.
龙 涛 / Long Tao
2019年7月7日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县达布达尔乡热斯喀木 村,村医发尔亚特·塔西白克(右三)与医务人员来到当地易地扶贫搬迁安置点出诊。随 着医疗扶贫的推进,新疆牧区的医疗条件和水平大幅提升,牧民享受到越来越多、越来越 便利的医疗惠民服务。
Doctor Firyat Taxbik (third from right) and other medical staff are on their way to visit patients at a village in Tashikurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jul. 7, 2019. Local herdsmen now have easier access to better medical services in Xinjiang.
胡虎虎 / Hu Huhu
2018年8月29日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区皮山县职业学校,当地居民排队等待安徽关 爱眼健康援疆医疗队看诊。皮山县医疗资源匮乏,很多人一生从未做过眼健康检查。援疆 医疗队为该县1631名居民进行了眼健康义诊,为172名近视患者免费验配眼镜,还为7名贫 困眼疾患者提供了免费手术治疗。
People wait for free eye check-ups provided by a medical team from Anhui Province in Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Aug. 29, 2018. The team offered free clinic services to 1,631 residents, glasses to 172 myopia patients, and surgical treatment for seven povertystricken people with eye diseases.
刘玉才 / Liu Yucai
2017年7月23日,河南省洛阳市栾川县庙子镇黄柏村,村民排队正在等待体检。栾川县实 施精准扶贫,购置体检车,专门为全县农村行动不便的老人上门免费体检,并建立健康档 案。该县还为建档立卡贫困户购买了健康保险,除享受全省医疗保险,大病治疗还可享受 额外的医疗报销,有效避免群众因病致贫或因病返贫。
Villagers line up for physical examination in Huangbai Village, Luanchuan County, Central China’s Henan province, on Jul. 23, 2017. The government provides free medical examination for the elderly and buys health insurance for the poor.
陈更生 / Chen Gengsheng
2017年3月25日,西藏自治区拉萨市达孜区人民医院,藏族同胞拿到义诊挂号单 开心地笑了。当日,来自全国各地的医务工作者在此开展义诊活动,为当地农 牧民及群众送去形式多样的健康关爱,并开展了一系列帮扶活动。
Tibetans are given registration forms for free clinic service at the People’s Hospital of Dagze District in Lhasa, Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, on Mar. 25, 2017. That day, medical workers from all over China provided free clinic services for the locals.
贾 宁 / Jia Ning
2016年6月16日,西藏自治区那曲市索县人民医院,当地居民排队等待北京来的专家进行 义诊。6月中下旬,原国家卫生和计划生育委员会等单位主办了西藏和四省藏区母婴健康 行动,两支医疗服务队的19名资深专家深入藏区贫困县实施健康扶贫,开展爱心义诊、医 疗科普、临床带教等志愿活动。
Tibetans wait for free diagnosis provided by medical experts from Beijing at the People’s Hospital of Sog County in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Jun. 16, 2016. Nineteen experts in two medical teams offered free clinic services and consultations in poverty-stricken counties in Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu.
潘松刚 / Pan Songgang
2015年12月4日晨,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县山江镇一家银行门 前,苗族同胞等待领取养老金。如今,农村实行农民养老政策,为失去劳 动能力的老人定期发放养老金,让他们过上了后顾无忧的幸福生活。
People of the Miao ethnic group wait to draw pension in front of a bank in the ancient town of Fenghuang in Central China’s Hunan Province on Dec. 4, 2015. The elderly in rural areas who cannot work are eligible for government pension.
徐崇德 / Xu Chongde
2018年10月26日,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州花垣县双龙镇十八洞村,施俊在湘西长行 村镇银行十八洞社区银行工作。施俊高中毕业后外出打工,2017年返乡,通过就业帮扶考 上了湘西长行村镇银行。该银行第一家开在村里的支行落户十八洞村,选址就在施俊家。 他成了该村唯一的驻点银行员工,通过提供金融服务,为当地的脱贫攻坚做贡献。
Shi Jun works in the Shibadong branch of Xiangxi Changhang Village Bank in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 26, 2018. Shi works at home where the branch is located to offer financial services to fellow villagers. He is the only employee of the village branch.
张 洁 / Zhang Jie
Villagers buy goods from the e-commerce platform Taobao with the help of a worker at a service center in Sandefan Village in Jinan, Shandong Province, on May 24, 2016.
王剑 / Wang Jian
2016年9月23日,吉林省白城市镇赉县,每个村的淘宝“店小二”欢聚 一堂,庆祝农村淘宝成立一周年。在吉林西部,电商走进村屯给农民的 生活带来了极大方便,大到汽车、化肥,小到香皂、牙签,足不出户就 可以买到,农产品销售也通过网络打开了新局面。
Villagers running stores on e-commerce platform Taobao celebrate the first anniversary of the opening in Zhenlai County of Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Sept. 23, 2016. With e-commerce services, rural people buy consumer goods and sell agricultural products without leaving home.
潘晟昱 / Pan Shengyu
2020年5月21日,浙江省杭州市临安区清凉峰镇颊口村,“新农人”陈萍梅在蔬菜基地直 播销售。陈萍梅,2010年毕业于浙江工业大学,2015年返乡,2018年开始创业,在本地租 下近百亩土地种植蔬菜,并通过网络进行销售,年销售额达百万。
Chen Pingmei livesteams to sell vegetables from a greenhouse in Jiakou Village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on May 21, 2020. Chen, a graduate of Zhejiang University of Technology, leased about 7 hectares of land to plant vegetables and sell them online, which brings her about 1 million yuan ($142,500) a year.
吴宗其 / Wu Zongqi
2020年4月22日,安徽省合肥市庐江县白云春毫茶叶扶贫基地,茶艺师金萍直播茶艺表演 并推介茶叶。该基地开设的扶贫车间为31户贫困户解决家门口就业,采取土地流转和分红 的方式带动66户贫困户脱贫增收。
Tea art specialist Jin Ping performs a tea ceremony and promotes local tea via a livestreaming platform at a tea farm in Hefei, Anhui Province, on Apr. 22, 2020. The farm offers jobs to 31 povertystricken families and has helped 66 families rise out of poverty by offering dividends for using their land.
张大岗 / Zhang Dagang
2020年4月11日,安徽省六安市金寨县吴家店镇吴家店村一家电商扶贫驿站,省建行、电 力、国元、水利、盐业等单位积极采购山区扶贫产品。建行合肥分行与该县结对消费扶 贫,利用商务平台助推农产品销售,助力大别山革命老区群众早日致富奔小康。
Employees from Anhui provincial departments purchase products from remote mountainous areas in Jinzhai County, Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Apr. 11, 2020. China Construction Bank Hefei Branch helps Jinzhai people sell agricultural products online to help lift them out of poverty.
刘玉才 / Liu Yucai
People attend a job fair that offers Tibetans opportunities in Kangding, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 11, 2017.
唐保安 / Tang Bao'an
2014年7月1日,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州野三河大桥,重庆北开往厦门北的动车穿行 而过。恩施是全国首个开通动车的自治州,动车的开通为深度贫困地区脱贫奠定了基础。
A bullet train passes through a bridge in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hubei Province on Jul. 1, 2014. Enshi is the first autonomous prefecture in China that had access to the high-speed railway, which helped lift the region out of poverty.
滕 俊 / Teng Jun
2020年5月3日,广东江门台山市汶村镇小头村,广州发展台山渔业光伏产业园,“上可发 电,下可养鱼”。据悉,该产业园是江门市目前规模最大的渔光扶贫项目,项目工程占地1700 亩,年发电量超1亿千瓦时,并网发电产生效益后以分红的形式长期发放精准扶贫帮扶资金。
Farmers raise fish in a fishery-photovoltaic farm in Xiaotou Village, South China’s Guangdong Province, on May 3, 2020. Built by the Guangzhou Development Group, the project covers 113 hectares and generates over 100 million kwh of power per year.
陈立武 / Chen Liwu
2019年12月7日,福建省漳平市永福镇宝山村的高山风力发电项目。近年来,宝山村风力发 电助力脱贫攻坚成效显著,并加大建设步伐。该项目是福建省重点建设项目,总投资约7.8 亿元,建设40台2.2兆瓦风电机组,全面投产后,年上网电量约1.8亿千瓦时。
Wind turbines generate electricity in the mountains of Baoshan Village, Zhangping City, East China’s Fujian Province, on Dec. 7, 2019. A key project in the province, Baoshan’s wind turbines attracted an investment of about 780 million yuan ($110.31 million) to facilitate poverty alleviation.
陈秀容 / Chen Xiurong
2019年12月7日,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州利川市谋道镇齐岳山,为配合脱贫攻坚,电 力工人准备对电力设施和入户线表进行全面的维护检修。
Electricity workers carry out comprehensive maintenance of power facilities and home electrical wiring and ammeters in the Qiyue mountain region, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Central China’s Hubei Province, on Dec. 7, 2019.
陈小林 / Chen Xiaolin
2020年4月28日,湖北省恩施 土家族苗族自治州利川市箭竹 溪乡,电力工人加紧施工,以完成农网改造升级,解决该乡的用电问题。
Electricity workers upgrade the power grid to ensure adequate supply in a village in Lichuan, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei Province, on Apr. 28, 2020.
冉建秀 / Ran Jianxiu
2019年7月10日,西藏自治区山南市洛扎县拉郊乡,电力工人在海拔4000多米的高原上, 为边境线上的村庄架设电缆。
Workers set up electric cables for a border village at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters in Lhodrag County, Lhokha, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Jul. 10, 2019.
季春红 / Ji Chunhong
2019年7月12日,青海省海东市互助土族自治县境内达坂山黄崖豁公 路上的十二盘坡。这里不仅风景优美,也是互助北山国家森林公园 连接西宁的交通要道,在发展旅游、推动经济、助推脱贫等方面发 挥着重要作用。
A view of a winding road on Daban Mountain in Haidong, Qinghai Province, on Jul. 12, 2019. The road provides villagers access to the outside world and drives tourism and economic development in the region.
黄万芬 / Huang Wanfen
Villagers build a road in Chongba Village, Shigatse, Tibet Autonomous Region, on May 28, 2020. Chongba has risen out of poverty by developing agriculture and animal husbandry and improving access to the outside world.
温佐沛 / Wen Zuopei
2016年11月25日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县大草乡麦架坪村,扶贫第一书记邹森 (右二)带领村民修建村水泥路。邹森向上级申请专用资金为村里修建了30千米的水泥 路,从而改写了该村无水泥路的历史。
Zou Sen (second from right) , first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, leads villagers to build a cement road in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Nov. 25, 2016. Zou applied for poverty alleviation funds to build the first paved road of 30 kilometers in the village.
刘秀军 / Liu Xiujun
2018年11月30日,航拍云南省昆明市宜良县 “68道拐”。“68道拐”是宜良县城通往靖安 哨村的盘山公路。公路依山梁而修建,蜿蜒曲 折,6.3千米的路程共有68道弯。
An aerial view of a 6.3-kilometer winding road on a mountain with 68 hairpin bends in Yiliang County, Yunnan Province, on Oct. 30, 2018. The road connects Yiliang with remote villages.
雷 声 / Lei Sheng
2020年5月26日,四川省凉山彝族自治州金阳县,建设者在金阳河特大桥工 地紧张施工。金阳县新旧城直线距离仅1.5千米,但因一河之隔车程需1个多小 时。投资3.39亿元的金阳河特大桥预计于2021年年底建成,车程将缩短至10分 钟,并助推彝族百姓脱贫致富。
Pillars of the Jinyang River Bridge are erected in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 26, 2020. Costing 339 million yuan ($48.41 million), the bridge will link Jingyang’s old and new towns that are 1,500 meters apart, and reduce the drive from one hour to 10 minutes. Scheduled to be operational in 2021, it will help people of the Yi ethnic group rise out of poverty.
边绍伟 / Bian Shaowei
2019年9月25日,广西壮族自治区南宁市邕宁区,工人们在六律邕江特大 桥工地加紧施工。这座大桥的建设者大多来自都安县。都安县是深度贫困 县,地少人多,就业困难。为了解决这一难题,该县组织农民工到各建筑 公司务工,广西路桥集团就是其中之一。
Workers, mostly from Du’an County that is in deep poverty, build a bridge in Yongning District of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Sept. 25, 2019. Du’an helps migrant workers get jobs in construction companies, including the Guangxi Road and Bridge Engineering Group, the constructor of the bridge.
蒙 森 / Meng Sen
2017年9月5日,新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市高昌区,一家民族服装制作公司的总经理古丽 尼沙·艾力(左四)为新入职的员工讲授缝纫技术。2011年,古丽尼沙参加了亚行赠款项 目的创业培训,在该区妇联的支持下,获得了价值1.3万元的5台电动缝纫机,成立了服装公 司并扩建了民族服饰生产车间。现在,该公司生产的服装通过电商平台远销哈萨克斯坦。
Gulnisar Ali (fourth from left), general manager of a clothing company, teaches employees sewing skills in Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Sept. 5, 2017. The company, founded with five donated electric sewing machines in 2011, sells folk costumes to places as far as Kazakhstan.
邓 佳 / Deng Jia
2020年5月29日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘县中木拉乡采洼村,扶贫驻村干部罗启军 (右六)观看藏族老乡下棋。
Luo Qijun (sixth from right), a poverty alleviation official, watches Tibetan villagers play Chinese chess in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 29, 2020.
朱 丹 / Zhu Dan
2019年8月12日,云南省楚雄彝族自治州大姚县三台乡吾普吾么村,扶贫干部开展遍访工 作,核查贫困户情况。大姚县是云南省88个贫困县之一。全县共有4个贫困乡镇、77个贫 困行政村、10065户38303名建档立卡贫困人口。全县选派驻村扶贫工作队87支共333名队 员,整合各级挂包干部3767名,做到贫困村驻村扶贫工作队、贫困户帮扶责任人全覆盖。
An official visits a poor family to learn about their specific situation in a village in Dayao County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on Aug. 12, 2019. More than 300 officials in 87 poverty alleviation teams have been sent to help villagers improve their life in Dayao, one of the 88 poverty-stricken counties in Yunnan with a total of 38,303 people living under the poverty line.
陈维寿 / Chen Weishou
2019年6月2日,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县千工坪镇胜花村,苗族妇女切磋刺 绣技艺。该村是一个移民村、苗族聚集村,也是深度贫困村。县政府开办了苗绣技艺培训 班,让苗族妇女利用空闲时间进行刺绣,帮助群众脱贫摘帽。
Miao ethnic women share ideas about embroidery skills in Shenghua Village in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Jun. 2, 2019. The local government provides embroidery training to villagers to help lift them out of poverty.
蒋丽田 / Jiang Litian
2020年4月16日,湖北省襄阳市谷城县五山镇黄峪铺村,驻村扶贫工作队队员王长鑫(右 四)在扶贫车间了解情况。
Poverty alleviation official Wang Changxin (fourth from right) visits a workshop in Huangyupu Village in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, on Apr. 16, 2020.
王虎 / Wang Hu
2018年6月17日,内蒙古自治区赤峰市克什克腾旗,来自北京的越野车车队利用端午假期,自 发开展民间交流扶贫活动。车队奔行500千米,为克什克腾旗贫困老人送去端午佳节的温暖。
Members of an SUV car club from Beijing drive over 500 kilometers to offer donations to povertystricken elderly in Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jun. 17, 2018.
卢龙刚 / Lu Longgang
2016年1月20日,吉林省白城市洮北区东胜乡光明村,区农机局局长程永航(中)带领技 术人员为帮扶点村民讲解保护性耕作技术并推广应用。通过实施保护性耕作,村民取得了 良好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。一公顷土地增收900千克左右的玉米。
Cheng Yonghang (center), director of the Taobei Agricultural Machinery Department, promotes conservation tillage to farmers in a village of Taobei District in the city of Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Jan. 20, 2016. The method has helped villagers harvest an extra 900 kilograms of corn per hectare of land.
王野村 / Wang Yecun
2018年6月23日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田市吉亚乡苏亚兰干村,北京援疆干部马维利 (右二)与他的结亲家庭——阿巴拜克尔一家人欢聚一堂。自2016年新疆开展“民族团结 一家亲”结对认亲活动以来,北京援疆干部也都参与其中,与维吾尔族同胞结对子,帮助 他们解决实际问题,脱贫致富。
Beijing poverty alleviation official Ma Weili (second from right) visits Ababekri’s family in a village in Hotan City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 23, 2018. Since 2016, Beijing officials have offered one-to-one assistance to Uygur families to help them rise out of poverty.
邓 伟 / Deng Wei
2020年4月23日,四川省雅安市天全县乐英乡幸福村,扶贫驻村工作队队员在徐中明(右二) 家中了解情况并征求意见,以做好贫困户脱贫的后续巩固工作。徐中明于2015年脱贫。
Poverty alleviation officials visit Xu Zhongming (second from right) to inquire about his family’s situation in Xingfu Village in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 23, 2020. Xu’s family rose out of poverty in 2015.
刘祯祥 / Liu Zhenxiang
2019年2月17日,甘肃省陇南市武都区鱼龙镇上尹村,来自中国文联的 “第一书记”曹俊(左三)在贫困 户家中唠家常。尹海得(右一)与 妹妹尹娇艳(左一)的父母于2016年 因病相继去世,之后跟随奶奶生活。 曹俊在走访中了解到情况后,通过众 筹等方式帮助二人继续学业。2019年7月,尹海得大学毕业后在浙江宁波 从事船舶工程机械设计工作。
Cao Jun (third from left), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation from the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, visits Yin Haide (right) and his family in Shangyin Village in Longnan, Gansu Province, on Feb. 17, 2019. Cao supports Yin and his sister to continue education through crowdfunding.
徐 讯 / Xu Xun
2016年6月15日,福建省福州市长乐区海边,养蛏专业户为来自贫困山区的 农民工发放工资。每年3-10月,当地的养蛏专业户都会向贫困山区招聘农 民工种蛏、挖蛏,既解决了农民的就业问题,又带动了当地脱贫致富。
A razor clam raiser pays migrant workers from poor mountainous areas in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Jun. 15, 2016. Local raisers hire migrants to plant and dig razor clams every year from March to October and help raise their earnings.
陈高彬 / Chen Gaobin
2018年10月27日,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州丹寨县龙泉镇高要村扶贫款发放点,一名茶 农领到了自己的劳动所得,喜上眉梢。为使当地村民尽早脱贫,一些有识之士来到高要村承 包荒山办起扶贫茶园,聘请当地茶农育茶、采茶、制茶,并为他们打开销路。2019年4月,全 国有名的贫困县——丹寨县实现了脱贫。
A tea farmer smiles after getting his pay at a village in Danzhai County, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Oct. 27, 2018. Local farmers have increased their income by working at tea plantations, which helped lift Danzhai out of poverty in 2019.
卢北峰 / Lu Beifeng
2018年6月5日,河南省周口市扶沟县柴岗乡丁庄村的蔬菜大棚,驻村第一 书记董铁成(右二)听取群众反映问题并现场解决。2018年,董铁成荣获 省委组织部授予的“优秀驻村第一书记”荣誉称号。
Dong Tiecheng (second from right), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, learns about farmers’ difficulties in a greenhouse in Zhoukou, Henan Province, on Jun. 5, 2018.
李 伟 / Li Wei
Female college graduates serving as village officials take a break in a field in Sihong County, Suqian, Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 24, 2013.
李 舸 / Li Ge
2019年7月27日,江苏省宿迁市泗洪县龙集镇尚咀居委会高咀组举行由53名村民代表参加 的低保评议会。村民代表以无记名方式投票决定,规避了“人情保”“关系保”“错保” “漏保”等问题。
Villagers vote by secret ballot to decide who qualify for getting the minimum living allowance from the government during a meeting held by the Shangju neighborhood committee in Longji Town, Suqian, Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 27, 2019.
季春红 / Ji Chunhong
2018年5月10日,重庆市黔江区,“背篓检察官”潘珂(右)和同事郑宜龙一起走访群众。几年 来,潘珂带领着一群检察干警背着背篓,走遍了黔江区219个村社,被老百姓亲切地称作“背篓检察 官”。潘珂也获得了“重庆市十大法治人物”和“首届最美黔江人”等荣誉称号。
Prosecutors Pan Ke (right) and Zheng Yilong visit villagers in Qianjiang District of Chongqing on May 10, 2018. Pan and his colleagues, carrying baskets on their backs, have visited 219 villages and communities of Qianjiang District to provide legal services.
石 涛 / Shi Tao
2019年12月30日,四川成都都江堰市蒲阳镇团结村,刚刚种植的 杨梅幼苗好似颗颗珍珠镶嵌在田野间。杨梅种植是该村的农业扶 贫项目,为村里带来致富的希望。
A view of the newly-planted red bayberry seedlings in a fi eld in Tuanjie Village in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 30, 2019. The village grows red bayberry to help residents rise out of poverty.
周新联 / Zhou Xinlian
2018年10月15日,鸟瞰广西壮 族自治区北海市合浦县曲樟 乡。作为北海市唯一一个所 辖行政村都是“十三五”贫 困村的乡镇,曲樟乡利用生态 环境优势,在保护绿水青山的 同时,发展无公害高端农业, 大力推动种植养殖立体化循环 经济,从而脱贫致富。
An aerial view of Quzhang Town, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Oct.15, 2018. Quzhang, with its residents mired in poverty, has developed organic agriculture and aquaculture to establish a holistic circular economy that helps lift locals out of poverty.
王缉东 / Wang Jidong
2020年1月5日,航拍广西壮族自治区北海市合浦县石湾镇大田村的“大田花谷”。大田村山多地少、土壤贫 瘠,“空心村”现象严重。作为该村的结对帮扶单位,北海市纪委监委因地制宜发展三角梅及百香果种植产 业。2019年6月1日,“大田花谷”乡村旅游景区正式开业,昔日荒芜的山坡变成了群众致富的“花果山”。
An aerial view of Datian Village in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jan. 5, 2020. Helped by the local government, the village grows bougainvillea and passion fruit, and has developed tourism to help residents get more income.
王颐进 / Wang Yijin
2019年9月5日,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县加榜乡下尧村,第一书 记黄海安(左)帮助农户晾晒稻谷。
Huang Hai’an (left), first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation in Xiayao Village in Southwest China's Guizhou Province, helps a farmer dry rice under the sun on Sept. 5, 2019.
蔡兴文 / Cai Xingwen
2018年3月24日,福建省龙岩市永定区下洋镇下坪村新村建设工 地,工人们在紧锣密鼓地施工。在脱贫攻坚战中,当地政府首先围 绕“两不愁三保障”中的住房安全目标,解决村民的住房问题。
Construction workers build houses in Xiaping Village in Longyan, Fujian Province, on Mar. 24, 2018. Ensuring housing for poor villagers is an essential part of the local government’s poverty alleviation effort.
张 炜 / Zhang Wei
2019年1月4日,湖北省宜昌市五峰县。通往五峰国际滑雪场的道路在云端之 上似隐似现,恍若仙境一般。作为国家武陵山集中连片扶贫攻坚重点县的五峰 县,近年来加快推进“旅游富县”战略。2018年年底,五峰国际滑雪场建成并 投入运营,其造雪总面积、赛道数量和总长度均为目前华中地区滑雪场之最, 有力促进了当地冬季旅游发展,助力农产品就地营销,从而推动精准扶贫。
An aerial view of a road extending to the Wufeng International Ski Park in Wufeng County, Hubei Province, on Jan. 4, 2019. The park, the largest of its kind when it opened in 2018, has helped boost winter tourism and sales of local produce.
史家民 / Shi Jiamin
Villagers grow flowers in Shanchong Village, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 25, 2019. The village pools land from different families and has formed a cooperative to develop horticulture and tourism, which create jobs for villagers and help them rise out of poverty.
张 炜 / Zhang Wei
Workers man production lines at a silk reeling workshop in a company in Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 28, 2020. The company has offered jobs to rural residents who cannot travel to other places to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
高东风 / Gao Dongfeng
Bailikezi Abulimiti works at a toy factory in a village in Aksu, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 26, 2020. She earns at least 1,500 yuan ($212) a month and hopes to rise out of poverty soon.
李学仁 / Li Xueren
Villagers work at a textile factory in an industrial park in Yutian County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 11, 2019. The park employs over 3,200 rural laborers and offers them free child-care services and lunch.
刘 新 / Liu Xin
Migrants at work in a workshop at a resettlement community in Tianzhen County, Datong, Shanxi Province, on May 18, 2020. The community has accommodated nearly 10,000 people relocating from poverty-stricken areas and built factories to create jobs for them.
武俊杰 / Wu Junjie
Xiong Yanzhen works at a socks factory in the Qinglongquan Community in Shiyan, Hubei Province, on Feb. 18, 2019. The community is a resettlement for poverty-stricken families in remote areas, and the local government introduced investors to make Qinglongquan a major socks producer in China to provide jobs.
周家山 / Zhou Jiashan
Workers sew bedsheets and covers at a workshop in the Dieshiqiao home textile park in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 24, 2019. Dieshiqiao’s home textile industry has created more than 200,000 jobs and has a total annual production value of about 50 billion yuan ($7.12 billion).
王 苗 / Wang Miao
2017年10月15日,山西省怀仁市一家陶瓷厂,女工托起刚加工出来的碗坯。为促进脱贫致 富,当地发展多元产业经济,如利用高岭土资源建立陶瓷厂等。
A worker holds semi-finished bowls that have just been processed at a pottery and porcelain factory in Huairen, Shanxi Province, on Oct. 15, 2017. Huairen has made use of kaolin, a variety of clay used to make top-tier porcelain, to develop the ceramic industry and increase locals’ income.
朱建辉 / Zhu Jianhui
Chen Zeshen (right) fries tea leaves at a workshop in Dawan Village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Apr. 11, 2018. The village has pooled farmers’ tea holdings to form a large company and pays them wages and dividends.
高 斌 / Gao Bin
China Mobile employees lay optical cables in a village to provide better information services for herdsmen in Ulaanqab, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 4, 2019.
张松延 / Zhang Songyan
Workers take a break during the construction of a high-speed railway linking Datong, Shanxi Province, and Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, on Sept. 18, 2013. China’s high-speed rail network has spurred economic development and provided employment to migrant workers.
原瑞伦 / Yuan Ruilun
A worker opens the lid to take out fired pottery from a stove in Maoyi township in Lengshuijiang, Hunan Province, on Oct. 10, 2016. The traditional handicraft has provided jobs to locals and helped them rise out of poverty.
李全华 / Li Quanhua
Li Xiaokang (right) livestreams an auction of bonsai in Gaojiayan village in Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 19, 2020. He sold 58 bonsais in six hours, earning 32,166 yuan ($4,552). The village has risen out of poverty through the bonsai industry.
李亚隆 / Li Yalong
2012年12月13日,广西壮族自治区河池市环江毛南族自治县驯乐乡的环江铜鼓铸造厂,工人们制作铜鼓。 河池市是革命老区,少数民族地区,国家重点扶持的贫困地区,西部大开发的重点地区。环江铜鼓铸造技术历史悠久,有很高的科研和文化价值,也助力当地脱贫致富。
Workers make a bronze drum at a factory in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in poverty-stricken Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Dec. 13, 2012. Huangjiang has a long history of casting bronze drums, and the revival of the technique has helped locals alleviate poverty.
刘占崑 / Liu Zhankun
Farmers make noodles in Shangyang Village in Longyan, Fujian Province, on Nov. 20, 2018. The village wants to build a brand for its hand-made noodles craft, which dates back more than 200 years, and to industrialize noodle-making to help lift locals out of poverty.
张 炜 / Zhang Wei
2017年7月9日,浙江温州乐清市石帆街道朴湖社区,村民黄者法制作当地有名的特产朴湖粉干。近年来,当地坚持推进新农村建设,积极发展农副业、工 业、商业,为社区居民创造更加美好的未来。
Huang Zhefa makes local rice noodles in the Puhu Community in Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, on Jul. 9, 2017. The community promotes agriculture, industry and commerce to improve locals’ income.
赵顺云 / Zhao Shunyun
2017年9月22日,广东茂名信宜市东镇镇英地坡村,村民编织竹编制品。当地利用竹乡优势, 为外贸出口企业提供竹编产品,老弱妇孺都可在家完成,是增加家庭经济收入的好项目。
People weave bamboo products for export in a village that produces bamboo in Maoming, Guangdong Province. Weaving helps locals increase income as they can do it at the convenience of their home.
骆伟玲 / Luo Weiling
People of the Miao ethnic group trade at a fair in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 8, 2016. Miao people sell their produce and buy goods on market day, which helps them increase their income.
刘彩霞 / Liu Caixia
2018年11月10日,陕西省渭南市临渭区桥南镇,巧娘草编专业合作社举办培训班,义务为当地 贫困户、留守妇女和残疾人传授草编技艺。桥南镇是临渭区的贫困乡镇之一。2016年,市级 非遗传承人陈春苗等人成立了巧娘草编专业合作社,定期免费举办扶贫培训班,不仅解决了 农村妇女的留守问题,也使草编技艺成为居民增收致富的新路子。
A farmer cooperative offers free straw weaving training to villagers, mostly women and people with physical disabilities, in Qiaonan Town, Weinan, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 10, 2018. The cooperative, founded by straw weaving master Chen Chunmiao, offers regular training to help locals increase income.
张子弘 / Zhang Zihong
2018年3月21日,吉林省白山市江源区石人镇老岭村的八里坡文化园,区服务局聘请编织 技师李金枝(后排右二)为该村妇女培训手工编织技能,帮助村民拓宽就业渠道。
Knitting technician Li Jinzhi (second from right, back row) trains women weaving skills in Laoling Village in Baishan, Jilin Province, on Mar. 21, 2018.
王丽莺 / Wang Liying
2020年5月3日,浙江省杭州市淳安县,居民参加全国 “放鱼日” 浙皖联合渔业资源增殖放流活动。淳安县 是全省26个欠发达县之一,当地始终把保护千岛湖秀水作为政府责任,每年投入大量资金,通过增殖放流 促进千岛湖水质提升和渔民增加收入,走出一条生态富民之路。
Residents release hatchery-raised fingerling fish into Qiandao Lake in Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province, on May 3, 2020. Chun’an is a less developed county in the province, and the government has invested to improve water quality in the lake and increase fishermen’s income.
方长建 / Fang Changjian
2019年11月23日,广东省湛江市徐闻县外罗渔港,渔民挑灯夜战,将捕获的鱼从网上取下 来。徐闻县驻村干部实施精准扶贫,帮助港尾村、三高石村、长石村等沿港村庄做好“靠 海吃海”传统渔业文章,扶持维修渔船,改进更新渔具,提高劳动效率,帮助贫困户增收 脱贫。
Fishermen work late in a port in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 23, 2019. Poverty alleviation officials help them maintain fishing vessels and improve fishing gear to increase efficiency and rise out of poverty.
翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing
2017年7月11日,福建省福州市长 乐区,渔民赶海归来。当地为了 做到精准扶贫,振兴渔业养殖, 鼓励渔民利用当地的地理优势, 尝试各种可行的海鲜养殖方法。
Fishermen return after picking up sea produce in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Jul. 11, 2017. The local government promotes aquaculture to lift people out of poverty.
郭江涛 / Guo Jiangtao
2020年6月24日,广东省珠海市情侣路海边,工人在礁石上挖生蚝。他们来自五湖四海, 是一群从“要我脱贫”到“我要脱贫”的致富者。
Workers collect oysters from beach rocks in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, on Jun. 24, 2020. They came from other parts of the country to seek jobs in the city to make money.
王 红 / Wang Hong
2019年11月20日,江苏省南通如皋市长江镇,农民在水稻田里养殖螃蟹。水稻生态种植不 打农药,螃蟹吃害虫耕耘肥土,一亩田地两份收获。
A farmer raises crabs in a paddy field in Changjiang Town, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Nov. 20, 2019. The village’s eco-agricultural model avoids pesticides and harvests rice and crabs on the same land.
陈 进 / Chen Jin
2019年12月4日,江苏省盐城市射 阳县黄沙港镇,渔民编织渔网。黄 沙港是江苏沿海最多渔船集散港、 最大水产品集散地。为打赢脱贫攻 坚战,该镇坚持“四个精准”,对 全镇建档立卡低收入农户开展“四 查四保”,进一步建立脱贫攻坚长 效机制,确保实现小康目标。
A farmer weaves fishing nets in Huangshagang Town in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, on Dec. 4, 2019. The town is Jiangsu’s largest aquatic products trading center and has made great efforts to lift locals out of poverty.
吉东育 / Ji Dongyu
2017年9月15日,福建省福州市长乐区,渔民挖蛏归来。当地政府以精准扶贫振兴海产品养 殖业,提升渔民的生活水平,鼓励渔民利用当地独特的滩涂养殖海蛏。
Fishermen return after digging for razor clams in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Sept. 15, 2017. Locals raise razor clams in the coastal intertidal mudflats to increase income.
郭亚宽 / Guo Yakuan
2014年3月26日,福建省泉州市惠安县净峰镇惠女湾,惠安女们从渔船上卸载一担担海 产品。
Women carry loads of seafood newly unloaded from fishing boats in Hui’an County, Quanzhou, East China’s Fujian Province, on Mar. 26, 2014.
邓文祥 / Deng Wenxiang
2018年12月26日,江西省上饶市婺源县珍珠山乡山溪林场水库,贫困户在捕鱼。珍珠山乡 利用当地资源,积极发展水产特色养殖,并请贫困户实行经济责任制养殖,从而带动他们 脱贫致富。
Villagers catch fish in a reservoir in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, on Dec. 26, 2018. The village has developed the aquaculture industry to help locals rise out of poverty.
汪立浪 / Wang Lilang
2017年8月19日,广东湛江雷州市附城镇土角村的滩涂,渔民码放收获的贝螺,准备运往酒 家。该村养殖专业户承包滩涂生态养殖贝螺,带动了沿海村民脱贫致富。
Fishermen sort freshly harvested shellfish to be sent to restaurants on a beach in Tujiao village, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Aug. 19, 2017. Breeding professionals in the village lease coastal intertidal mudflats for shellfish breeding to lift locals out of poverty.
洪国春 / Hong Guochun
2014年12月21日,海南省三亚市,疍 家人的“水上渔村”。疍家是指世代 以打鱼为生,以船为家的渔民。曾 经,他们在海上漂泊,居无定所。近 年来,疍家人不仅脱贫致富,还成功 转型,建立了集捕捞、养殖、餐饮、 旅游等多功能的大型“水上渔村”
A view of a floating village of the Dan people, who make a living by fishing and live in boats, in Sanya, Hainan Province, on Dec. 21, 2014. The Dan people have risen out of poverty and built a big floating village that has developed aquaculture and offers fishing, catering, and tourism services to consumers.
王卫光 / Wang Weiguang
2019年7月1日,乌英苗寨妇女合力 抬运用于建设新木楼的木头。乌英 苗寨位于黔桂交界的大苗山深处, 分属于广西壮族自治区柳州市融水 苗族自治县杆洞乡党鸠村和贵州省 黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县翠里 瑶族壮族乡南岑村。由于大部分青 壮年在外务工,留守妇女成为重要 劳动力。她们修河堤,建芦笙坪, 参与产业发展,撑起大苗山脱贫攻 坚战场的“半边天”。
Villagers carry a log to build a house in Wuying Miao Village in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. As men leave the village to work in cities, women have taken over farming jobs to lift the village out of poverty.
黄孝邦 / Huang Xiaobang
2018年4月14日,海南省海口市秀英区石山镇施茶村,村民在石斛园中劳作。施茶村因地 制宜发展石斛产业。石斛园在给当地百姓带来巨大收益的同时,也成了当地村民家门口的 美丽花园。
A farmer works in a dendrobium orchid garden in Shicha Village in Haikou, Hainan Province, on Apr. 14, 2018. The village has developed the dendrobium industry to bring economic benefits and create a beautiful landscape on their doorstep
黄一冰 / Huang Yibing
2017年7月30日,江苏省兴化市林湖 乡,农民织渔网,准备出口柬埔寨。
Farmers make fishing nets to be exported to Cambodia in Linhu Town, Xinghua, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 30, 2017.
丁 进 / Ding Jin
2020年3月20日,江苏省南通市,来自河南偏远地区的蜂农与当地蜂农交流养蜂经验,共 同致富。
Farmers from remote areas of Central China’s Henan Province share their bee-keeping experience with local farmers in Nantong, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 20, 2020, to raise output and earn more money.
陈春艳 / Chen Chunyan
2017年9月6日,黑龙江省绥化市明水县崇德镇庆丰村,贫困户张文杰给白鹅喂食。张文杰 依靠白鹅养殖和肉牛托养,摘掉了贫困帽。
Zhang Wenjie, a villager in Suihua, Heilongjiang Province, feeds geese on Sept. 6, 2017. Zhang has risen out of poverty by raising the birds and cattle.
刘心杨 / Liu Xinyang
2018年11月3日,广东省清远市清城区龙塘镇合来村,村民梁汉辉在自家的养殖场放养乌鬃 鹅。梁汉辉家存鹅5000多只,年收入近百万元。清远乌鬃鹅被列为广东省四大名优鹅种之 一,当地大多数家庭都依靠养鹅致富。
Liang Hanhui raises over 5,000 geese at his farm in a village in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 3, 2018, which earns him about 1 million yuan ($141,500) a year. Many households in Qingyuan have got rich by raising geese.
张敬恒 / Zhang Jingheng
2017年3月17日,四川省南充市顺庆区梵殿乡董干沟村种鹅养殖基地,工作人员放鹅。当地 政府响应国家精准扶贫政策,建立该种鹅养殖基地,帮助乡村农民脱贫致富。
A worker tends geese in Donggangou Village in Nanchong, Sichuan Province, on Mar. 17, 2017. The local government encourages geese breeding to help farmers alleviate poverty.
唐志勇 / Tang Zhiyong
2018年10月19日,福建省龙岩市长汀 县童坊镇红明村岖岭山上,刘仙长和 妻子放养山鸡。该夫妻曾一度在外打 工,微薄的收入难以维持生计。在当 地政府资金、技术、销售一条龙帮扶 指导下,夫妻俩盖起了6间简易养鸡 棚,养殖规模达2000多只,成为全村 困难家庭脱贫致富的领头人。
Liu Xianchang and his wife raise chickens in Hongming Village, Changting County, Fujian Province, on Oct. 19, 2018. With the government’s help in capital, techniques and sales, the couple became the first in the village to rise out of poverty by raising over 2,000 chickens in the mountain.
郑秋生 / Zheng Qiusheng
2019年6月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县牛牛坝乡牲畜交易市场,一名男子买到了两 头心仪的老牛还附赠了一头小牛,乐得合不拢嘴。
A man smiles after buying two cattle and getting a calf for free at a livestock trading market in a village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 16, 2019.
王 晶 / Wang Jing
2016年7月25日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县合姑洛乡马红村,彝族妇女赶着黑山羊去 山上放牧。马红村地处四川大凉山高海拔腹地,缺水少地。各级政府加大扶贫力度,资助 一部分彝族同胞养起了黑山羊。
Black goats belonging to a woman of the Yi ethnic group graze in the mountains of Mahong Village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 25, 2016. The local government offers financing to help the Yi people raise black goats and rise out of poverty.
周本意 / Zhou Benyi
2019年4月9日凌晨,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县的边城牛市,来自周边多个省市 的客商购买“扶贫牛”。凤凰县苗族素有养牛的传统。近年来,该县大力发展“扶贫牛” 养殖,帮助贫困户脱贫致富。
Buyers select cattle at a market in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Apr. 9, 2019. The Miao people has a cattle-raising culture, which is supported by the county government to help people rise out of poverty.
李新风 / Li Xinfeng
2019年10月2日,福建省福州市永泰县贫困山区,养殖户利用土地开发前的空档期养牛, 既满足了市场“菜篮子”的需求,也增加了家庭收入,从而脱贫致富奔小康。
A farmer raises cattle in a piece of land set for development in Yongtai County, Fujian Province, on Oct. 2, 2019.
李 硕 / Li Shuo
2019年4月12日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗,白小龙为赛马冲水降温。作为大兴安岭南麓集 中连片特困地区,该旗引进了兼有养马、育马、赛马等业务的自治区级重点龙头企业——莱德马业, 与9个苏木镇47个嘎查签订了扶贫协议,带动1165户3100名贫困人口脱贫,白小龙就是其中的一员。
Bai Xiaolong sprays water to cool a racehorse in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 12, 2019. The banner set up a racehorse breeding company, which has helped 3,100 people in 1,165 families rise out of poverty.
韩海丹 / Han Haidan
2014年9月24日,内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟多伦县,青年牧民乌仁吉日嘎拉照料自己的马 群。他依靠畜牧养殖业实现脱贫致富。
A young herdsman takes care of his horses in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Sept. 24, 2014. He has risen out of poverty through animal husbandry.
王东升 / Wang Dongsheng
2019年5月2日,宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区三营镇三营活畜交易市场,商贩售卖牲口。 这里是西北较大的牲畜交易市场,村民以牛羊市场为依托,形成了养殖、加工、购销一条 龙的产业体系,促进了当地经济的快速发展。
People trade at the Sanying livestock trading market in Guyuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on May 2, 2019. The largest livestock marketplace in Northwest China has helped local villagers develop animal husbandry, mainly sheep and cattle, to boost economic development.
左雪兰 / Zuo Xuelan
2019年7月13日,甘肃省张掖市肃南裕固族自治县康乐镇赛鼎村,牧民为小朋友认领的草原 羊系上智能追溯项圈。当日,北京、上海、江苏、福建等地的200多名游客来到该村,现 场察看草原并认领草原羊,启动了“共享牧场”脱贫致富新模式。该模式让都市人可以成 为“牧羊人”;牧民也从传统农牧业养殖升级发展为定点饲养,拓宽了脱贫致富的途径。
A herdsman ties a smart collar-tracking device to a sheep bought by a child to monitor its growth in Saiding Village, Zhangye, Gansu Province, on Jul. 13, 2019. Over 200 tourists bought sheep in Saiding that day and entrusted local herdsmen to raise them, which allows tourists to experience raising a sheep and increases herdsmen’s income.
王 将 / Wang Jiang
2019年4月11日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县麦架坪村,村民剪羊毛。在精准扶贫工作 中,该村结合当地实际,大力发展养殖业,促进群众增加收入。
Villagers shear sheep in Maijiaping Village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 11, 2019. The village has developed animal husbandry to help locals increase income.
邹 森 / Zou Sen
2020年5月27日,山西省大同市浑源县蔡村镇文家庄村,省文联驻村工作队队员走访养羊 专业户毛兴伟(左)。据悉,毛兴伟年养羊600多头,年收入40多万元,带动了全村12家 贫困户发展养殖,稳定脱贫。
A poverty alleviation official talks with shepherd Mao Xingwei (left) at a village in Datong, Shanxi Province, on May 27, 2020. Mao raises more than 600 sheep, which brings him an income of 400,000 yuan ($56,500) a year, and has also helped 12 other families to raise sheep.
武 勇 / Wu Yong
2020年5月25日,内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县哈乐镇大沙岱村,贫困户徐四虎在村集 体肉羊养殖场工作。该村贫困户可享受多项优惠政策:每年从肉羊养殖场分红,村里为其 代缴医疗养老保险,手工作坊教授剪纸、刺绣等技能,发放房屋改造政府补贴等。
Xu Sihu feeds sheep in a collective farm in Dashadai Village in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on May 25, 2020. Villagers living in poverty are given dividends from the farm, free training in paper cutting and embroidery skills, and subsidies for housing renovation.
刘文华 / Liu Wenhua
2019年6月25日,新疆维吾尔自治区独(山子)库(车)公路旁的大草原上,当地牧民剪 羊毛。剪下的羊毛可以制作成毛毯和毛毡,是当地人独特的脱贫致富途径。
Herdsmen shear sheep on the grasslands in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Jun. 25, 2019. The wool is made into blankets and felt to generate income for herdsmen.
潘 俊 / Pan Jun
A herdsman herds cattle and sheep on the grasslands in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jul. 6, 2016.
邹宝良 / Zou Baoliang
2020年3月21日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自 治州金川县马奈镇八角塘村,大学生志愿 者指导贫困户养山羊。
An undergraduate volunteer gives advice on goat raising to a farmer in a village in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province on Mar. 21, 2020.
徐兴贵 / Xu Xinggui
2019年9月18日,黑龙江省七台河市勃利县的万寿菊种植园区,工人采收花朵。万寿菊具有 药用和保健作用,也可作为食品添加成分。近年来,勃利县广泛种植万寿菊,已经形成了 种植、采集、加工的产业链,成为农民脱贫致富的新途径。
Workers pick marigold at a farm in Boli County, Qitaihe, Heilongjiang Province, on Sept. 18, 2019. Boli has formed an industrial chain of planting, picking, and processing of marigold, which can be ingredients in medicines and food additives, to help locals increase income.
张跃君 / Zhang Yuejun
2019年5月9日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县横水镇东白村的惜颜玫瑰园里,村民采摘玫瑰花。 2017年,东白村引进惜颜玫瑰园项目,建设集观赏、采摘、休闲为一体的玫瑰园。目前, 园区已建成40亩有机玫瑰采摘区,并吸纳20多名贫困村民务工,帮助他们致富增收。
Farmers pick roses at a plantation in Dongbai Village in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, on May 9, 2019. The village has grown organic roses on 2.7 hectares for picking and sightseeing, which creates jobs for more than 20 poverty-stricken farmers.
赵 晨 / Zhao Chen
2019年7月25日,贵州省遵义市湄潭县七彩部落湄潭翠芽基地,茶农采摘茶青。近年来,七彩部 落走出了一条“茶旅一体”的新路,有效助力精准扶贫。该地区农户种植的湄潭翠芽一亩地的 季收入达到7000元至8000元,相较于以前种植辣椒、番茄等农作物收入增加了3倍。
Farmers pick tea leaves in Jinhua Village, Meitan County in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Jul. 25, 2019. Tea plantation, in addition to tourism, has helped villagers earn three times more than growing pepper, tomato and other crops.
曾 嘉 / Zeng Jia
2020年5月2日,福建省泉州市安溪县龙涓乡一家铁观音茶园,茶农忙着采摘茶叶。安溪曾 是全省最大的国家级贫困县。该县依托铁观音发源地的资源优势,践行“以茶脱贫”的产 业扶贫路。2019年底,安溪由贫困县跃升为全国百强县。
Farmers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Anxi County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, on May 2, 2020. Anxi has risen out of poverty to become one of the most prosperous counties in China by developing the tea industry, especially Tieguanyin oolong tea.
李雅真 / Li Yazhen
2020年3月14日,贵州省福泉市陆坪镇福兴村牛滚凼自然寨,村民在茶园里采摘春茶。近 年来,当地通过持续发展茶产业,形成生产、加工、销售为一体的产业链,为当地群众提 供了有效的脱贫之路。
Villagers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Fuquan, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 14, 2020. The village developed the green tea industry to lift locals out of poverty.
肖 伟 / Xiao Wei
2020年1月15日,江苏泰州兴化市李中镇,农民收获莲 藕。李中镇充分挖掘水资源优势,大力发展水产种养 殖,成为当地农民脱贫奔小康的重要支柱项目。
Farmers harvest lotus roots in Lizhong Town of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Jan. 15, 2020. Aquaculture plays a key role in lifting local farmers out of poverty.
许大才 / Xu Dacai
2018年7月14日,江西省抚州市广昌县驿前镇姚西村,莲农们准备采收莲蓬。“中国莲花 第一村”的姚西村凭借白莲产业走向富裕之路。
Farmers harvest lotus seedpods in Yaoxi Village in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, on Jul. 14, 2018. The village is known for lotus and has become prosperous by developing the white lotus variety.
万贻平 / Wan Yiping
A farmer picks gorgon fruits at an ecological park in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on Aug. 6, 2019.
阙明芬 / Que Mingfen
2015年10月2日凌晨,江苏省徐州市丰县大沙河 果品交易市场,果农们进行水果交易。大沙河 果园是江苏省最大的水果生产基地,也是中国 十大苹果基地之一。
Farmers trade at the Dashahe fruit market, Fengxian County, East China’s Jiangsu Province, in the early morning of Oct. 2, 2015. Dashahe orchards are the largest fruit production base in the province and one of the top 10 apple producers in China.
范玉磊 / Fan Yulei
2019年4月17日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州泸定县冷碛镇团结村,村民等待收购商前来收羊肚 菌。近年来,该村大力发展羊肚菌种植产业,逐步摆脱贫困走上了富裕路,并成为该县第 一个全国生态文明示范村。全村种植面积达500亩,羊肚菌不仅卖到了国内的各大城市, 甚至通过经销商售卖到了欧洲。
Villagers sell morel mushrooms in Luding County in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Apr. 17, 2019. The village’s mushrooms are sold to other parts of the country and Europe, and have helped villagers get out of poverty.
曹博远 / Cao Boyuan
2019年10月12日,四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市洛古波乡葡萄种植基地,农户采收葡萄, 销往全国各地。
Farmers harvest grapes in Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, on Oct. 12, 2019. The grapes are sold across the country.
吉木木且 / Jimumuqie
2019年8月8日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县南指挥镇白家凹村,果农采摘矮化苹果。苹果产业是 凤翔县的特色优势产业,也是当地群众脱贫致富的重要产业。2019年,全县共栽植苹果22 万亩,产量约27万吨,产值超过14亿元。
Farmers pick apples in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 8, 2019. Fengxiang produced 270,000 tons of apples in 14,667 hectares of land in 2019, which generated over 1.4 billion yuan ($198 million) and helped locals rise out of poverty.
赵 晨 / Zhao Chen
2018年7月1日,福建省宁德市古田县凤都镇际面村,成熟的桃子挂满枝头,等待游客前来 采摘品尝。际面村以“桃”文化为引导,与康养产业相结合,着力打造乡村旅游全产业 链,帮助村民脱贫致富。
Peaches are ripe in Jimian Village of Ningde, Fujian Province, on Jul. 1, 2018. The village has developed rural tourism based on local resources to help villagers escape poverty.
颜家蔚 / Yan Jiawei
2019年11月4日,湖南怀化洪江市黔城镇茶溪村,农户采摘冰糖橙。近年来,怀化市引进 了优质柑橘品种并推广种植技术,不断拓宽农民增收渠道。当地生产的山下红、大甫、诺 瓦、冰糖橙等柑橘品种连获丰收,助力实现该市全域脱贫摘帽。
Farmers pick oranges in Chaxi Village, Huaihua, Hunan Province, on Nov. 4, 2019. Huaihua has promoted the planting of quality citrus fruits and had bump harvests, which increases farmers’ earnings and helps them rise out of poverty.
刘新武 / Liu Xinwu
2016年12月11日,湖北省宜昌市秭归县水田坝乡青蒿峪村,当地电力公司工人帮助村民将 脐橙放到索道车上。曾经,一道峡谷将该地与外界隔绝,8户人家的300亩900吨脐橙只 能依靠肩挑背扛往外运。2014年12月6日,第一批脐橙通过索道运出大山。与人工搬运相 比,索道的运送速度快了3倍,运输成本则是原来的十分之一。
Electricity workers help villagers carry navel oranges onto the cableway in Qinghaoyu Village, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Dec. 11, 2016. Blocked by a 300-meter-wide canyon, villagers had to carry 900 tons of navel oranges on their backs to the outside every year, but cableway transportation is three times faster and 90 percent cheaper than manual transportation
刘曙松 / Liu Shusong
2016年2月7日,广西壮族自治区梧州 市藤县角嘴码头,农民用船只运送新 鲜蔬菜来此售卖。近年来,该县积极 发挥产业技术指导作用,引导农民 建起蔬菜种植基地,并持续扩大合作 社、种养基地的辐射引领作用。农民 种植的新鲜蔬菜大量采摘上市,人均 收入不断提高,实现了脱贫致富。
Farmers ship freshly-picked vegetables to the Jiaozui Dock for trading in Tengxian County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 7, 2016. The county has provided technology to encourage farmers to build vegetable plantations and increase their income.
韦文荣 / Wei Wenrong
2018年7月28日,甘肃省武威市民勤县收成镇,村民在第二届民勤蜜瓜节上展示蜜瓜。民 勤县种植蜜瓜有近70年的历史,已形成5大品系、100多个品种,种植面积达到10万亩,产 量达20万吨以上,蜜瓜产业成为该县农民脱贫致富的主导产业。
Farmers display honeydew melons at a festival in Minqin County in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jul. 28, 2018. The county grows about more than 100 varieties of melons in 6,700 hectares with an annual output of more than 200,000 tons, helping local farmers rise out of poverty.
李 军 / Li Jun
2019年11月16日,浙江省杭州市淳安县界首乡,果农筛选界橘,准备装车销往加拿大。界 首乡虽地处浙西,但千岛湖一流的生态环境酿就了界橘的甘甜,1.6万亩橘园吸引众多游客 前来采摘游玩。
Farmers pack tangerines for export to Canada in Jieshou township of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Nov. 16, 2019. Jieshou’s 1,067 hectares of tangerines also attract many visitors.
杨 波 / Yang Bo
2019年12月26日,吉林省白山市抚松县仙人桥镇黄家崴子村,农户进行蔬菜棚间管理。该 村温室大棚种植蔬菜占了全县本地蔬菜供应量的30%以上,既保障了“菜篮子”稳产保 供,也给农户带来了丰厚的经济收入。
Farmers work in a greenhouse in Waizi Village in Fusong County, Jilin Province, on Dec. 26, 2019. The village supplies over 30 percent of vegetables in Fusong’s market, generating a good income for farmers.
连承灏 / Lian Chenghao
2019年12月17日,河北省张家口市阳原县蔬菜产业试验示范基地的温室暖棚,村民们为火 龙果进行人工除草。温室暖棚使昔日每亩产值不足500元的“瘠地”,成为年盈利60000 元的“金田”,直接带动102户贫困户、1500多名贫困人口脱贫致富。
Villagers weed by hand in a greenhouse that grows dragon fruit in an ecological agricultural park in Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, on Dec. 17, 2019. The greenhouse has increased the annual income of each mu (0.07 hectares) of farmland from less than 500 yuan ($70.71) to 60,000 yuan, helping over 1,500 people rise out of poverty.
和冠欣 / He Guanxin
2019年8月4日,西藏自治区林芝市波密县松宗镇纳玉村,联合收割机在麦田里作业。自脱贫攻坚战打响以来,林芝市坚持农业农村优先发展,共安 排本级农牧业产业化扶持资金约4.78亿元,发放农机购置补贴资金1853.82 万元,农业机械化程度大幅度提高,农牧民生产生活条件得到全面改善。
Combine harvesters at work in a village in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Aug. 4, 2019. The city has invested 478 million yuan ($68.14 million) to support agricultural industrialization and provided finance of 18.54 million yuan to farmers to buy agricultural machinery.
扎西洛布 / Tashi Lobu
2019年6月28日,甘肃省武威市天祝藏族自治县抓喜秀龙镇永丰村,牧民机播笋子并覆地 膜。20多年前,这里只能种植青稞和饲草料。党的十八大以来,天祝县小范围试种高原绿 色有机蔬菜成功并开始大面积推广。目前,亩均产值7000元左右,成为当地农牧民脱贫致 富的主导产业。
Herdsmen drive a tractor to sow vegetable seeds and cover them with plastic film in Yongfeng Village, Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, on Jun. 28, 2019. Tianzhu, which was only able to cultivate highland barley and forage, has promoted organic vegetable cultivation that generates an average output value of about 7,000 yuan ($997) for each mu (0.07 hectare) to improve locals’ income.
王守辉 / Wang Shouhui
2018年11月29日,吉林省榆树市刘家镇永生村,精准扶贫工作队为贫困户杨占华回收玉米 秸秆。杨占华与妻子都患有脑血栓,没有劳动能力,家里7.5亩多地的玉米秸秆无法处理, 影响下一年春耕。镇精准扶贫项目帮助其将玉米秸秆回收并卖给新能源公司,既增加了一 家人的收入,又为能源发电提供了燃料,使他们的生活有了奔头。
Poverty alleviation officials help Yang Zhanhua recycle corn straw at a village in Yushu, Jilin Province, on Nov. 29, 2018. Since Yang and his wife cannot work due to illness, the officials help them sell corn straw to a new-energy company to increase their income.
赵桂华 / Zhao Guihua
2013年10月20日,吉林白城洮南市呼和车力蒙古族乡车力村,贫困户张武一家抓住晴好天 气打场收粮。目前,这户农家依靠科学种田和辛勤劳动已脱贫摘帽。
A poverty-stricken household thresh grains on a sunny day in a village in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Oct. 20, 2013. The hard-working family has risen out of poverty by adopting scientific farming.
杨瑷璐 / Yang Ailu
2013年9月14日,西藏自治区拉萨市曲水县达嘎乡达嘎村,藏族同胞秋收扬场。在国家脱 贫政策的帮助下,当地取得了农业丰收。
Tibetans winnow barley in a village in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Sept. 14, 2013. The farmers have been given poverty alleviation aid to reap a good harvest.
范黎芳 / Fan Lifang
2019年9月2日,甘肃省武威市民勤县蔡旗镇蔡旗村,村民收获地膜洋 芋。民勤县位于腾格里沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠之间,是国家级插花贫困 县。近几年,蔡旗村种植地膜洋芋1800多亩,亩产量8000多斤,亩产 值5000元,依靠特色种植产业实现脱贫致富。
Villagers harvest potatoes in Caiqi Village of Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Sept. 2, 2019. Minqin, which is located between two major deserts, has managed to increase locals’ income by growing around 120 hectares of potatoes that on average generates about 5,000 yuan ($713) for each mu (0.07 hectares).
厍运涛 / She Yuntao
2018年5月8日,贵州省铜仁市玉屏侗族自治县朱家场镇混寨村,驻村干部深入田间地头, 帮助贫困户收割油菜籽。
Officials help a poverty-stricken family harvest rapeseed in a village of Yuping Dong Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, on May 8, 2018.
欧秀灯 / Ou Xiudeng
2016年4月24日,山西省大同市新荣区堡子湾乡得胜堡村,一名村民驾驶着农耕拖拉机准备投入作业。该村民利用积蓄买了这台拖拉机,在自耕的同时,还能帮着耕别人家的地, 也有不错的收入。
A farmer is on his way to plough farmland with a tractor in Deshengpu Village, Datong City, Shanxi Province, on Apr. 24, 2016. The machine has helped the farmer earn a modest earning by cultivating farmland.
常 江 / Chang Jiang
2020年4月16日,甘肃省武威市民勤县青土湖肉苁蓉种植基地,村民展示刚刚采挖出来的肉苁蓉。2013年,当地成立了肉苁蓉农民专业合作社,探索发展梭梭林人工接种肉苁蓉, 并吸纳当地贫困户务工增收。目前,该合作社已接种肉苁蓉5000多亩,年收入300多万 元,带动周边地区发展肉苁蓉嫁接达60000亩,预计产值1.2亿元,既增加了农民收入,又 改善了生态环境。
A farmer shows freshly-picked desert broomrape from the Qingtu Lake planting base in Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Apr. 16, 2020. The plantation grows more than 330 hectares of the crop and earns more than 3 million yuan ( $427,700) a year.
周进学 / Zhou Jinxue
2017年12年11日,西藏自治区山南市乃东区颇章乡雪村苗圃基地,贫困户次仁仓吉(左)为 雪松除草。当地将生态文明建设与扶贫岗位相结合,在雪村建设占地1000多亩的农业苗 圃,为当地贫困户及五保户等特殊群体免费开展岗位技能培训,提供就业岗位200余个, 辐射带动颇章乡建档立卡贫困户30户72人。
Tsering Tsamgyi (left) weeds for cedars at a nursery, part of a poverty alleviation project in Xuecun Village, Lhokha City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 11, 2017. The government has built the nursery covering an area of about 67 hectares in the village to provide more than 200 jobs for poverty-stricken locals and others in need.
陈泽冰 / Chen Zebing
2019年3月19日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市姑咱镇章古村,村民补种白棘并清除杂草。 位于康定市的章古山现代农业产业园,“农旅融合”助推乡村振兴,流转章古山土地423 亩,建成5大产业基地,集特色食用菌产业、特色农林果木产业、高原特色汉藏药材产 业、农产品加工及休闲观光于一体。
Villagers reseed white spines and remove weeds in Zhanggu Village, Kangding City in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on Mar. 19, 2019. The village attracts tourists and has become a major producer of mushrooms, fruits, medicinal herbs and other agricultural products.
蔡仕霞 / Cai Shixia
2016年5月23日,辽宁铁岭开原市松山镇上土口子村,村民为前来旅游观光的摄影爱好者 再现传统的农业播种场景。该村梨园有着近百年的历史,“梨花经济”已经成为当地提升 知名度、脱贫致富的新引擎。
Farmers demonstrate traditional agricultural planting for photographers visiting Tukouzi Village in Tieling, Liaoning Province, on May 23, 2016. The village has 100-year-old pear orchards which have become popular tourist destinations.
崔维民 / Cui Weimin
2017年12月2日,福建省福清市镜洋镇磨石村,村民收割完秋季水稻后,在田里种上蔬 菜。当地村民不误农时、精耕细作,过上了小康生活。
Farmers plant vegetables after harvesting rice in the autumn in Moshi Village, East China’s Fujian Province, on Dec. 2, 2017. Local villagers cultivate intensively and meticulously to live a better life.
陈科云 / Chen Keyun
2013年11月10日,甘肃省兰州市榆中县龙泉乡水泉湾村,贫困户蔺明一家在田里铺设地 膜,种植小麦。在帮扶工作队的帮助下,蔺明采用地膜种植小麦、玉米和土豆,初步改善 了山区干旱种植育苗死亡率高、产量低的问题,收入逐年明显提高。夫妻俩依靠务农,先 后供两个孩子考入大学并获得了心仪的工作。2019年,家里还建起了3间新房,安装上了 自来水,过上了与城里人一样的生活。
Lin Ming and his family cover the wheat they have grown with plastic film in Shuiquanwan Village, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, on Nov. 10, 2013. With the poverty alleviation task force’s help, Lin has improved crop cultivation and increased his income, which enabled him to provide college education for two children and build a new house.
窦泽中 / Dou Zezhong
2020年3月29日,广东省湛江市遂溪县草潭镇,村民收获紫 心红薯。草潭镇精准扶贫,大力发展传统品牌——紫心红 薯,并通过南薯北运,增加村民收入,助力脱贫攻坚。
Farmers harvest purple sweet potatoes in Caotan Town, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Mar. 29, 2020. Caotan has developed the purple sweet potato industry to help villagers rise out of poverty.
翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing
2019年6月9日,江苏省泰州市红旗良种场育秧基地,工人们运送秧苗。当年,红旗良种场水稻种植面 积约10000多亩,丰收带动当地群众就业增收。
Workers send rice seedlings to paddy fields at a planting base in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Jun. 9, 2019. The farm grows over 600 hectares of rice, providing jobs to locals and helping them increase their income.
殷 凯 / Yin Kai
2016年7月16日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州阿坝县龙藏乡龙藏村,村 民在田间耕作。在援藏驻村扶贫干部的帮助和指导下,当地大力改进农 作物栽培技术,连年增产增收。
Villagers work in the fields in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province on Jul. 16, 2016. They have increased output by improving crop cultivation techniques with the help of poverty alleviation officials.
赵远平 / Zhao Yuanping
Colorful crops, such as corn and red chili, are dried in bamboo baskets in a village in Sanming, Fujian Province, on Oct. 1, 2017.
李乾浩 / Li Qianhao
Photographers take group pictures of She ethnic group people relocated from remote mountains to a newly-built village in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Feb. 18, 2013, during the Chinese Lunar New Year. A total of 215 people from three She villages moved into new houses built by the local government.
杨婀娜 / Yang E’nuo
Twenty-one poor families get keys to their new houses at a village in Shangluo, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 31, 2018. They moved into the homes provided free by the local government.
李 杰 / Li Jie
An eldely man leads a donkey on an ancient bridge in Youyu County, Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2018. Youyu promotes tourism based on its good ecological environment and rich historical resources to lift locals out of poverty.
刘英毅 / Liu Yingyi
Three dwellers in an old house dance in the old town of Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province, on Jul. 8, 2014. Lichuan has renovated an ancient street of Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) and restored shops and buildings to their original glory to boost cultural tourism and help locals increase their income.
于志新 / Yu Zhixin
A man and his son spend time at a homestay in Jindalai village in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province on May 6, 2020. Growing toursim after Jindalai developed Korean folk culture, sightseeing and local cuisine has helped lift the whole village out of poverty.
许 畅 / Xu Chang
2018年4月7日,西藏自治区林芝市巴宜区林芝镇嘎拉村,村民和游客在第十六届林芝桃花节上观赏盛开的桃花。这里的桃花有0.13公顷14万株,平均树龄145年,最长的有600年。 当地利用桃花发展旅游产业,带动村民脱贫致富。
Villagers and tourists enjoy peach blossoms during the annual peach blossom festival in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Apr. 7, 2018. The village has developed tourism by making use of its 140,000 peach trees with an average age of 145 years to lift locals out of poverty.
原瑞伦 / Yuan Ruilun
A bustling market that sells agricultural and livestock products and daily necessities at a village in Bijie, Guizhou Province, on Feb. 20, 2019.
席建南 / Xi Jiannan
Food stalls at a village fair in Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Sept. 6, 2019.
束黎明 / Shu Liming
A tourist experiences making sticky rice cakes in Xiajiang Village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Nov. 2, 2017. Xiajiang has improved its ecology, economy, and living environment for villagers.
黄曙林 / Huang Shulin
Two children play in a market in poverty-stricken Fanxian County, Henan Province, on Sept. 3, 2019. The local government's poverty alleviation policies have raised the incomes of rural residents.
朱宪民 / Zhu Xianmin
Two women of the Yi ethnic group put on makeup at a beauty parlor for the torch festival in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 21, 2019. After shaking off poverty, Yi women now pay more attention to beauty and fashion.
孙祺然 / Sun Qiran
Rural women do needlework while selling their creations at market stalls in Tianshui, Gansu Province, on Mar. 9, 2019. They have increased income through hard work.
刘 雷 / Liu Lei
Women select sheets from a van in a village of the Dong ethnic group in Huaihua, Hunan Province, on Oct. 30, 2013. The van brings daily necessities and fashion items to villagers every week.
郭建设 / Guo Jianshe
Tourists buy silver jewelry at a market in the ancient town of Fenghuang in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 30, 2013. Fenghuang County promotes tourism and the production of souvenirs and handicrafts to increase locals’ income.
刘 阳 / Liu Yang
Children of the Yi ethnic group wash clothes after school at a village in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 23, 2018. Butuo, which has long suffered from poverty, has relocated 14,230 people from 26 remote villages to new communities as of Jun. 30, 2020.
张 风 / Zhang Feng
Workers help a rural family install a modern toilet in a village in Donghai County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, on Aug. 14, 2019. Donghai is promoting a “toilet revolution” to improve sanitation in rural areas.
蔡 迅 / Cai Xun
Abla Sawut (second from left) entertains neighbors with tea boiled with tap water in a village in Jiashi County in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 17, 2020. Jiashi has spent about 1.75 billion yuan ($249.9 million) to get 15,300 poverty-stricken people in the county access to safe drinking water.
谢 龙 / Xie Long
Ren Zhanyin, a villager in Qingyang of Gansu Province, takes a glass of drinking water from the tap. With the local government’s poverty alleviation measures, people in the village now drink filtered water.
任世琛 / Ren Shichen
Two workers of a power supply station check on photovoltaic power usage at an oil mill in Xingshan county, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Aug. 8, 2019.
张 彬 / Zhang Bin
Workers install photovoltaic facilities on the roof of a farmer’s house in Gaoqiao Town, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, on May 23, 2017. The government installed the facilities for poverty-stricken families to meet power demand and sell the surplus to the State Grid.
贾 骏 / Jia Jun
Tibetans chat in a newly built pavilion in Anguo Village in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, on Jun. 19, 2020. Tianjin, which has financed the renovation, has pledged additional spending to help the village become a popular tourist destination.
曹 彤 / Cao Tong
Residents relocated from poverty-stricken areas walk in a newly-built village in Ganluo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, on Feb. 14, 2019.
杨成龙 / Yang Chenglong
Jikeweiqie, who used to live in the cliff-top Atuleer village, moved into his new apartment in Zhaojue County on May 14, 2020. The children attend one of seven new schools in the community.
陈 杰 / Chen Jie
2020年4月27日,西藏自治区林芝市波密县倾多镇扎西村,村民在新家里忙碌着招待客人。 2003年从昌都市贡觉县搬迁到此的藏民,通过2018年的扶贫易地搬迁项目住进了新家。
Tibetans who relocated from Gonjo County entertain guests at their new home in Bomi County in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Apr. 27, 2020.
阿旺仁青 / Ngawang Rinchen
Villagers who have risen out of poverty move into houses built with the local government’s support in Lingshui Li Autonomous County in Hainan Province, on Apr. 28, 2018. With a photovoltaic system on the roof, they have sufficient power and sell the surplus to the State Grid.
黄一鸣 / Huang Yiming
Li Fucheng grows vegetables in front of his new house in Guangrong Village, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, on Oct. 26, 2017. The village rose out of poverty and villagers have built new homes by developing animal husbandry, aquaculture and growing vegetables.
郑玉德 / Zheng Yude
Migrant workers sleep in a temporary shed during a work break in their project to restore an ancient village in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, on Apr. 25, 2014. The development of rural tourism creates jobs for local people and increases their income.
李 舸 / Li Ge
Youths play basketball at a newly-built resettlement village in Ninglang County, Yunnan Province, on Jun. 26, 2020. The 10-hectare village was built at a cost of 23 million yuan ($3.3 million), and has 60 houses for people relocating from poverty-stricken areas.
何志高郎 / He Zhigaolang
A worker renovates a house in Shibadong Village in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Aug. 14, 2018. A tourism company invested on the renovation of old houses in the village to protect folk culture and develop tourism.
居 杨 / Ju Yang
Villagers help a poverty-stricken family repair their house in Shencha Village, Guyuan City, Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on Jul. 16, 2018.
陈团结 / Chen Tuanjie
2017年11月23日,陕西省安康市宁陕县梅子镇, 工人们装饰刚建好的移民脱贫搬迁安置房。偏远山区的贫困户住进了镇里的新社区,并将在这里安居乐业。
Workers decorate a resettlement house built for poverty-stricken migrants in Meizi Town, Ankang, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 23, 2017. Poor families in mountainous areas have moved into new communities in the town.
贾吉平 / Jia Jiping
Tibetans build a new house in a village in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Oct. 13, 2013.
李隆德 / Li Longde
2018年12月2日,福建省三明市三元区莘口镇竹洲村一间豆腐皮作坊,村民制作腐竹。 “竹洲”腐竹是当地知名品牌、特色风味美食。当地政府专门拨出专项扶贫资金拓宽销售渠道,为发展生态旅游,建设农产品特色小镇带来新机遇。
A farmer makes beancurd sticks at a workshop in Zhuzhou Village, Sanming, Fujian Province, on Dec. 2, 2018. The local government allocated poverty alleviation funds to develop rural ecotourism and local cuisine.
李 芳 / Li Fang
Villagers distill baijiu, or Chinese white liquor, using traditional methods in Gangoukou Village in Shangluo, Shaanxi Province, on Jan. 17, 2020. They sell the liquor locally and to neighboring areas.
周丽莉 / Zhou Lili
Villagers in Lvliang, Shanxi Province, leave for Beijing to work on Nov. 16, 2017. Rural women are given training in nursing to help them find jobs in cities.
王伟伟 / Wang Weiwei
A couple from Guizhou Province pick up garbage in the Minjiang River estuary wetland in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Feb. 19, 2017. They took the job eight years ago, which helped them rise out of poverty and protect the wetland’s environment.
陈增玉 / Chen Zengyu
Villagers construct a cement road in the mountainous Zuluo Village in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, on Dec. 17, 2017. The road offers the village and its produce access to the outside world.
练宝平 / Lian Baoping
2020年4月15日,5630次列车上,乘客观看网络热播视频——《慢火车重现往日繁忙》。 5629/30次列车是中国铁路成都局集团公司为方便老川黔线沿线村民和小站职工通勤而开通的慢火车。从20世纪70年代开始运行,沿线附近及周边都是贫困地区。慢火车对深山里的村民来说,是一条“生命线”,更是一趟脱贫致富的列车。
Passengers on the No. 5630 train watch a hit online video on Apr. 15, 2020. The slow train service, operated by Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd. in the 1970s to help villagers in poor regions commute, has become a lifeline for their economic development and helped lift people there out of poverty.
包 亮 / Bao Liang
2020年4月16日,贵州省遵义市桐梓县的桐梓火车站,列车员帮助到站菜农下车。往返于贵州省遵义市与重庆市的5629/30次普速列车,全程312千米,行驶10多个小时,最高票价 23.5元,区间内最低票价2元。这趟穿行于山区的“绿皮火车”,沿线25个站连通很多村寨,目前仍是沿线民众赶集买卖、走亲访友、上学的重要交通工具。
Conductors help a vegetable grower get off the train at Tongzi Station in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, on Apr. 16, 2020. The No. 5630 slow train, which connects Zunyi with Southwest China’s Chongqing and passes through many villages, provides transportation for people living along the line.
瞿宏伦 / Qu Honglun
A villager carrying ducks gets off the No. 5633 train in Puxiong Town, in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 1, 2019. The slow train, running through Puxiong and Panzhihua in Sichuan helps villagers in poor regions commute and allows them to carry livestock with them to trade in the market.
沈 丹 / Shen Dan
2020年5月26日,河南省洛阳市栾川县新南村,一列 “火车”停靠在水岸旁。据悉,“铁路小镇”是国铁集团对口帮扶栾川的重点扶贫项目。车厢内有配套休闲设施,车站外是整齐划一的农家宾馆,为游客提供便利的住宿、餐饮服务,成为新晋网红打卡地。
A train replica by the riverbank in Xinnan Village, Luanchuan county, Central China’s Henan Province, offers leisure facilities to visitors. The village has become a popular tourist destination after China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. helped build a “railway town” under its poverty alleviation program.
高均海 / Gao Junhai
A villager cleans his chicken farm in Xiaode Town, Mianzhu, Sichuan Province, on Jan. 19, 2020.
朱兴鑫 / Zhu Xingxin
2019年7月2日夜,安徽省六安市舒城县五显镇梅山村,睡在鹅棚里的纪道明用手机查阅养鹅技术资料。纪道明在自己脱贫致富的同时,不忘父老乡亲。2019年,他带领30户贫困户, 养殖黄牛50头,皖西大白鹅1000只,还在水塘里养鱼养虾。在纪道明的影响下,梅山村有劳动能力的130余户贫困户全部走上产业脱贫之路。同年9月,纪道明荣获全国脱贫攻坚奖奋进奖。
Ji Daoming looks for information on raising geese before going to bed in Meishan Village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Jul. 2, 2019. Ji has led 30 poverty-stricken families to raise 50 cattle, 1,000 geese, and fish and shrimp, which benefited at least 130 families. He was given a national award for poverty alleviation that year.
陈 力 / Chen Li
A couple sends ducks to customers in Zhuhai Town, Changning County in Yibin, Sichuan Province, on Feb. 2, 2018. Farmers in the county have set up poultry farms to diversify its agricultural economy and alleviate poverty.
王大刚 / Wang Dagang
Huang Qing, a villager from South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, smiles after he receives chicks for free from the village’s poverty alleviation task force. Huang’s family fell into poverty due to illness, but the task force used targeted measures to help the family pull out of poverty in 2019.
敖帅昌 / Ao Shuaichang
2019年7月13日,吉林白城洮南市呼和车力蒙古族乡草原,老艺人朱连生用自己亲手制作的马头琴演奏 《万马奔腾》。
Mongolian artist Zhu Liansheng plays a self-made morin khuur, or the horsehead fiddle, on the grasslands in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Jul. 13, 2019.
邱会宁 / Qiu Huining
Tursungul Remaz milks a camel in Huangtuchang village in Hami, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 24, 2020. Villagers have risen out of poverty by developing animal husbandry.
张全忠 / Zhang Quanzhong
2012年12月7日,新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰市阿拉哈克乡,牧民与羊群冬季转场途中, 在-30℃的雪地里过夜。
Herdsmen spend the night in the snow at -30℃ while moving their sheep to winter pastures in Altay Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Dec. 7, 2012.
钱 捍 / Qian Han
2017年7月28日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县农作乡, 牧民在放牧间隙吃午饭。精准扶贫政策实施后,美姑县彝族牧民自发进行互助牧羊,采取轮流放牧,空余时间可以节约出来做农活及家务,有效地节省了人力成本。
Herdsmen have lunch outside a village in Meigu County, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 28, 2017. Farmers of the Yi ethnic group in the county take turns to help one another with grazing so that they have more time for farming and housework.
田明章 / Tian Mingzhang
2019年6月3日晨,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县加榜乡加车村,一对苗族夫妻挑着秧苗走在梯田坎上。加车村山高路险,苗族百姓一直处于传统的农居生活状态。近年来, 当地修好了扶贫硬化路,让苗家的优质糯米销售出去,也请各地游客走进来。
A couple of the Miao ethnic group carry rice seedlings on a terrace in Jiache Village in Guizhou Province, on Jun. 3, 2019.The local government has paved roads to improve farming conditions, help transport locally produced glutinous rice and bring more tourists to the village.
贾国荣 / Jia Guorong
A fruit grower delivers cherries to a buyer in a village in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, on May 17, 2020.
李姝蒙 / Li Shumeng
2019年3月24日,家住贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州台江县施洞镇平兆村巴拉河苗寨的苗族妇女张记保、张布平、张银妹、张两翁(从前至后) 从田地所在的江对岸撑船渡过清水江后挑菜上岸。2017年,她们通过承包村里的80余亩荒田发展生态蔬菜种植,实现了“家门口”的增收梦。
Women of the Miao ethnic group carry loads of vegetables picked from a plantation near Pingzhao Village in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 24, 2019. Their incomes rose after they leased more than 5 hectares of wasteland to plant vegetables in 2017.
陈晔华 / Chen Yehua
2017年9月23日,甘肃省武威市民勤县号顺新村,村民晾晒辣椒。2015 年,号顺新村按照“支部+公司+基地+农户”模式,通过精准扶贫专项贷款和农户入股,成立了民勤县青土湖生态农业发展有限公司,收入单一的农民变成了产业工人,每人每月至少有3000元的收入。2017年, 富裕后的号顺新村建起小康住宅110套,全部分给村民居住。
Villagers dry peppers at Haoshun new village, Minqin County, Gansu Province, on Sept. 23, 2017. They have become shareholders and workers in an agricultural development company and earn 3,000 yuan ($424) each month. In 2017, the village allocated 110 houses to the villagers.
黑建军 / Hei Jianjun
2017年7月11日,吉林省通化市辉南县双安屯人参养殖基地,农民驾驶着三轮车准备回家。 近年来,通化市紧抓吉林省实施“人参产业振兴工程”的有利发展时机,目前已形成了集科研、生产、加工、商贸、旅游和文化“六位一体”的人参产业发展格局,被国家命名为 “中国人参之乡”和“中国人参产业基地”。
Farmers ride a tricycle to go home after finishing work at a ginseng breeding base in Huinan County, Tonghua, Northeast China’s Jilin Province, on Jul. 11, 2017. Tonghua, known as “the hometown of ginseng”, has integrated the ginseng industry with research, production and processing.
刁立生 / Diao Lisheng
A farmer displays freshly harvested sweet potatoes at a village in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 18, 2018.
鲁 鹏 / Lu Peng
2018年10月23日,陕西省榆林市靖边县中山界镇贺家岇村,贫困户党玉福夫妇抢收高粱。 自2017年扶贫工作队进驻该村以来,充分利用当地的自然条件,从山东引进高产高粱品种 “红樱子”,种植1000多亩,亩产达到1400多斤,使全村24户贫困户进入了一年脱贫、两年致富的快车道。
Dang Yufu and his wife harvest hongyingzi sorghum, a high-yield variety from Shandong Province, in Hejia’ang Village in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, on Oct. 23, 2018. Twenty-four families in the village have got rid of poverty by growing about 70 hectares of hongyingzi sorghum.
袁 东 / Yuan Dong
2019年11月30日,云南省昆明市石林彝族自治县鹿阜镇清水塘村,农户晾晒收获的玉米。 玉米是这里的主要农作物之一,当年又获得了丰收。
A farmer dries corn in a village while a girl plays with her dog in Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, on Nov. 30, 2019. She had another bumper harvest of corn, a key local crop.
兰红光 / Lan Hongguang
A PetroChina employee (in red) gives fertilizers to farmers and teaches them how to use them in a village of Moyu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Mar. 29, 2016. The company provides logistics and services to ensure fertilizer supply for spring plowing in the region.
吕殿杰 / Lyu Dianjie
Villagers chat under a photovoltaic lamp in Shaguo Village in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province on Dec. 11, 2013. The China Environmental Protection Foundation spent over 500,000 yuan ($70,758) to install photovoltaic pump and power generation systems to meet the demand of 356 villagers.
邓 佳 / Deng Jia
2019年6月27日,甘肃省武威市古浪县黄花 滩绿洲完全小学,学生们在操场上欢迎来自 各地的客人参观。该校是一所公办小学,各 种功能室和场馆设计超前,设备一流,确保 了绿洲生态移民小城镇的学生就近入学。学 校现有学生千余人,由16个民族组成。
Students welcome visitors to a primary school in Lyuzhou, Gulang County, Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jun. 27, 2019. The school has modern facilities and enrolls more than 1,000 students from 16 ethnic groups, with many of them being migrants from poor areas.
解海龙 / Xie Hailong
2018年9月3日,广东省河源市的深圳 中学河源实验学校,学生参加新校开 学典礼。该校是由深圳市政府出资1亿 元援助河源的公办初中,建筑面积3.6 万平方米,办学规模为60个班,新增 3000个优质学位。
Students attend the opening ceremony of Heyuan Experimental School, a branch of Shenzhen Middle School, in Heyuan, Guangdong Province, on Sept. 3, 2018. The Shenzhen government spent 100 million yuan ($14.13 million) to build the school, which covers a built-up area of 36,000 square meters and accommodates 3,000 students in 60 classes.
吴 峻 / Wu Jun
2019年6月25日,甘肃省武威市 天祝藏族自治县民族中学,学生 们上体育课。该校是全国民族中 学示范校。全校师生由藏族、汉 族、回族、土族、蒙古族五个民 族构成,是全县唯一一所藏汉双 语教学的寄宿制完全中学。
Students attend a physical education class in Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County Middle School in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on Jun. 25, 2019. The school enrolls teachers and students from five ethnic groups — Tibetan, Han, Hui, Tu, and Mongolian — and is the only boarding school in the county that offers teaching in Han and Tibetan languages.
陆中秋 / Lu Zhongqiu
2020年1月16日,云南省曲靖市会泽县东陆高级中学大礼堂,北京大学考古文博学院学生 李青为学弟学妹们做宣讲。会泽是全国深度贫困县,当地把教育作为阻断贫困代际传递的 有力抓手。2010年以来,全县有128名学生被北大、清华录取;10000余名学生被全国重点 大学录取;30000余名学生被本科院校录取。
Peking University student Li Qing lectures to high school students in Huize County of Qujing, Yunnan Province, on Jan. 16, 2020. Poverty-stricken Huize attaches great importance to education and has sent more than 10,000 students to national key universities since 2010.
高兴贵 / Gao Xinggui
2020年1月3日,海南省海口市美兰区的海南省机电工程学校,职业初中班学生在老师的指 导下学习遥控无人机。2019年9月,海南省在全国率先试点在部分中等职业学校设立职业 初中班,让建档立卡家庭、农村低保家庭和农村特困救助供养学生中学业困难、反复辍学 的九年级学生完成义务教育,并接受部分职业技能培训。
Junior high school students learn how to remotely control unmanned drones at Hainan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School in Haikou, Hainan Province, on Jan. 3, 2020. The island province offers vocational training to junior high school students from poverty-stricken families with poor academic performance.
袁 琛 / Yuan Chen
2019年7月15日,青海省西宁市几何书店,读者阅读书籍。青海几何书店占地面积达10000 平方米,图书品种多达15万种,45万册。目前,几何书店是中国最大的独立书店之一,也 是青藏高原最大的独立书店,为当地群众提供了必不可少的精神食粮。
People read books at Jihe Bookstore in Xining, Northwest China’s Qinghai Province, on Jul. 15, 2019. The 10,000-square-meter store has around 450,000 books in more than 150,000 categories and enriches local people’s cultural life.
赵 隽 / Zhao Jun
2017年10月2日,福建省宁德市古田县杉洋镇蓝田书院,老师对学生们开展礼仪教育。该 县在文化扶贫过程中,不仅注重农村的普及教育,还注重孩子的礼仪修养。
Students learn etiquette at a school in Gutian County, Ningde, Fujian Province, on Oct. 2, 2017. The county attaches great importance to both education and etiquette of rural students.
杨 琳 / Yang Lin
2018年10月12日,西藏自治区山南市洛扎县中学,一名藏族教师教学生用计算机绘画。在 这所地理位置十分偏远的中学里,使用计算机教学已成为常态。
A Tibetan teacher trains students computer-aided design in a middle school in Lhokha City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Oct. 12, 2018. Computerized education has become the norm in the remote school.
康泰森 / Kang Taisen
2018年10月29日,内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗第二小学,学生们在图书馆里自习。这是 北京众合公益基金会的“众合图书角”公益扶困助学项目,资助国家级贫困地区的小学建 立校图书馆(室),增加蒙文、汉语图书数量。
Students study in the library of a primary school in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Oct. 29, 2018. The library was financed by a Beijing foundation, which provides primary schools in State-level poverty-stricken counties with libraries.
凌福平 / Ling Fuping
2020年6月11日,四川省雅安市上里镇的首创小学音乐教室,学生与首创置地的青年党员 一起合唱。2013年雅安地震后,首创小学的前身——上里镇共和希望小学校舍受到严重破 坏。首都国企首创置地出资重建该校,此后又通过提供免费早餐,设立奖(助)学金,开 办夏令营,对接学习资源等多种方式持续帮助该校。
Beijing Capital Land employees and students sing together at a primary school in Shangli Town in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 11, 2020. The Beijing firm rebuilt the school, which was severely damaged in an earthquake in 2013, and provides students free breakfast and scholarships, and organizes summer camps.
武亦彬 / Wu Yibin
2014年5月12日,湖北省武汉市的武汉爱乐音乐学校,校长康丽指挥来自四川大凉山贫困 山区的孩子们练习大合唱。该校有95名学生,其中93人来自四川大凉山彝族。他们中有67 名彝族孩子吃、穿、住、学,学校分文不收。他们大都是孤儿或单亲贫困家庭的孩子,年 龄最小的只有6岁。
Children from Daliangshan Mountains in Sichuan province practice a chorus under the guidance of Kang Li, head of a music school in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on May 12, 2014. Ninety-three of the school’s 95 students are of the Yi ethnic group, and 67 of them are provided free tuition and living expenses as they are orphans or from single-parent families.
石 一 / Shi Yi
2018年11月16日,安徽省六安市金寨县梅山镇小南京村“山娃娃古筝班”,俞晓冬教留守 儿童学习古筝。2014年,俞晓冬自筹资金20多万元购置40多架古筝,无偿对山村留守儿童 进行古筝培训和音乐教育,被孩子们称为“古筝妈妈”。在她的指导下,一批批山里孩子 在小学毕业前通过全国器乐水平十级考试,还多次参加国内公益演出。
Yu Xiaodong teaches children to play the guzheng, or the Chinese zither, in a village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Nov. 16, 2018. Yu spent over 200,000 yuan buying more than 40 guzheng to provide music education to local children.
赵树宴 / Zhao Shuyan
2014年9月9日,吉林省白城市洮北区平安镇中心校乡村少年宫,孩子们演奏古筝。近年 来,洮北区得到中央专项彩票公益金支持,在各乡村学校少年宫相继成立了舞蹈、器乐、 书法、乒乓球等活动小组,为广大学生搭建起施展才艺的舞台。
Children play the guzheng, or the Chinese zither, at a village of Taobei District in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on Sept. 9, 2014. Supported by the central government’s public welfare lottery fund, the district has set up after-school groups to teach rural students dancing, music instruments, calligraphy and table tennis.
王绍利 / Wang Shaoli
2018年8月9日,广西壮族自治区南宁市一杂技团练习室内,李惠贤(左二)与队友练习杂 技《圆桌溜冰》。时年22岁的李惠贤来自国家级贫困县——南宁市马山县,曾随该杂技团 到多国演出。通过杂技演出,李惠贤取得了一定的收入,扭转了家里的经济状况。据悉, 该杂技团共有60余人来自马山县。
Li Huixian (second from left) practices with teammates in an acrobatic troupe in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Aug. 9, 2018. Li and 60 others from the troupe are from povertystricken Mashan County, and performances have increased their income.
陈冠言 / Chen Guanyan
A volunteer from Beijing interacts with pupils in a poverty-stricken area of Hezhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2019.
陶 冉 / Tao Ran
2019年11月15日,广西壮族自治区南宁市马山县马山电白小学,学生们在运动场上开展体 育活动。该小学是粤桂扶贫协作重点项目,短短10个月就完成了从建设到招生的过程。目 前,该校拥有27个班级,1336名学生,其中贫困学生906名,有效地保障了易地搬迁户子 女及进城务工人员子女接受义务教育的需求。
Students attend a physical education class in the newly-built Dianbai Primary School in Mashan County, Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Nov. 15, 2019. The school, which has 906 poor students out of a total of 1,336, ensures children relocating from other places are entitled to compulsory education.
卢伊琳 / Lu Yilin
2013年4月24日,海南省琼中黎族苗族自治县,该县女子足球队在训练。琼中女足,这支 诞生于国家级贫困县的业余女子足球队,曾三度夺得有小世界杯之称的“哥德堡杯”世界 青少年足球锦标赛冠军。2019年4月27日,琼中县宣布退出贫困县序列。
The women’s football team in Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County, Hainan Province, train on Apr. 24, 2013. The amateur team won three championships in the World Youth Gothia Cup. The county got rid of poverty in 2019.
王文扬 / Wang Wenyang
2020年5月19日,甘肃省临夏回族自 治州东乡族自治县龙泉乡拱北湾中 心学校,学生们下课后跑向食堂。 省民族企业联合商会扶贫助教委员 会向该校捐赠了校服、书包、文 具、体育用品等,使学生们的校园 生活变得更加丰富多彩。
Students run to the canteen after class at a school in Dongxiang, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu province, on May 19, 2020. A provincial business federation has donated school uniforms, schoolbags, stationery and sporting equipment to improve campus life.
吕 楠 / Lyu Nan
2020年5月28日,四川省成都市新都区西街小学,老师课间休息时与来自甘孜藏族自治州 理塘县的藏族小学生做游戏。
A teacher plays games with Tibetan pupils from Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture at a primary school in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on May 28, 2020.
朱 丹 / Zhu Dan
2016年10月19日,河南省商丘市民权县双塔镇大山子小学,学生领到央企爱心人士捐赠的 书包。当日,国电保险经纪(北京)有限公司团支部爱心志愿者来到该小学,捐赠书包、 文具和书籍,与孩子们谈心、做游戏,并与该校建立长期帮扶关系,每年邀请一名优秀学 生到北京过暑假。
Students of a rural primary school in Shangqiu, Henan Province, receive donated items, such as schoolbags and stationery, on Oct. 19, 2016. A company in Beijing offers long-term assistance to the school and invites one top student to spend the summer vacation in Beijing each year.
马 玉 / Ma Yu
Students and a policeman from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, fly paper planes inscribed with blessings and dreams in Baxie Primary School in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Aug. 25, 2019. The policeman donated 300 sets of gifts, including schoolbags, sports equipment and clothes, to the school.
章善玉 / Zhang Shanyu
Drolma Choitso, a Buddhist nun in Bangpu Temple, teaches Tibetan children Chinese in a house next to the temple in Daocheng, Sichuan Province, on Aug. 30, 2014. She has offered free tutoring to 13 Tibetan children for eight years in the poverty-stricken county.
周国强 / Zhou Guoqiang
He Jun, a teacher from Xindu District of Chengdu, gives a mathematics lesson to Tibetan students in Litang County, Sichuan Province, on May 28, 2020. To improve education in the poverty-stricken region, Xindu sends 40 teachers a year to primary and secondary schools in Litang and offers training to over 50 Litang teachers.
刘献清 / Liu Xianqing
Kindergarten children play in a resettlement village in Fuping County, Baoding, Hebei Province, on Dec. 25, 2019. Fuping has improved facilities and introduced high-quality educational resources in 41 schools and offered financial aid to 19,297 poverty-stricken students.
赵 晶 / Zhao Jing
A teacher uses a projector to help with teaching at a primary school in Luoxi Town, Ji’an, Jiangxi Province, on Jun. 7, 2014. Supported by the China Women’s Development Foundation, the school has improved its facilities, the campus environment and dormitories, and attracted excellent teachers.
吴 强 / Wu Qiang
College student Zhou Meifen leads children to play games at a kindergarten in Hebian Village in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on May 18, 2020. Zhou, one of only four to go to college after the village got rid of poverty, volunteers as a kindergarten teacher during vacation.
张 彤 / Zhang Tong
Children are amazed by the visual effects of a 3D animated film at a primary school in Hebi, Henan Province, on Feb. 2, 2018. Liu Houzhong, a retired worker of Henan Hebi Mining Group, and volunteers regularly show films for children and the elderly in the poor mountainous areas.
张兆增 / Zhang Zhaozeng
Children ride tricycles at a kindergarten in Erduodi Village at an altitude of 1,710 meters in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Jun. 23, 2019. More villagers are sending their children for free preschool education in the kindergarten, which has two volunteer teachers and 20 students from ages 3 to 6.
赵 亢 / Zhao Kang
Children have free lunch at a village kindergarten in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Dec. 21, 2018.
李铁强 / Li Tieqiang
Children play at a kindergarten in Dongmafang Community in Yingcheng, Hubei Province, on Sept. 12, 2018. Three kindergartens in Dongmafang offer education to children from 23 villages and communities.
晏美华 / Yan Meihua
Children play games at a kindergarten in Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 24, 2017. Many children in the kindergarten are from poor families and receive a good education thanks to the government’s preferential policies for the poor.
王 静 / Wang Jing
Liu Faying briefs children about the outside world while ferrying them across the river in Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 11, 2020. As of Jun. 13, 2020, Liu, a National People’s Congress deputy, and her team had raised about 23 million yuan ($3.24 million) for 3,584 poverty-stricken students.
李亚隆 / Li Yalong
Deng Xiaolan teaches a music lesson for children of Malan Primary School in Baoding, Hebei Province, on Sept. 28, 2012. Deng, born in Malan Village, helped a local band perform in cities including Beijing and Shanghai.
胡金喜 / Hu Jinxi
2017年11月21日,新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区青河县,穿上定制羽绒服的孩子们放飞代表梦想的纸飞机。当日,海澜之家“多一克温暖”走进该县的七个学校,将定制的加厚羽绒服送到北疆老师和孩子们的手中。从2014年至今,海澜之家“多一克温暖”团队走遍了23 个省的200 余个地区,帮扶上千所学校,为偏远地区的师生们送去数十万件定制加厚羽绒服。
Children wearing custom-made down jackets fly paper planes in Qinghe County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Nov. 21, 2017. Chinese clothing maker Hailan Home has donated custommade thick jackets to about 1,000 schools across 23 provinces since 2014.
黄 悦 / Huang Yue
Children wearing gloves and scarves attend class at Sanjianfang Village Primary School in Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, on Dec. 31, 2013. The Women’s Federation of Baofeng donated the items to 195 children living in the poor mountainous areas.
何五昌 / He Wuchang
Students listen attentively at Rongguanxiu Primary School in Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, on Jun. 21, 2012. Instead of commuting daily on mountainous roads, the students now live in a newly-built dormitory under a poverty alleviation project launched in 2011 to benefits tens of thousands of children in 45 towns of six counties.
翟羽佳 / Zhai Yujia
Two girls pose for a picture in a village in Xishui County, Zunyi, Guizhou Province, on Sept. 11, 2016. Xishui and 13 other counties and districts in the province rose out of poverty in 2018.
邓 维 / Deng Wei
Children dance with joy the moment a light is turned on in Yushu City, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, on Jul. 14, 2013. Xiaoshan’s power supply authorities in Zhejiang Province have assisted Yushu since 2012 to make sure that every school there has access to electricity.
丁 力 / Ding Li
2016年5月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州昭觉县支尔 莫乡阿土列尔村,在3名家长的保护下,15名孩子顺 着垂直高度超过800多米的悬崖攀爬17条藤梯放学回 家。此后,当地政府出资修建了一条安全的钢梯,替 代了这条危险的“天梯路”。“悬崖村”勒尔社也 接上了光缆,拥有了4G(第四代移动通信技术)网 络,并上了国家电网,改善了教育条件,成为国内著 名的网红打卡地。
Protected by their parents, children climb 17 rattan ladders to reach their cliff-top homes after school in Atuleer Village, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on May 14, 2016. Their daily ordeal consists of climbing more than 800 meters. Local government has built a safe steel ladder to the village and improved its internet facilities and education conditions.
陈 杰 / Chen Jie
2018年7月21日,黑龙江佳木斯抚远市黑瞎子岛,选手们参加“2018徒步中国·全国徒步 大会黑瞎子岛站”活动。当地在保持原始自然生态的同时,发展生态旅游,带动脱贫致 富。当年8月,抚远市脱贫摘帽。
Participants in a hiking event in Heixiazi Isle in the city of Fuyuan, Heilongjiang Province, on Jul. 21, 2018. Fuyuan shook off poverty by protecting the local ecology and developing ecotourism.
刘 平 / Liu Ping
2019年9月16日,江西吉安井冈山市茅坪乡坝上村,村民带领游客参观。坝上村是 “十三五”省定贫困村,也是一个知名的红军村。当地挖掘红色历史资源,大力发展红色 旅游,助推精准脱贫。
A farmer shows tourists dressed in the Red Army uniform around Bashang Village in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, on Sept. 16, 2019. Bashang has made use of its revolutionary cultural heritage to develop tourism and lift the village out of poverty.
王 敬 / Wang Jing
2019年7月27日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗莱德马场,选手们参加“全国速度 赛马经典大赛”。作为大兴安岭南麓集中连片特困地区,该旗引进了兼有养马、育马、赛 马等业务的自治区级重点龙头企业——莱德马业,创造就业岗位,培养专业人才,已带动 1165户3100名贫困人口脱贫。
Contestants take part in a national racing competition in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Jul. 27, 2019. The banner has set up a racehorse breeding company, which has lifted 3,100 people of 1,165 families out of poverty.
毛建军 / Mao Jianjun
2015年6月13日,湖北省宜昌市兴山县朝天吼漂流景区,游客乐享夏日清凉。近年来,该 县将旅游发展与扶贫攻坚深度融合,昔日的绿水青山成为百姓脱贫的金山银山。
Tourists enjoy a scenic spot in Xingshan County, Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 13, 2015. Xingshan has protected the local ecology to promote tourism and improve people’s life.
李景录 / Li Jinglu
2014年9月5日,河南省商丘市民权县北关镇王公庄村一间画室里,学员们练习画虎。“中 国画虎第一村”——王公庄村1300多人中,有900多人从事画虎及相关产业,成了远近闻 名的 “小康村”,并辐射带动周边数千名农民从事或经销农民画。
People draw tigers in a studio in Wanggongzhuang Village in Shangqiu, Henan Province, on Sept. 5, 2014. More than 900 of the 1,300 villagers in the village are engaged in tiger painting and related business, attracting thousands of others nearby to make paintings or buy them.
张 涛 / Zhang Tao
2017年11月4日,河北省张家口市尚义县套里庄乡槽碾坡村,村民农歇时在3D(三维)彩绘 前畅想未来。槽碾坡村是国家级贫困村,当地努力打造“艺术小镇”。2017年夏,美院师 生用涂鸦等艺术形式,为12间农舍换新貌,吸引了许多游客前来观光。
Residents chat in front of a 3D painting in Caonianpo Village in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, on Nov. 4, 2017. Art school teachers and students painted the walls of 12 houses in the poverty-stricken village in 2017, which has attracted many tourists.
赵占南 / Zhao Zhannan
2019年11月11日,甘肃省天水市麦积区新阳镇赵家庄村,国家一级演员高保利为村民高歌 一曲《吉祥安康》,助力脱贫攻坚。当日,中国杂技家协会文艺志愿服务团“送欢乐下基 层”在当地举办文艺慰问演出。
Gao Baoli, a top national performance artist, sings in Zhaojiazhuang Village in Tianshui, Gansu Province, on Nov. 11, 2019. The China Acrobats Association artists gave a free performance to improve rural residents’ cultural life.
裴 斐 / Pei Fei
2017年2月12日,甘肃省陇南市武都区鱼龙镇王家沟村,村民观看高山戏。高山戏主要流传 于武都山区,约有700年历史,当地也是中国文联的定点扶贫地区。多年来,中国文联结 合自身特点,发挥文艺资源优势,在高山戏的抢救、传承、创造等方面不断努力,让这个 戏曲界的“活化石”重新焕发了光彩。
Villagers watch the performance of local gaoshan opera, which originated 700 years ago, in Wudu District of Longnan, Gansu Province, on Feb. 12, 2017. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to revive the opera and boost its inheritance.
刘 宇 / Liu Yu
2016年9月13日,辽宁省铁岭市铁岭县白旗 寨满族乡夹河厂村,县文化馆送戏下乡, 为村民表演皮影戏。县文化馆通过送戏下乡,文化惠民,助力脱贫攻坚。
Artists of Tieling county’s cultural administration perform shadow plays to improve people’s cultural life at a village in Tieling County, Liaoning Province, on Sept 13, 2016.
方海鹰 / Fang Haiying
2019年8月27日,贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州兴义市万峰林街道下纳灰村,由返乡青年组成的布依族“八音坐唱”队排练节目。“八音坐唱”是布依族民间曲艺说唱形式,列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录。近年来,一批批走出大山的年轻人返乡创业,传承“八音坐 唱”。他们富有民族特色的表演,成了当地展示旅游形象的“金名片”,也为脱贫攻坚注入 了亮丽色彩。
Bouyei ethnic performers rehearse eight-tone sitting-singing, a form of local folk music listed as national intangible cultural heritage, in a village in Xingyi, Guizhou Province, on Aug. 27, 2019. An increasing number of Bouyei youth have inherited the art and their performances attract tourists and raise income in the village.
徐渭明 / Xu Weiming
A villager dressed in traditional opera costume livestreams local tourism attractions in Fugu County, Shaanxi Province, on Apr. 27, 2018.
李昀铮 / Li Yunzheng
People of the Yao ethnic group rehearse a folk performance in a resettlement village in Heli Town, Laibin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Jun. 21, 2020. They are living happily after being relocated to the new community.
李冠才/ Li Guancai
2014年12月24日,西藏自治区林芝市巴宜区,工布藏民围在火炉旁吃结达(一种类似奶酪的食物),欢庆工布新年。吃结达是工布新年团圆饭中一个不可或缺的环节。以前生活条 件不好的时候,过年时每人只能舔尝一点儿结达;现在生活富裕了,大家可以尽情享用, 感受生活的甜蜜。
Tibetans eat Jieda baking dough to celebrate the Gongbo New Year, a traditional festival in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 24, 2014. As life gets better, they can buy as much Jieda as they want.
刘海英 / Liu Haiying
Villagers practice yoga during a work break in Yugouliang Village, Zhangbei County in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, on Sept. 12, 2018.
赵占南 / Zhao Zhannan
Lu Xifen (fourth from left), deputy head of Sichuan University’s Student Affairs Department, leads volunteers on a visit to a poverty-stricken student’s family in Nilka County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Aug. 1, 2019. They visited 39 families during the summer vacation to learn about their situation and provide financial assistance.
陈元明 / Chen Yuanming
Undergraduate volunteers help villagers draw up a blueprint for poverty alleviation in an ancient village in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hubei Province, on Sept. 9, 2018.
董广民 / Dong Guangmin
Ye Jun (fourth from left) leads workers in using a bamboo mat to take a layer of paper from a pulp pool at a xuan paper factory in Jingxian County, Xuancheng, Anhui Province, on Aug. 5, 2019. Ye’s factory provides jobs to more than 20 migrants, who earn at least 60,000 yuan ($8,554) a year.
邬 静 / Wu Jing
2020年5月26日,北京市密云区,朱会萍(左一)向农家姐妹传授缝制技艺。朱会萍是区级非物质文化遗产玲珑枕制作技艺传承人,她创办手工艺品专业合作社10余年,通过免费 教学和提供工作机会等方式,带领该区部分农村家庭摘掉低收入帽子,走上致富道路。 2019年,经过3年坚持不懈的精准帮扶,密云区11674户低收入家庭全部越过低收入线,31个低收入村全部“摘帽”,提前完成“脱低”任务。
Zhu Huiping (left), a pillow making master, teaches sewing skills to fellow villagers in Miyun District of Beijing on May 26, 2020. Zhu set up a cooperative 10 years ago to give free training and jobs to help villagers rise out of poverty. In 2019, Miyun’s 11,674 low-income families bid farewell to low incomes.
王海欣 / Wang Haixin
Trainees learn to cook Cantonese cuisine at a vocational school in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, on May 27, 2020. The school has trained 3,257 chefs since 2018, with more than 60 percent of them from poverty-stricken families in rural areas.
周华东 / Zhou Huadong
2019年10月14日,海南省海口市美兰区的海南省总工会职工培训中心,来自全省各地的学员参加高级母婴护理(产康)技能培训班。海南省总工会把职业技能培训作为推动精准扶 贫工作的有力抓手,通过培训进一步提高下岗职工、农民工、贫困户、低保户以及城市 困难群体的就业技能水平。截至2019年10月14日,免费母婴护理技能培训班已成功举办89期,培训6000多人。
People learn maternal and infant nursing skills at a provincial vocational training center in Hainan Province on Oct. 14, 2019. The Hainan Trade Union has offered free skills training to over 6,000 laidoff workers, rural laborers and poor families to help improve their life.
袁 琛 / Yuan Chen
Maternity matrons are offered training at a vocational school in Hanbin District of Ankang, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 12, 2015. The district provides skill training in 25 industries, including household management, cooking and auto repair to help surplus rural laborers get jobs locally.
汪金波 / Wang Jinbo
Contestants take part in a Nadam Camel Festival in Alshaa Right Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Jan. 8, 2018. The banner has introduced a series of policies to encourage camel breeding and related business to boost the rural economy.
安菲菲 / An Feifei
2019年10月14日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区疏附县吾库沙克乡吐万克吾库沙克村,村民阿布都克热穆·吐尔逊在家中制作民族乐器。吐万克吾库沙克村被誉为“中国新疆民族乐 器村”,已有150多年手工制作民族乐器的历史,所制作的传统乐器除在当地销售,还远销中亚、欧洲等国家。目前该村已有273户500余名村民依靠制作乐器走上致富路。
A villager makes folk music instruments in Tuwankewukushake Village in Shufu County, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, on Oct. 14, 2019. Over 500 villagers of 273 families have become prosperous by making musical instruments that are sold in Xinjiang as well as Central Asia and Europe.
刘 新 / Liu Xin
2020年5月10日,四川省凉山彝族自治州越西县普雄镇呷拖村的彝族漆器髹饰技艺工坊, 工人们髹饰绘制彝族漆器产品。近年来,当地积极探索“非遗+扶贫”模式,推进彝族漆器髹饰技艺的传承和产业振兴,带动贫困户实现家门口就业。
Workers paint on lacquerware of the Yi ethnic group at a workshop in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on May 10, 2020. The Yi lacquerware industry has helped lift many locals out of poverty.
孙建生 / Sun Jiansheng
Wang Yihua, a designer from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, shows his new releases at the China Fashion Week in Beijing on Oct. 31, 2019. Xinjiang’s clothing sector has improved its design and production techniques with the support of China’s textile and garment industry.
崔小曼 / Cui Xiaoman
2018年11月3日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州壤塘县中壤塘镇唐卡传习所,藏族青年学习唐 卡制作。该传习所通过文化扶贫,既解决了当地青少年的读书问题,又让他们通过所学技 能实现家庭脱贫。
Tibetan youths learn painting Thangka, a style of Tibetan art that involves painting on embroidery, at a Thangka institute in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Nov. 3, 2018. The institute offers skills training to help the youth rise out of poverty.
李光健 / Li Guangjian
Women participate in an embroidery skill competition in Sisters' Meal Festival, a local matchmaking event, in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, on Apr. 29, 2018.
滕 科 / Teng Ke
Women of the Miao ethnic group talk about embroidery skills at a village in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 18, 2015. An increasing number of young people in the county have been attracted to the traditional craft and their incomes have also increased.
周世杰 / Zhou Shijie
Women of the Qiang ethnic group embroider in a workshop in Ningqiang County in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, on Jul.29, 2019. Designated national intangible cultural heritage, Qiang embroidery has become an important industry in the county and employs more than 1,200 local women.
许丛军 / Xu Congjun
Li Yongtao, first Party secretary in charge of poverty alleviation, sings a song he wrote for locals working at a handicraft factory in Baojiahe Village, Longxian County, Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 14, 2017.
丁幼华 / Ding Youhua
Bai Jingying (left) offers embroidery training to local women in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Apr. 14, 2019. The banner, once an extreme poor area, ended poverty in 2019 by developing the embroidery industry and animal husbandry.
崔 楠 / Cui Nan
Women of the Yi ethnic group learn embroidery skills in poverty-stricken Fawu Village, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on Mar. 17, 2017. The local government offers training to help them rise out of poverty.
李秋明 / Li Qiuming
People wear festive costumes to celebrate a village getting out of poverty in Nagchu City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 31, 2018. The village, at an altitude of more than 4,700 meters, consists of 1,490 people and has shaken off poverty through animal husbandry.
姚海全 / Yao Haiquan
2018年2月13日,浙江省杭州市淳安县枫树岭镇下姜村, 县文联组织当地书法爱好者开展“送福送春联”下乡活 动,喜迎新春。2017年,下姜村人均可支配收入超过浙江 省平均水平,实现了从贫困村到“绿富美”村的转变, 成为该省农村生态文明建设的一大亮点。
Calligraphy enthusiasts write spring couplets to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year in Xiajiang village, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Feb. 13, 2018. Xiajiang became prosperous after being a poverty-stricken village in 2017, with per capita disposable income above the province’s average.
程海波 / Cheng Haibo


首都图书馆 党委书记、代馆长









2020 is the year when the battle against poverty must be won to realize the first centenary goal of building a better-off society in all aspects. 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation is therefore of historical significance. With vivid photos, the album records valuable moments on the front line in the nation’s fight against poverty, which has epitomized what the country has achieved in poverty alleviation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in late 2012.

Poverty alleviation in terms of culture is an important component part of the targeted campaign against poverty. As an important cultural facility and public welfare cultural service institution, Capital Library has been making the best use of its cultural resources in blazing a trail for cultural poverty alleviation. Targeting its cultural poverty alleviation efforts according to the actual situation in poverty-stricken areas, we make sure what we do will enrich rural villagers’ aspirations and update their thinking so they can lift themselves out of poverty. Beijing Cultural Exchange Center for Poverty Alleviation Cooperation and Coordination was established in Capital Library in 2018. The center has given full play to the role of Beijing as the country’s cultural center to carry out a series of cultural activities for the benefit of poverty-stricken villagers.

The “100 Photographers Focus” series is a renowned brand of China’s photograph circle created by China Daily. Capital Library has cooperated with the program for several years, hosting photo exhibitions, and it has also become a brand associated with the library. We will continue this cooperation to hold an exhibition on 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation, which will contributes to telling the story about China’s persistent efforts to lift people out of poverty.


Secretary of the Communist Party of China Committee of Capital Library of China, Acting Curator of Capital Library of China








2020 is of great historical importance as the goal of building a better-off society in all aspects will be realized, the battle against poverty will be won and 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) concluded. The Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist of Party Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping at the core, are making painstaking efforts for the final triumph of poverty alleviation. 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation captures many precious moments of this historic fight in vivid photos.

As a national brand, HLA, answering the call of the Party and State, has been doing what it can for poverty alleviation. Starting from 2014, our group, along with the China Social Welfare Foundation’s program “Warm Current” and NetEase, launched the charity action “Add More Warmth”, which has donated hundreds of thousands of down coats to students in more than 1,000 schools in 23 provinces and autonomous regions. Also with this program, we have provided free lectures on sports, music, painting and photography, and organized winter camps for participating students to learn more about the society. We have also organized various types of activities for children in remote mountainous areas.

We are more than happy to participate in the program of 100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation, recording and presenting the moving stories of this historic achievement. As we did before, we will continue to fulfill our social responsibility and regard what we can do for the society and the people as our duty so that we may make more contributions to the development of the country and well-being of the Chinese people.

President of HLA






周树春 全国政协常委、中国日报社社长兼总编辑

于九涛 中国画报出版社社长兼总编辑
王 苗 世界华人摄影联盟主席
王 浩 中国日报社副总编辑
王文澜 中国摄影家协会顾问
邓 维 中国摄影家协会顾问
毛建军 中国新闻社摄影部主任、中国新闻摄影学会副秘书长
朱宪民 中国艺术摄影学会执行主席
李 舸 中国摄影家协会主席、人民日报社总编室部务委员
陆中秋 中国日报社聚焦项目总监、中国新闻摄影学会常务副秘书长
张 风 北京晚报高级记者
徐祖根 中国新闻摄影学会会长
谢松信 中国日报社摄影部主任
解海龙 中国文艺志愿者协会顾问

总策划 王文澜
主编 王 浩
执行主编 谢松信
副主编 陆中秋
特约责任编辑 傅瑊瑊 朱 渊
编辑组成员 刘 慧 耿菲菲 邢 宇
英文编审 约翰•迪金森 拉 维 陈颖群
设计监理 刘乃文
法律顾问 邢俊霞



100 Photographers Focus on Poverty Alleviation

Director of the Editorial Committee

Zhou Shuchun, Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of China Daily


Members of the Editorial Committee:

Yu Jiutao, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of China Pictorial Press

Wang Miao, Chairman of the World Federation of Chinese Photographers

Wang Hao, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily

Wang Wenlan, Consultant of the China Photographers Association

Deng Wei, Consultant of the China Photographers Association

Mao Jianjun, Director of the Photography Department of China News Agency and Deputy Secretary-General of China Photo Journalists Society

Zhu Xianmin, Executive President of the China Artistic Photography Society

Li Ge, Chairman of the China Photographers Association

Lu Zhongqiu, Chief Executive Officer of China Daily’s Focus Program and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Photo Journalists Society

Zhang Feng, Senior Reporter of Beijing Evening News

Xu Zugen, President of China Photo Journalists Society

XieSongxin, Director of the Photography Department of China Daily

XieHailong, Consultant to China Society of Literary and Art Volunteers


Chief Planner: Wang Wenlan

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Hao

Executive Chief Editor: XieSongxin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Lu Zhongqiu

Contributing Editors: Fu Jianjian, Zhu Yuan

Editors: Liu Hui, GengFeifei, Xing Yu

English Language Consultants: John Dickinson, Ravi Shankar, Chen Yingqun

Design Supervisor: Liu Naiwen

Legal Counsel: Xing Junxia
