

来源:中国日报网 2019-12-26 10:48
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曲莹璞 “新时代大讲堂” 英文致辞 《粤港澳大湾区一定会成为一个 “富有活力和国际竞争力的一流湾区”》 (略有删节,中文为译文)
I'm delighted to be with you today in Macao to discuss the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the new era.


Macao seems even more beautiful than the last time I was here in May 2008 when I served as the spokesman for the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay. Macao people's enthusiasm for the Olympic Games that was scheduled in Beijing and their love for the country were clear to see.
In all, a quarter-million Macao people and tourists joined the grand occasion and choruses of "Go China and go Olympics" still ring in my ears today.
I still have a very vivid memory of a torch bearer, Mr. Stanley Ho Hung-sun. High-spirited and sprightly, he participated in the relay at the age of 86. I do hope I am as lively when I reach that age.
澳门“赌王”何鸿燊在传递火炬 图片来源:新华网


Since its return to the motherland, Macao’s economy has developed rapidly. Its position as a global tourism and leisure center has been consolidated.And it plays a key role as a platform for deepening trade and economic cooperation between China and Lusophone countries. An increasingly more prosperous Macao is living proof of the successful practice of the "one country, two systems" principle.
As President Xi Jinping has pointed out, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. And not only has the country's reform and opening-up stepped into a new era, but so too has the principle of "one country, two systems".
今年10月底,中共十九届四中全会通过了《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化若干重大问题的决定》。
At the end of October, the fourth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed the CPC Central Committee's Decision on Some Major Issues Concerning How to Uphold and Improve the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Advance the Modernization of China's System and Capacity for Governance.


The decision emphasizes that it is necessary to fully and correctly implement the principle of "one country, two systems". That is "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and "Macao people administering Macao" with a high degree of autonomy.
The decision also emphasizes the importance of building a coordinated development mechanism to leverage the complementary advantages of the two special administrative regions and the mainland. Boosting the integration of Hong Kong and Macao with the overall development of the country will create a world-class bay area and world-class city cluster that can be role model for high-quality development. It will support Hong Kong and Macao developing their economies and improving people's lives.
中国日报社副总编辑曲莹璞致辞。(中国日报记者 邓永安/摄)



The central government attaches great importance to the development of Macao and has given the special administrative region strong support in many aspects over the years. With the implementation of national strategies such as the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, there are significant opportunities for Macao to grasp to ensure it has a bright future.
Looking back at the 2008 torch relay, we walked a long and hard way to present the world with an "unparalleled" Olympic Games.
Although we face some challenges today, the "one country, two systems" principle will shine more brilliantly in Hong Kong and Macao as long as we unite as one. In doing so, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will become a dynamic, first-class area with global competitiveness and the dream of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation is bound to come true.
I would like to end by saying that we all are torch bearers for the new era and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Thank you.
刘关华 “新时代大讲堂” 英文致辞 《澳门将珍惜参与到 大湾区建设的宝贵机会》 (略有删节,中文为译文)
The Outline Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was released in February this year. While the plan puts the Greater Bay Area as a powerhouse, it positions Macao as the "core engine" of this powerhouse, strengthening the radiating effect of Macao in leading regional development.That shows trust of the central government in Macao as well as the great expectation on the future of Macao.


Not only the Macao SAR government but also on the whole society is confident that taking part in the development of the Greater Bay Area brings unprecedented opportunities for our future development.
澳门贸易投资促进局主席刘关华致辞。(中国日报记者Calvin Ng/摄)
Being one of the four core cities that play a significant role in the overall development of the Greater Bay Area, Macao shall aim at developing into a world-class tourism and leisure center and a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, to promote an appropriate level of diversified economic development and to enhance the Greater Bay Area to developed international markets especially the Portuguese-speaking countries' markets, and develop into a base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture is the mainstream and diverse cultures coexist.
On the other hand, we shall pursue the development of the "Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao" innovation and technology corridor, which jointly develop a big data center as well as a platform for the international innovation in the Greater Bay Area.
It is expected that the development of the Greater Bay Area will foster the regional economy and development, promoting integration and cooperation and enhance Chinese competitiveness in the global market.
In the new era of the Greater Bay Area, Macao will treasure this magnificent opportunity, taking our own advantages, accelerating our integration into the overall development of the country, dedicating to the development of the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, and contributing to the sustainable development of a beautiful, smart Greater Bay Area.
编导 孟哲 葛天琳
编辑 胡雨濛
文稿校对 孟哲
现场录制 孟哲 王韦翰
包装设计 田驰
统筹 王瑜
制片人 张霄
审核 何娜 高启辉
监制 柯荣谊 出品人 曲莹璞 王浩
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