Villagers grow flowers in Shanchong Village, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, on Oct. 25, 2019. The village pools land from different families and has formed a cooperative to develop horticulture and tourism, which create jobs for villagers and help them rise out of poverty.
张 炜 / Zhang Wei
Workers man production lines at a silk reeling workshop in a company in Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 28, 2020. The company has offered jobs to rural residents who cannot travel to other places to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
高东风 / Gao Dongfeng
Bailikezi Abulimiti works at a toy factory in a village in Aksu, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 26, 2020. She earns at least 1,500 yuan ($212) a month and hopes to rise out of poverty soon.
李学仁 / Li Xueren
Villagers work at a textile factory in an industrial park in Yutian County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Jun. 11, 2019. The park employs over 3,200 rural laborers and offers them free child-care services and lunch.
刘 新 / Liu Xin
Migrants at work in a workshop at a resettlement community in Tianzhen County, Datong, Shanxi Province, on May 18, 2020. The community has accommodated nearly 10,000 people relocating from poverty-stricken areas and built factories to create jobs for them.
武俊杰 / Wu Junjie
Xiong Yanzhen works at a socks factory in the Qinglongquan Community in Shiyan, Hubei Province, on Feb. 18, 2019. The community is a resettlement for poverty-stricken families in remote areas, and the local government introduced investors to make Qinglongquan a major socks producer in China to provide jobs.
周家山 / Zhou Jiashan
Workers sew bedsheets and covers at a workshop in the Dieshiqiao home textile park in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 24, 2019. Dieshiqiao’s home textile industry has created more than 200,000 jobs and has a total annual production value of about 50 billion yuan ($7.12 billion).
王 苗 / Wang Miao
2017年10月15日,山西省怀仁市一家陶瓷厂,女工托起刚加工出来的碗坯。为促进脱贫致 富,当地发展多元产业经济,如利用高岭土资源建立陶瓷厂等。
A worker holds semi-finished bowls that have just been processed at a pottery and porcelain factory in Huairen, Shanxi Province, on Oct. 15, 2017. Huairen has made use of kaolin, a variety of clay used to make top-tier porcelain, to develop the ceramic industry and increase locals’ income.
朱建辉 / Zhu Jianhui
Chen Zeshen (right) fries tea leaves at a workshop in Dawan Village in Lu’an, Anhui Province, on Apr. 11, 2018. The village has pooled farmers’ tea holdings to form a large company and pays them wages and dividends.
高 斌 / Gao Bin
China Mobile employees lay optical cables in a village to provide better information services for herdsmen in Ulaanqab, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 4, 2019.
张松延 / Zhang Songyan
Workers take a break during the construction of a high-speed railway linking Datong, Shanxi Province, and Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, on Sept. 18, 2013. China’s high-speed rail network has spurred economic development and provided employment to migrant workers.
原瑞伦 / Yuan Ruilun
A worker opens the lid to take out fired pottery from a stove in Maoyi township in Lengshuijiang, Hunan Province, on Oct. 10, 2016. The traditional handicraft has provided jobs to locals and helped them rise out of poverty.
李全华 / Li Quanhua
Li Xiaokang (right) livestreams an auction of bonsai in Gaojiayan village in Yichang, Hubei Province, on Jun. 19, 2020. He sold 58 bonsais in six hours, earning 32,166 yuan ($4,552). The village has risen out of poverty through the bonsai industry.
李亚隆 / Li Yalong
2012年12月13日,广西壮族自治区河池市环江毛南族自治县驯乐乡的环江铜鼓铸造厂,工人们制作铜鼓。 河池市是革命老区,少数民族地区,国家重点扶持的贫困地区,西部大开发的重点地区。环江铜鼓铸造技术历史悠久,有很高的科研和文化价值,也助力当地脱贫致富。
Workers make a bronze drum at a factory in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in poverty-stricken Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Dec. 13, 2012. Huangjiang has a long history of casting bronze drums, and the revival of the technique has helped locals alleviate poverty.
刘占崑 / Liu Zhankun
Farmers make noodles in Shangyang Village in Longyan, Fujian Province, on Nov. 20, 2018. The village wants to build a brand for its hand-made noodles craft, which dates back more than 200 years, and to industrialize noodle-making to help lift locals out of poverty.
张 炜 / Zhang Wei
2017年7月9日,浙江温州乐清市石帆街道朴湖社区,村民黄者法制作当地有名的特产朴湖粉干。近年来,当地坚持推进新农村建设,积极发展农副业、工 业、商业,为社区居民创造更加美好的未来。
Huang Zhefa makes local rice noodles in the Puhu Community in Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, on Jul. 9, 2017. The community promotes agriculture, industry and commerce to improve locals’ income.
赵顺云 / Zhao Shunyun
2017年9月22日,广东茂名信宜市东镇镇英地坡村,村民编织竹编制品。当地利用竹乡优势, 为外贸出口企业提供竹编产品,老弱妇孺都可在家完成,是增加家庭经济收入的好项目。
People weave bamboo products for export in a village that produces bamboo in Maoming, Guangdong Province. Weaving helps locals increase income as they can do it at the convenience of their home.
骆伟玲 / Luo Weiling
People of the Miao ethnic group trade at a fair in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Oct. 8, 2016. Miao people sell their produce and buy goods on market day, which helps them increase their income.
刘彩霞 / Liu Caixia
2018年11月10日,陕西省渭南市临渭区桥南镇,巧娘草编专业合作社举办培训班,义务为当地 贫困户、留守妇女和残疾人传授草编技艺。桥南镇是临渭区的贫困乡镇之一。2016年,市级 非遗传承人陈春苗等人成立了巧娘草编专业合作社,定期免费举办扶贫培训班,不仅解决了 农村妇女的留守问题,也使草编技艺成为居民增收致富的新路子。
A farmer cooperative offers free straw weaving training to villagers, mostly women and people with
physical disabilities, in Qiaonan Town, Weinan, Shaanxi Province, on Nov. 10, 2018. The cooperative,
founded by straw weaving master Chen Chunmiao, offers regular training to help locals increase income.
张子弘 / Zhang Zihong
2018年3月21日,吉林省白山市江源区石人镇老岭村的八里坡文化园,区服务局聘请编织 技师李金枝(后排右二)为该村妇女培训手工编织技能,帮助村民拓宽就业渠道。
Knitting technician Li Jinzhi (second from right, back row) trains women weaving skills in Laoling
Village in Baishan, Jilin Province, on Mar. 21, 2018.
王丽莺 / Wang Liying
2020年5月3日,浙江省杭州市淳安县,居民参加全国 “放鱼日” 浙皖联合渔业资源增殖放流活动。淳安县 是全省26个欠发达县之一,当地始终把保护千岛湖秀水作为政府责任,每年投入大量资金,通过增殖放流 促进千岛湖水质提升和渔民增加收入,走出一条生态富民之路。
Residents release hatchery-raised fingerling fish into Qiandao Lake in Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province, on May 3,
2020. Chun’an is a less developed county in the province, and the government has invested to improve water quality
in the lake and increase fishermen’s income.
方长建 / Fang Changjian
2019年11月23日,广东省湛江市徐闻县外罗渔港,渔民挑灯夜战,将捕获的鱼从网上取下 来。徐闻县驻村干部实施精准扶贫,帮助港尾村、三高石村、长石村等沿港村庄做好“靠 海吃海”传统渔业文章,扶持维修渔船,改进更新渔具,提高劳动效率,帮助贫困户增收 脱贫。
Fishermen work late in a port in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 23, 2019.
Poverty alleviation officials help them maintain fishing vessels and improve fishing gear to increase
efficiency and rise out of poverty.
翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing
2017年7月11日,福建省福州市长 乐区,渔民赶海归来。当地为了 做到精准扶贫,振兴渔业养殖, 鼓励渔民利用当地的地理优势, 尝试各种可行的海鲜养殖方法。
Fishermen return after picking up sea produce in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Jul. 11, 2017. The local
government promotes aquaculture to lift people out of poverty.
郭江涛 / Guo Jiangtao
2020年6月24日,广东省珠海市情侣路海边,工人在礁石上挖生蚝。他们来自五湖四海, 是一群从“要我脱贫”到“我要脱贫”的致富者。
Workers collect oysters from beach rocks in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, on Jun. 24, 2020. They
came from other parts of the country to seek jobs in the city to make money.
王 红 / Wang Hong
2019年11月20日,江苏省南通如皋市长江镇,农民在水稻田里养殖螃蟹。水稻生态种植不 打农药,螃蟹吃害虫耕耘肥土,一亩田地两份收获。
A farmer raises crabs in a paddy field in Changjiang Town, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Nov.
20, 2019. The village’s eco-agricultural model avoids pesticides and harvests rice and crabs on the
same land.
陈 进 / Chen Jin
2019年12月4日,江苏省盐城市射 阳县黄沙港镇,渔民编织渔网。黄 沙港是江苏沿海最多渔船集散港、 最大水产品集散地。为打赢脱贫攻 坚战,该镇坚持“四个精准”,对 全镇建档立卡低收入农户开展“四 查四保”,进一步建立脱贫攻坚长 效机制,确保实现小康目标。
A farmer weaves fishing nets in
Huangshagang Town in Yancheng,
Jiangsu Province, on Dec. 4, 2019.
The town is Jiangsu’s largest aquatic
products trading center and has made
great efforts to lift locals out of poverty.
吉东育 / Ji Dongyu
2017年9月15日,福建省福州市长乐区,渔民挖蛏归来。当地政府以精准扶贫振兴海产品养 殖业,提升渔民的生活水平,鼓励渔民利用当地独特的滩涂养殖海蛏。
Fishermen return after digging for razor clams in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on Sept. 15, 2017. Locals
raise razor clams in the coastal intertidal mudflats to increase income.
郭亚宽 / Guo Yakuan
2014年3月26日,福建省泉州市惠安县净峰镇惠女湾,惠安女们从渔船上卸载一担担海 产品。
Women carry loads of seafood newly unloaded from fishing boats in Hui’an County, Quanzhou, East
China’s Fujian Province, on Mar. 26, 2014.
邓文祥 / Deng Wenxiang
2018年12月26日,江西省上饶市婺源县珍珠山乡山溪林场水库,贫困户在捕鱼。珍珠山乡 利用当地资源,积极发展水产特色养殖,并请贫困户实行经济责任制养殖,从而带动他们 脱贫致富。
Villagers catch fish in a reservoir in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, on Dec. 26, 2018. The village has
developed the aquaculture industry to help locals rise out of poverty.
汪立浪 / Wang Lilang
2017年8月19日,广东湛江雷州市附城镇土角村的滩涂,渔民码放收获的贝螺,准备运往酒 家。该村养殖专业户承包滩涂生态养殖贝螺,带动了沿海村民脱贫致富。
Fishermen sort freshly harvested shellfish to be sent to restaurants on a beach in Tujiao village,
Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, on Aug. 19, 2017. Breeding professionals in the village lease
coastal intertidal mudflats for shellfish breeding to lift locals out of poverty.
洪国春 / Hong Guochun
2014年12月21日,海南省三亚市,疍 家人的“水上渔村”。疍家是指世代 以打鱼为生,以船为家的渔民。曾 经,他们在海上漂泊,居无定所。近 年来,疍家人不仅脱贫致富,还成功 转型,建立了集捕捞、养殖、餐饮、 旅游等多功能的大型“水上渔村”
A view of a floating village of the Dan
people, who make a living by fishing and
live in boats, in Sanya, Hainan Province,
on Dec. 21, 2014. The Dan people have
risen out of poverty and built a big floating
village that has developed aquaculture
and offers fishing, catering, and tourism
services to consumers.
王卫光 / Wang Weiguang
2019年7月1日,乌英苗寨妇女合力 抬运用于建设新木楼的木头。乌英 苗寨位于黔桂交界的大苗山深处, 分属于广西壮族自治区柳州市融水 苗族自治县杆洞乡党鸠村和贵州省 黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县翠里 瑶族壮族乡南岑村。由于大部分青 壮年在外务工,留守妇女成为重要 劳动力。她们修河堤,建芦笙坪, 参与产业发展,撑起大苗山脱贫攻 坚战场的“半边天”。
Villagers carry a log to build a house in Wuying Miao Village in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. As men leave the village to work in cities, women have taken over farming jobs to lift the village out of poverty.
黄孝邦 / Huang Xiaobang
2018年4月14日,海南省海口市秀英区石山镇施茶村,村民在石斛园中劳作。施茶村因地 制宜发展石斛产业。石斛园在给当地百姓带来巨大收益的同时,也成了当地村民家门口的 美丽花园。
A farmer works in a dendrobium orchid garden in Shicha Village in Haikou, Hainan Province, on Apr.
14, 2018. The village has developed the dendrobium industry to bring economic benefits and create
a beautiful landscape on their doorstep
黄一冰 / Huang Yibing
2017年7月30日,江苏省兴化市林湖 乡,农民织渔网,准备出口柬埔寨。
Farmers make fishing nets to be exported
to Cambodia in Linhu Town, Xinghua, East
China’s Jiangsu Province, on Jul. 30, 2017.
丁 进 / Ding Jin
2020年3月20日,江苏省南通市,来自河南偏远地区的蜂农与当地蜂农交流养蜂经验,共 同致富。
Farmers from remote areas of Central China’s Henan Province share their bee-keeping experience
with local farmers in Nantong, East China’s Jiangsu Province, on Mar. 20, 2020, to raise output and
earn more money.
陈春艳 / Chen Chunyan
2017年9月6日,黑龙江省绥化市明水县崇德镇庆丰村,贫困户张文杰给白鹅喂食。张文杰 依靠白鹅养殖和肉牛托养,摘掉了贫困帽。
Zhang Wenjie, a villager in Suihua, Heilongjiang Province, feeds geese on Sept. 6, 2017. Zhang has
risen out of poverty by raising the birds and cattle.
刘心杨 / Liu Xinyang
2018年11月3日,广东省清远市清城区龙塘镇合来村,村民梁汉辉在自家的养殖场放养乌鬃 鹅。梁汉辉家存鹅5000多只,年收入近百万元。清远乌鬃鹅被列为广东省四大名优鹅种之 一,当地大多数家庭都依靠养鹅致富。
Liang Hanhui raises over 5,000 geese at his farm in a village in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, on
Nov. 3, 2018, which earns him about 1 million yuan ($141,500) a year. Many households in Qingyuan
have got rich by raising geese.
张敬恒 / Zhang Jingheng
2017年3月17日,四川省南充市顺庆区梵殿乡董干沟村种鹅养殖基地,工作人员放鹅。当地 政府响应国家精准扶贫政策,建立该种鹅养殖基地,帮助乡村农民脱贫致富。
A worker tends geese in Donggangou Village in Nanchong, Sichuan Province, on Mar. 17, 2017. The
local government encourages geese breeding to help farmers alleviate poverty.
唐志勇 / Tang Zhiyong
2018年10月19日,福建省龙岩市长汀 县童坊镇红明村岖岭山上,刘仙长和 妻子放养山鸡。该夫妻曾一度在外打 工,微薄的收入难以维持生计。在当 地政府资金、技术、销售一条龙帮扶 指导下,夫妻俩盖起了6间简易养鸡 棚,养殖规模达2000多只,成为全村 困难家庭脱贫致富的领头人。
Liu Xianchang and his wife raise chickens
in Hongming Village, Changting County,
Fujian Province, on Oct. 19, 2018. With the
government’s help in capital, techniques
and sales, the couple became the first in the
village to rise out of poverty by raising over
2,000 chickens in the mountain.
郑秋生 / Zheng Qiusheng
2019年6月14日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县牛牛坝乡牲畜交易市场,一名男子买到了两 头心仪的老牛还附赠了一头小牛,乐得合不拢嘴。
A man smiles after buying two cattle and getting a calf for free at a livestock trading market in a
village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jun. 16, 2019.
王 晶 / Wang Jing
2016年7月25日,四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县合姑洛乡马红村,彝族妇女赶着黑山羊去 山上放牧。马红村地处四川大凉山高海拔腹地,缺水少地。各级政府加大扶贫力度,资助 一部分彝族同胞养起了黑山羊。
Black goats belonging to a woman of the Yi ethnic group graze in the mountains of Mahong Village
in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on Jul. 25, 2016. The local government
offers financing to help the Yi people raise black goats and rise out of poverty.
周本意 / Zhou Benyi
2019年4月9日凌晨,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县的边城牛市,来自周边多个省市 的客商购买“扶贫牛”。凤凰县苗族素有养牛的传统。近年来,该县大力发展“扶贫牛” 养殖,帮助贫困户脱贫致富。
Buyers select cattle at a market in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous
Prefecture, Hunan Province, on Apr. 9, 2019. The Miao people has a cattle-raising culture, which is
supported by the county government to help people rise out of poverty.
李新风 / Li Xinfeng
2019年10月2日,福建省福州市永泰县贫困山区,养殖户利用土地开发前的空档期养牛, 既满足了市场“菜篮子”的需求,也增加了家庭收入,从而脱贫致富奔小康。
A farmer raises cattle in a piece of land set for development in Yongtai County, Fujian Province, on
Oct. 2, 2019.
李 硕 / Li Shuo
2019年4月12日,内蒙古自治区兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗,白小龙为赛马冲水降温。作为大兴安岭南麓集 中连片特困地区,该旗引进了兼有养马、育马、赛马等业务的自治区级重点龙头企业——莱德马业, 与9个苏木镇47个嘎查签订了扶贫协议,带动1165户3100名贫困人口脱贫,白小龙就是其中的一员。
Bai Xiaolong sprays water to cool a racehorse in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Apr. 12, 2019. The banner set up a racehorse breeding company, which has helped 3,100 people in 1,165 families rise out of poverty.
韩海丹 / Han Haidan
2014年9月24日,内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟多伦县,青年牧民乌仁吉日嘎拉照料自己的马 群。他依靠畜牧养殖业实现脱贫致富。
A young herdsman takes care of his horses in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,
on Sept. 24, 2014. He has risen out of poverty through animal husbandry.
王东升 / Wang Dongsheng
2019年5月2日,宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区三营镇三营活畜交易市场,商贩售卖牲口。 这里是西北较大的牲畜交易市场,村民以牛羊市场为依托,形成了养殖、加工、购销一条 龙的产业体系,促进了当地经济的快速发展。
People trade at the Sanying livestock trading market in Guyuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on
May 2, 2019. The largest livestock marketplace in Northwest China has helped local villagers develop
animal husbandry, mainly sheep and cattle, to boost economic development.
左雪兰 / Zuo Xuelan
2019年7月13日,甘肃省张掖市肃南裕固族自治县康乐镇赛鼎村,牧民为小朋友认领的草原 羊系上智能追溯项圈。当日,北京、上海、江苏、福建等地的200多名游客来到该村,现 场察看草原并认领草原羊,启动了“共享牧场”脱贫致富新模式。该模式让都市人可以成 为“牧羊人”;牧民也从传统农牧业养殖升级发展为定点饲养,拓宽了脱贫致富的途径。
A herdsman ties a smart collar-tracking device to a sheep bought by a child to monitor its growth
in Saiding Village, Zhangye, Gansu Province, on Jul. 13, 2019. Over 200 tourists bought sheep in
Saiding that day and entrusted local herdsmen to raise them, which allows tourists to experience
raising a sheep and increases herdsmen’s income.
王 将 / Wang Jiang
2019年4月11日,四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县麦架坪村,村民剪羊毛。在精准扶贫工作 中,该村结合当地实际,大力发展养殖业,促进群众增加收入。
Villagers shear sheep in Maijiaping Village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province,
on Apr. 11, 2019. The village has developed animal husbandry to help locals increase income.
邹 森 / Zou Sen
2020年5月27日,山西省大同市浑源县蔡村镇文家庄村,省文联驻村工作队队员走访养羊 专业户毛兴伟(左)。据悉,毛兴伟年养羊600多头,年收入40多万元,带动了全村12家 贫困户发展养殖,稳定脱贫。
A poverty alleviation official talks with shepherd Mao Xingwei (left) at a village in Datong, Shanxi
Province, on May 27, 2020. Mao raises more than 600 sheep, which brings him an income of
400,000 yuan ($56,500) a year, and has also helped 12 other families to raise sheep.
武 勇 / Wu Yong
2020年5月25日,内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县哈乐镇大沙岱村,贫困户徐四虎在村集 体肉羊养殖场工作。该村贫困户可享受多项优惠政策:每年从肉羊养殖场分红,村里为其 代缴医疗养老保险,手工作坊教授剪纸、刺绣等技能,发放房屋改造政府补贴等。
Xu Sihu feeds sheep in a collective farm in Dashadai Village in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region, on May 25, 2020. Villagers living in poverty are given dividends from the farm, free training in
paper cutting and embroidery skills, and subsidies for housing renovation.
刘文华 / Liu Wenhua
2019年6月25日,新疆维吾尔自治区独(山子)库(车)公路旁的大草原上,当地牧民剪 羊毛。剪下的羊毛可以制作成毛毯和毛毡,是当地人独特的脱贫致富途径。
Herdsmen shear sheep on the grasslands in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Jun. 25, 2019.
The wool is made into blankets and felt to generate income for herdsmen.
潘 俊 / Pan Jun
A herdsman herds cattle and sheep on the grasslands in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region, on Jul. 6, 2016.
邹宝良 / Zou Baoliang
2020年3月21日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自 治州金川县马奈镇八角塘村,大学生志愿 者指导贫困户养山羊。
An undergraduate volunteer gives advice on
goat raising to a farmer in a village in Aba
Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in
Sichuan Province on Mar. 21, 2020.
徐兴贵 / Xu Xinggui
2019年9月18日,黑龙江省七台河市勃利县的万寿菊种植园区,工人采收花朵。万寿菊具有 药用和保健作用,也可作为食品添加成分。近年来,勃利县广泛种植万寿菊,已经形成了 种植、采集、加工的产业链,成为农民脱贫致富的新途径。
Workers pick marigold at a farm in Boli County, Qitaihe, Heilongjiang Province, on Sept. 18, 2019.
Boli has formed an industrial chain of planting, picking, and processing of marigold, which can be
ingredients in medicines and food additives, to help locals increase income.
张跃君 / Zhang Yuejun
2019年5月9日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县横水镇东白村的惜颜玫瑰园里,村民采摘玫瑰花。 2017年,东白村引进惜颜玫瑰园项目,建设集观赏、采摘、休闲为一体的玫瑰园。目前, 园区已建成40亩有机玫瑰采摘区,并吸纳20多名贫困村民务工,帮助他们致富增收。
Farmers pick roses at a plantation in Dongbai Village in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, on May 9, 2019.
The village has grown organic roses on 2.7 hectares for picking and sightseeing, which creates jobs
for more than 20 poverty-stricken farmers.
赵 晨 / Zhao Chen
2019年7月25日,贵州省遵义市湄潭县七彩部落湄潭翠芽基地,茶农采摘茶青。近年来,七彩部 落走出了一条“茶旅一体”的新路,有效助力精准扶贫。该地区农户种植的湄潭翠芽一亩地的 季收入达到7000元至8000元,相较于以前种植辣椒、番茄等农作物收入增加了3倍。
Farmers pick tea leaves in Jinhua Village, Meitan County in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on Jul.
25, 2019. Tea plantation, in addition to tourism, has helped villagers earn three times more than growing
pepper, tomato and other crops.
曾 嘉 / Zeng Jia
2020年5月2日,福建省泉州市安溪县龙涓乡一家铁观音茶园,茶农忙着采摘茶叶。安溪曾 是全省最大的国家级贫困县。该县依托铁观音发源地的资源优势,践行“以茶脱贫”的产 业扶贫路。2019年底,安溪由贫困县跃升为全国百强县。
Farmers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Anxi County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, on May 2, 2020.
Anxi has risen out of poverty to become one of the most prosperous counties in China by developing
the tea industry, especially Tieguanyin oolong tea.
李雅真 / Li Yazhen
2020年3月14日,贵州省福泉市陆坪镇福兴村牛滚凼自然寨,村民在茶园里采摘春茶。近 年来,当地通过持续发展茶产业,形成生产、加工、销售为一体的产业链,为当地群众提 供了有效的脱贫之路。
Villagers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Fuquan, Guizhou Province, on Mar. 14, 2020. The village
developed the green tea industry to lift locals out of poverty.
肖 伟 / Xiao Wei
2020年1月15日,江苏泰州兴化市李中镇,农民收获莲 藕。李中镇充分挖掘水资源优势,大力发展水产种养 殖,成为当地农民脱贫奔小康的重要支柱项目。
Farmers harvest lotus roots in Lizhong Town of Taizhou,
Jiangsu Province, on Jan. 15, 2020. Aquaculture plays a key
role in lifting local farmers out of poverty.
许大才 / Xu Dacai
2018年7月14日,江西省抚州市广昌县驿前镇姚西村,莲农们准备采收莲蓬。“中国莲花 第一村”的姚西村凭借白莲产业走向富裕之路。
Farmers harvest lotus seedpods in Yaoxi Village in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, on Jul. 14, 2018. The
village is known for lotus and has become prosperous by developing the white lotus variety.
万贻平 / Wan Yiping
A farmer picks gorgon fruits at an ecological park in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on Aug. 6, 2019.
阙明芬 / Que Mingfen
2015年10月2日凌晨,江苏省徐州市丰县大沙河 果品交易市场,果农们进行水果交易。大沙河 果园是江苏省最大的水果生产基地,也是中国 十大苹果基地之一。
Farmers trade at the Dashahe fruit market, Fengxian
County, East China’s Jiangsu Province, in the early
morning of Oct. 2, 2015. Dashahe orchards are the
largest fruit production base in the province and one
of the top 10 apple producers in China.
范玉磊 / Fan Yulei
2019年4月17日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州泸定县冷碛镇团结村,村民等待收购商前来收羊肚 菌。近年来,该村大力发展羊肚菌种植产业,逐步摆脱贫困走上了富裕路,并成为该县第 一个全国生态文明示范村。全村种植面积达500亩,羊肚菌不仅卖到了国内的各大城市, 甚至通过经销商售卖到了欧洲。
Villagers sell morel mushrooms in Luding County in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Apr. 17,
2019. The village’s mushrooms are sold to other parts of the country and Europe, and have helped
villagers get out of poverty.
曹博远 / Cao Boyuan
2019年10月12日,四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市洛古波乡葡萄种植基地,农户采收葡萄, 销往全国各地。
Farmers harvest grapes in Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province,
on Oct. 12, 2019. The grapes are sold across the country.
吉木木且 / Jimumuqie
2019年8月8日,陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县南指挥镇白家凹村,果农采摘矮化苹果。苹果产业是 凤翔县的特色优势产业,也是当地群众脱贫致富的重要产业。2019年,全县共栽植苹果22 万亩,产量约27万吨,产值超过14亿元。
Farmers pick apples in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, on Aug. 8, 2019. Fengxiang produced
270,000 tons of apples in 14,667 hectares of land in 2019, which generated over 1.4 billion yuan ($198
million) and helped locals rise out of poverty.
赵 晨 / Zhao Chen
2018年7月1日,福建省宁德市古田县凤都镇际面村,成熟的桃子挂满枝头,等待游客前来 采摘品尝。际面村以“桃”文化为引导,与康养产业相结合,着力打造乡村旅游全产业 链,帮助村民脱贫致富。
Peaches are ripe in Jimian Village of Ningde, Fujian Province, on Jul. 1, 2018. The village has developed rural tourism based on local resources to help villagers escape poverty.
颜家蔚 / Yan Jiawei
2019年11月4日,湖南怀化洪江市黔城镇茶溪村,农户采摘冰糖橙。近年来,怀化市引进 了优质柑橘品种并推广种植技术,不断拓宽农民增收渠道。当地生产的山下红、大甫、诺 瓦、冰糖橙等柑橘品种连获丰收,助力实现该市全域脱贫摘帽。
Farmers pick oranges in Chaxi Village, Huaihua, Hunan Province, on Nov. 4, 2019. Huaihua has
promoted the planting of quality citrus fruits and had bump harvests, which increases farmers’
earnings and helps them rise out of poverty.
刘新武 / Liu Xinwu
2016年12月11日,湖北省宜昌市秭归县水田坝乡青蒿峪村,当地电力公司工人帮助村民将 脐橙放到索道车上。曾经,一道峡谷将该地与外界隔绝,8户人家的300亩900吨脐橙只 能依靠肩挑背扛往外运。2014年12月6日,第一批脐橙通过索道运出大山。与人工搬运相 比,索道的运送速度快了3倍,运输成本则是原来的十分之一。
Electricity workers help villagers carry navel oranges onto the cableway in Qinghaoyu Village,
Yichang, Hubei Province, on Dec. 11, 2016. Blocked by a 300-meter-wide canyon, villagers had to carry 900 tons of navel oranges on their backs to the outside every year, but cableway transportation is three times faster and 90 percent cheaper than manual transportation
刘曙松 / Liu Shusong
2016年2月7日,广西壮族自治区梧州 市藤县角嘴码头,农民用船只运送新 鲜蔬菜来此售卖。近年来,该县积极 发挥产业技术指导作用,引导农民 建起蔬菜种植基地,并持续扩大合作 社、种养基地的辐射引领作用。农民 种植的新鲜蔬菜大量采摘上市,人均 收入不断提高,实现了脱贫致富。
Farmers ship freshly-picked vegetables to the
Jiaozui Dock for trading in Tengxian County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on Feb. 7, 2016. The county has provided technology to
encourage farmers to build vegetable
plantations and increase their income.
韦文荣 / Wei Wenrong
2018年7月28日,甘肃省武威市民勤县收成镇,村民在第二届民勤蜜瓜节上展示蜜瓜。民 勤县种植蜜瓜有近70年的历史,已形成5大品系、100多个品种,种植面积达到10万亩,产 量达20万吨以上,蜜瓜产业成为该县农民脱贫致富的主导产业。
Farmers display honeydew melons at a festival in Minqin County in Wuwei, Gansu Province, on
Jul. 28, 2018. The county grows about more than 100 varieties of melons in 6,700 hectares with an
annual output of more than 200,000 tons, helping local farmers rise out of poverty.
李 军 / Li Jun
2019年11月16日,浙江省杭州市淳安县界首乡,果农筛选界橘,准备装车销往加拿大。界 首乡虽地处浙西,但千岛湖一流的生态环境酿就了界橘的甘甜,1.6万亩橘园吸引众多游客 前来采摘游玩。
Farmers pack tangerines for export to Canada in Jieshou township of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province,
on Nov. 16, 2019. Jieshou’s 1,067 hectares of tangerines also attract many visitors.
杨 波 / Yang Bo
2019年12月26日,吉林省白山市抚松县仙人桥镇黄家崴子村,农户进行蔬菜棚间管理。该 村温室大棚种植蔬菜占了全县本地蔬菜供应量的30%以上,既保障了“菜篮子”稳产保 供,也给农户带来了丰厚的经济收入。
Farmers work in a greenhouse in Waizi Village in Fusong County, Jilin Province, on Dec. 26, 2019.
The village supplies over 30 percent of vegetables in Fusong’s market, generating a good income for
连承灏 / Lian Chenghao
2019年12月17日,河北省张家口市阳原县蔬菜产业试验示范基地的温室暖棚,村民们为火 龙果进行人工除草。温室暖棚使昔日每亩产值不足500元的“瘠地”,成为年盈利60000 元的“金田”,直接带动102户贫困户、1500多名贫困人口脱贫致富。
Villagers weed by hand in a greenhouse that grows dragon fruit in an ecological agricultural park in
Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, on Dec. 17, 2019. The greenhouse has increased the annual
income of each mu (0.07 hectares) of farmland from less than 500 yuan ($70.71) to 60,000 yuan,
helping over 1,500 people rise out of poverty.
和冠欣 / He Guanxin
2019年8月4日,西藏自治区林芝市波密县松宗镇纳玉村,联合收割机在麦田里作业。自脱贫攻坚战打响以来,林芝市坚持农业农村优先发展,共安 排本级农牧业产业化扶持资金约4.78亿元,发放农机购置补贴资金1853.82 万元,农业机械化程度大幅度提高,农牧民生产生活条件得到全面改善。
Combine harvesters at work in a village in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region,
on Aug. 4, 2019. The city has invested 478 million yuan ($68.14 million) to support
agricultural industrialization and provided finance of 18.54 million yuan to farmers to
buy agricultural machinery.
扎西洛布 / Tashi Lobu
2019年6月28日,甘肃省武威市天祝藏族自治县抓喜秀龙镇永丰村,牧民机播笋子并覆地 膜。20多年前,这里只能种植青稞和饲草料。党的十八大以来,天祝县小范围试种高原绿 色有机蔬菜成功并开始大面积推广。目前,亩均产值7000元左右,成为当地农牧民脱贫致 富的主导产业。
Herdsmen drive a tractor to sow vegetable seeds and cover them with plastic film in Yongfeng
Village, Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, on Jun. 28, 2019. Tianzhu, which
was only able to cultivate highland barley and forage, has promoted organic vegetable cultivation that
generates an average output value of about 7,000 yuan ($997) for each mu (0.07 hectare) to improve
locals’ income.
王守辉 / Wang Shouhui
2018年11月29日,吉林省榆树市刘家镇永生村,精准扶贫工作队为贫困户杨占华回收玉米 秸秆。杨占华与妻子都患有脑血栓,没有劳动能力,家里7.5亩多地的玉米秸秆无法处理, 影响下一年春耕。镇精准扶贫项目帮助其将玉米秸秆回收并卖给新能源公司,既增加了一 家人的收入,又为能源发电提供了燃料,使他们的生活有了奔头。
Poverty alleviation officials help Yang Zhanhua recycle corn straw at a village in Yushu, Jilin Province,
on Nov. 29, 2018. Since Yang and his wife cannot work due to illness, the officials help them sell
corn straw to a new-energy company to increase their income.
赵桂华 / Zhao Guihua
2013年10月20日,吉林白城洮南市呼和车力蒙古族乡车力村,贫困户张武一家抓住晴好天 气打场收粮。目前,这户农家依靠科学种田和辛勤劳动已脱贫摘帽。
A poverty-stricken household thresh grains on a sunny day in a village in Baicheng, Jilin Province, on
Oct. 20, 2013. The hard-working family has risen out of poverty by adopting scientific farming.
杨瑷璐 / Yang Ailu
2013年9月14日,西藏自治区拉萨市曲水县达嘎乡达嘎村,藏族同胞秋收扬场。在国家脱 贫政策的帮助下,当地取得了农业丰收。
Tibetans winnow barley in a village in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Sept. 14, 2013. The
farmers have been given poverty alleviation aid to reap a good harvest.
范黎芳 / Fan Lifang
2019年9月2日,甘肃省武威市民勤县蔡旗镇蔡旗村,村民收获地膜洋 芋。民勤县位于腾格里沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠之间,是国家级插花贫困 县。近几年,蔡旗村种植地膜洋芋1800多亩,亩产量8000多斤,亩产 值5000元,依靠特色种植产业实现脱贫致富。
Villagers harvest potatoes in Caiqi Village of Minqin County, Gansu Province, on
Sept. 2, 2019. Minqin, which is located between two major deserts, has managed
to increase locals’ income by growing around 120 hectares of potatoes that on
average generates about 5,000 yuan ($713) for each mu (0.07 hectares).
厍运涛 / She Yuntao
2018年5月8日,贵州省铜仁市玉屏侗族自治县朱家场镇混寨村,驻村干部深入田间地头, 帮助贫困户收割油菜籽。
Officials help a poverty-stricken family harvest rapeseed in a village of Yuping Dong Autonomous
County, Guizhou Province, on May 8, 2018.
欧秀灯 / Ou Xiudeng
2016年4月24日,山西省大同市新荣区堡子湾乡得胜堡村,一名村民驾驶着农耕拖拉机准备投入作业。该村民利用积蓄买了这台拖拉机,在自耕的同时,还能帮着耕别人家的地, 也有不错的收入。
A farmer is on his way to plough farmland with a tractor in Deshengpu Village, Datong City, Shanxi
Province, on Apr. 24, 2016. The machine has helped the farmer earn a modest earning by cultivating
常 江 / Chang Jiang
2020年4月16日,甘肃省武威市民勤县青土湖肉苁蓉种植基地,村民展示刚刚采挖出来的肉苁蓉。2013年,当地成立了肉苁蓉农民专业合作社,探索发展梭梭林人工接种肉苁蓉, 并吸纳当地贫困户务工增收。目前,该合作社已接种肉苁蓉5000多亩,年收入300多万 元,带动周边地区发展肉苁蓉嫁接达60000亩,预计产值1.2亿元,既增加了农民收入,又 改善了生态环境。
A farmer shows freshly-picked desert broomrape from the Qingtu Lake planting base in Minqin
County, Gansu Province, on Apr. 16, 2020. The plantation grows more than 330 hectares of the crop
and earns more than 3 million yuan ( $427,700) a year.
周进学 / Zhou Jinxue
2017年12年11日,西藏自治区山南市乃东区颇章乡雪村苗圃基地,贫困户次仁仓吉(左)为 雪松除草。当地将生态文明建设与扶贫岗位相结合,在雪村建设占地1000多亩的农业苗 圃,为当地贫困户及五保户等特殊群体免费开展岗位技能培训,提供就业岗位200余个, 辐射带动颇章乡建档立卡贫困户30户72人。
Tsering Tsamgyi (left) weeds for cedars at a nursery, part of a poverty alleviation project in Xuecun
Village, Lhokha City, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Dec. 11, 2017. The government has built the
nursery covering an area of about 67 hectares in the village to provide more than 200 jobs for
poverty-stricken locals and others in need.
陈泽冰 / Chen Zebing
2019年3月19日,四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市姑咱镇章古村,村民补种白棘并清除杂草。 位于康定市的章古山现代农业产业园,“农旅融合”助推乡村振兴,流转章古山土地423 亩,建成5大产业基地,集特色食用菌产业、特色农林果木产业、高原特色汉藏药材产 业、农产品加工及休闲观光于一体。
Villagers reseed white spines and remove weeds in Zhanggu Village, Kangding City in Southwest
China’s Sichuan Province, on Mar. 19, 2019. The village attracts tourists and has become a major
producer of mushrooms, fruits, medicinal herbs and other agricultural products.
蔡仕霞 / Cai Shixia
2016年5月23日,辽宁铁岭开原市松山镇上土口子村,村民为前来旅游观光的摄影爱好者 再现传统的农业播种场景。该村梨园有着近百年的历史,“梨花经济”已经成为当地提升 知名度、脱贫致富的新引擎。
Farmers demonstrate traditional agricultural planting for photographers visiting Tukouzi Village in
Tieling, Liaoning Province, on May 23, 2016. The village has 100-year-old pear orchards which have
become popular tourist destinations.
崔维民 / Cui Weimin
2017年12月2日,福建省福清市镜洋镇磨石村,村民收割完秋季水稻后,在田里种上蔬 菜。当地村民不误农时、精耕细作,过上了小康生活。
Farmers plant vegetables after harvesting rice in the autumn in Moshi Village, East China’s Fujian
Province, on Dec. 2, 2017. Local villagers cultivate intensively and meticulously to live a better life.
陈科云 / Chen Keyun
2013年11月10日,甘肃省兰州市榆中县龙泉乡水泉湾村,贫困户蔺明一家在田里铺设地 膜,种植小麦。在帮扶工作队的帮助下,蔺明采用地膜种植小麦、玉米和土豆,初步改善 了山区干旱种植育苗死亡率高、产量低的问题,收入逐年明显提高。夫妻俩依靠务农,先 后供两个孩子考入大学并获得了心仪的工作。2019年,家里还建起了3间新房,安装上了 自来水,过上了与城里人一样的生活。
Lin Ming and his family cover the wheat they have grown with plastic film in Shuiquanwan Village, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, on Nov. 10, 2013. With the poverty alleviation task force’s help, Lin has improved crop cultivation and increased his income, which enabled him to provide college education for two children and build a new house.
窦泽中 / Dou Zezhong
2020年3月29日,广东省湛江市遂溪县草潭镇,村民收获紫 心红薯。草潭镇精准扶贫,大力发展传统品牌——紫心红 薯,并通过南薯北运,增加村民收入,助力脱贫攻坚。
Farmers harvest purple sweet potatoes in Caotan Town, Zhanjiang,
Guangdong Province, on Mar. 29, 2020. Caotan has developed the
purple sweet potato industry to help villagers rise out of poverty.
翟玉清 / Zhai Yuqing
2019年6月9日,江苏省泰州市红旗良种场育秧基地,工人们运送秧苗。当年,红旗良种场水稻种植面 积约10000多亩,丰收带动当地群众就业增收。
Workers send rice seedlings to paddy fields at a planting
base in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, on Jun. 9, 2019. The
farm grows over 600 hectares of rice, providing jobs to
locals and helping them increase their income.
殷 凯 / Yin Kai
2016年7月16日,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州阿坝县龙藏乡龙藏村,村 民在田间耕作。在援藏驻村扶贫干部的帮助和指导下,当地大力改进农 作物栽培技术,连年增产增收。
Villagers work in the fields in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in
Sichuan Province on Jul. 16, 2016. They have increased output by improving
crop cultivation techniques with the help of poverty alleviation officials.
赵远平 / Zhao Yuanping